Chapter 57
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“What did you say, a dimension intruder? When did it happen?” Ancient One became serious as soon as she heard the sorcerer’s words.

A dimension intruder was always a serious matter and it was especially so in this case because a small scale dimension invasion had occurred not even a month ago.

“It was about half an hour ago. That dimension intruder was so strong and fast that the sorcerers we had sent simply had no chance against it. It was only by luck that we had been able to trap it in the Mirror Dimension.” The sorcerer described the whole summary of the situation as fast as he could.

“I see. Wait a moment!” Saying these words, Ancient One created a magic circle and closed her eyes. Looks like she was sensing if there were any cracks in the dimension walls.

It was incredibly important to check the status of the dimension walls as soon as news was heard about any dimension intruder because it could be a prelude to an invasion. If there were indeed cracks in the dimension walls, it would not take even a single day before a dimension invasion would begin.

“Fortunately, there are no cracks present on the dimension walls.” Ancient One said with relief evident in her tone as she opened her eyes.

“It seems that when that cosmic entity had hastily channeled its psionic energy through Jean, it had been quite rough in the process. This had caused the hairline cracks which had been present from the previous dimension invasion to widen momentarily this allowing the intrusion of that other dimensional creature.” Ancient One explained what had actually happened.

“Now, tell me everything you know about this dimension intruder.” Ancient One asked the sorcerer who had brought the news.

“We had felt a dimensional anomaly in the Alps Mountains about half an hour ago. We decided to check the anomaly first before reporting because the energy of the anomaly we had felt was just too low for there to be a big matter.

When we went to the place where the anomaly was felt, the entire region was covered in clouds with thunder and lightning crackling near continuously. That is when we saw the dimension intruder.

It was a wolf shaped creature although it was completely formed of lightning. As soon as we saw the creature, we launched several spells at it. But the creature disappeared before our eyes with a flash. The very next moment, it attacked one of the sorcerers but he was able to defend himself fortunately by creating a shield. 

As soon as that wolf shaped creature hit the shield, it immediately retreated. It was just too cautious. We were no match for that monster as it's speed could be described to be as fast as lightning.

We only managed to trick it into the mirror dimension because it got too careless in the end. When it attacked me, I was able to create a portal to the Mirror Dimension right before it hit me. 

I can only say that I was just too lucky. I had decided to take a risk because I knew that we would never be able to escape unless we trapped that creature.”

The sorcerer finished his tale with a look of horror in his eyes. His face was filled with terror as he described just how powerful and fast this creature was.

“Hmm… It is indeed a rare and powerful creature. Moreover, it is even an elemental one and also a lightning attribute on top of it. Master Wong, bring me the book ‘Agamotto’s Book of Monsters: Beasts of Lightning’.” Ancient One asked Master Wong for a book which described lightning attribute monsters when she heard about the monster's description.

“Here it is, Ancient One.” Master Wong picked up the book by creating a small portal as if he was not taking it out from his library but from his own pockets and gave it to Ancient One.

“This is the monster. Thunder Wolf, a lightning elemental monster from Futhrak’s dimension. It is a rare monster even there which has the ability to move at incredible speeds with the help of lightning energy.” Ancient One showed us the monster's picture in the book which described a wolf shaped creature completely formed of lightning.

“Peter, I think you should go to hunt this monster. With your immunity to lightning, you are the perfect counter to this beast. Also, I remember that you had said that you required lightning attribute materials last time you had come to Kamar Taj. The elemental crystal obtained from hunting the Thunder Wolf would just be perfect.” Ancient One proposed for me to hunt the Thunder Wolf as I was its perfect counter and the elemental crystal obtained from hunting this monster would be perfect for me to make my personal artefact.

“I can hunt this Thunder Wolf, Ancient One. But it would be difficult for me to match its speed. Although I can catch it with Thunderclap and Flash, I can only use this mystic art in short bursts while the Thunder Wolf can move at that speed continuously.” It was not that I could not hunt it, but it would likely be a protracted battle which could go on for hours.

“Ah! That's right. You should not go alone. Maybe you can take one of the students here along with you. I think Emma would be perfect.” Upon hearing my words, Ancient One suddenly proposed for Emma to come with me.

“But why Emma?” I questioned.

“Because the Thunder Wolf is a very unique elemental creature. As such, it would not be affected by most of the conventional attacks. On the other hand, most of these students don't have any defensive means. So, they can't fight against the Thunder Wolf who can easily approach them within a second.

Emma can defend herself with the help of her diamond form and she can also block the Thunder Wolf in its tracks using the telekinetic barriers.

The Thunder Wolf may be an elemental creature but it still moves in the physical realm. As such, it can be affected by telekinesis.” 

Upon hearing Ancient One's words, I realised that Emma was indeed the only one at this moment who could accompany me for the hunt of this unique creature.

“Peter, I am willing to go with you.” Emma agreed to go with me even after hearing what kind of monster we were going to hunt.

“Really.” I said, surprised by her willingness.

“Of course, I am willing. After all, where will I get this chance to see and fight such a unique creature. Besides, with you there, I believe that I will not even need to do much.” Emma said, expressing her confidence in me that I could easily defeat the Thunder Wolf.

“Since you are going, Emma, let me give you some tips. Only use telekinesis to deal with the Thunder Wolf. Never try to enter its mind. The mind of an other dimensional creature is completely different especially if it is an elemental one. However, you can feel its mind to sense its location. It will give you a little advantage.” Ancient One gave Emma some instructions regarding how to fight an elemental creature as a psychic.

“Also, let me give this to you for extra protection.” Saying these words, Ancient One created a small portal and took out a bracelet and a ring.

“This bracelet is something I had created for Peter's training although there never came a day for its use. It will create a spherical barrier around you which has great lightning resistance. This ring can release a fireball spell although it only has five charges. It will provide an extra means of combat for you.” Ancient One explained the function of each artefact patiently to Emma.

“Shall we depart now, Peter?” Emma asked after she had worn the artefacts and tested them to see if she could use them properly.

“Of course, we should depart as soon as we can. The more we late, the greater there is the chance that the Thunder Wolf will escape the Mirror Dimension.” As the Thunder Wolf was an other dimensional beast, it could escape the Mirror Dimension although it would take it a lot of effort to do so.

“Peter!” Ancient One called out to me as both of us were about to depart.

“Although the Thunder Wolf is a lightning elemental, you should try your red lightning at it. Maybe you will be surprised by its effects.” Ancient One said, giving me a final advice.


So, we move on to Peter's first fight with a proper boss monster and it is even an elemental one. 

Actually, I had the idea of the Thunder Wolf in my mind even before I had started writing this story and as such wanted to include it somewhere. So, here it is. 

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye