Chapter 53
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Mila: You what!?

Daiken: Yeah, we got to get moving again...

Daiken had told Mila the whole story while Masis quietly sat back and pretended to be focused on his piece of cake.

Mila: I'm pretty pissed, your telling me we have to go to Pakistan now?

Daiken: Is that where the river is?

Mila: Yeah, it is, and guess what? I can't speak whatever language Pakistan uses, I could speak a little Arab, English, Japanese, and a number of other different European Languages but not theirs.

Daiken: We don't even have to interact with the people there.

Mila: Why do we even need to do this? Just ditch the Katana we have Arak at his full potential.

Arak: Well I struggled with a special grade 1.

Mila: I guess your right.

Daiken: We could totally overpower Maki.

Mila: Yeah but we actually had a chance with Yuxan and Ikuto, Yuxan isn't as strong as Maki.

Arak: Also Ikuto was a powerful grade 1.

Daiken: We're going nowhere with this.

Mila: Yeah no shit, your ass is going to be tricked into summoning a ancient Heian Sorcerer that could kick our ass into oblivion as well as the rest of the world.

Masis finally spoke up.

Masis: May I speak?

Mila: Fine, Masis, What do you wish to say.

Masis: The way I see it is that this Kazeshoyo fellow is probably going to kill Daiken and possibly take his corpse afterwards if he doesn't do what he says, the reason he hasn't brought this up would be purely logical as a failsafe, so I think it's only a matter of time before we have to fight him, besides he stuck his neck out multiple times for us and helped us kill Yuxan, we should pay back the favor.

Mila looked down at the table, undetermined to answer. After a few more moments of silence Mila looked back up at the group.

Mila: We're going to Pakistan.

Arak: It's not like we had a choice like Masis said.

Daiken: What language do they speak in Pakistan?

Everyone looked at Masis.

Masis: What're you looking at me for?

Mila: You just seem to be the kind of guy to know.

Masis: Well, I do. It's Urdu.

Mila then looked up.

Mila: We should all be heading to bed, Daiken, check on Watane.

Daiken: Alright.

Daiken slowly opened the door and asked if everything was alright, but he heard the wind from inside the room, he opened the door all the way and saw that Watane had escaped through the window.

Daiken: Oh for fuck's sake.