Weakness: Women
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“Okay, Beatriz? Pay attention to your surroundings, no more mud faces.” It took me a long time to notice it wasn’t much that I was clumsy, more that I wasn’t used to this body’s sense of balance, so I tripped a lot while trying to go near the animals I heard and the river to clean myself.

“But this island is bigger than I thought for something just floating in the skies.” Talking to myself to not feel lonely, all while groping my own tits since I was curious about how soft they feel.


…It made me moan.

I’m not doing this in public.

“Is this place a mountain range or an ample forest?” The blue trees seemed overwhelming by their size, even covering the sun when looking up, and they had mountains in the distance with no trees nearby them.

Was that snow near them?

I have a sweater, though it was better to not risk going there.

I also tried touching the trees because of the hint being blue, and nothing special happened.

I have no common sense as told by my mother many times, so I have no idea where is north or south just looking at the sun's direction, or even what I should be doing to survive when left alone in nature.

I was hoping I get my Install back to ask those animals what to do or find people to help me.

“Pretty sure I have been walking for one hour at least… I’m not that tired or with hunger.”

I’m not an athletic person and I have health problems related to my intestine, so I was expecting myself to get hungry and even have to eat random fruits I found.

The need never came no matter how much I walked.

“Is this a game like I thought?”

As soon I said that, the vibrations I felt in my Install hit me again, making my whole body jump a little and my boobs bounce too much.

I need a bra.

“Wait, those vibrations were-”

There I saw it.

The cause of the vibrations as it came crashing down, topping down the trees to be at my side.

It was bigger than any being I ever saw in my life, its pure gold eyes staring me down, even that was bigger than my whole body as its slit regarded me with animosity.

I thought it could be a dragon by how menacing it was, but it was built more like a tiger.

It was purple all around, with a scary carapace that could hurt me with just one touch.

Its hands, paws? Had an enormous spike at its front that could be the end of its victims and its tail was spiked, looking sharper than any knife.

In summary, I was dead.

It roared at me, blowing me away as its mouth came close to me, the smell almost knocking me out too as I was so close to being eaten up.

[Battle Start!]


[Starter Deck Unlocked.]

Thanks, only now you do it.

[Hand draw!]

[Current Hand: Reversal (Attack). Block (Defense). Call Bird (Summon).]

Time seemed to slow down as those cards appeared in my front, they had cute drawings of what would happen if I used them probably.

The Reversal one is the usual attack done in fighting games to get invincible frames and hit the opponent. Block is easy to imagine, and Call Bird showed the one I talked about earlier eating some fruits.

I’m dead doing any of these as the block would have chip damage most likely, and if I call the bird it probably will too die, no need to increase the number of deaths.

Wait, the bird?

“...Meow?” Instead of redrawing the hand with the mouth so close to me, or going desperate attacking it, I did what would be considered stupid when near death.

I meowed while moving my hands as if were cat paws.

[Cat Girl Install On!]

“An Opoem?” The tiger-like beast closed its mouth coming for me and spoke to me as if it was inside my head. “What are you doing in my territory? This island isn’t for your kind.” The voice this time was pretty clear to be from a woman, though angered like one that calls for the manager when buying vegetables in a supermarket.

I’m so lucky, the cooldown wore off. It seems to be about one hour?

“Hello, Ma’am. I can only understand you for a limited amount of time.” I bowed, trying to act like a meek but respectable clerk dealing with a Karen.  “I don’t know what I am doing here either, I just appeared here even if it's hard to believe and I have no intention of disturbing your peace. I’m just so lost and don’t even have any idea where I will sleep today.”

I tried to be as honest as possible in my tone, which resonated well with the monster by the notification I got.

[Battle End!]

[New Skill Rank!]

[Cat Girl Install Rank 2: You now take reduced fall damage when in Install and can jump higher even outside of it.]

Maybe there is an experience cap since dealing with a monster like this would have given me more experience.

“I can’t sense any lies from you. You’re forgiven, O little incomplete Opoem. It seems you haven’t done your deep dive yet, so no wonder you can’t understand me for long.” She stared at my chest for quite a long time, enough to make me conscious and try to hide it with my hands. “No Connections either, will you even survive here?” Her voice now carried worry, which was surprising to me.

I don’t know much about those Opoems, but thank you for making all animals and monsters love you guys.

“I have no idea… could you please guide me or tell me where I can go to meet people, or just point a place I can sleep.” My body was starting to feel hot, was this 'sense overload' by understanding something so powerful as them? Breathing roughly as I suddenly started to think she wasn’t that scary.

“Sounds troublesome.” She might have said that but I could feel her searching for a place to me like a caring mother, she’s so charming for it and kind… “Some annoying humans are living near the border, you just have to, rahng, huyg-”

Oh no, I was starting to not understand her.

I want it more, she’s so pretty, those scales making me feel so alive by even seeing them, I want to touch them.

And I did just that just before the Install was completely off, touching her mouth as if wanting to hug her and meowing in happiness, my whole body so warm that I felt delirious with me rubbing myself, even my boobs against her, muttering a name I never heard in my life as if was something dear to me that I forgot a long time ago.

“Layla, I missed you…”


Why is everything turning black?

I wanted to feel that happiness more…


I’m now conscious after probably passing out but I don’t want to open my eyes.

I’m so embarrassed.

Did I go in ‘heat’ for that monster? 

This is the worst.

“Wake up time, sleepyhead.” A pretty voice made me open my eyes to my surroundings. 

I was still in the blue forest but near actual buildings and… flying boats? They were all flying in the direction of the island instead of leaving it.

“Oh, hi.” And I was on this beautiful lady’s lap, resting my head and looking at her eyes' charming golden eyes with a slit, just like… the monster.

My body started to get hot again when I saw that her boobs were so close to me and knowing the usual patterns of how powerful monsters can take human forms.

I honestly didn’t know if it was me being on her lap or the fact she was probably the monster that made me blush more.

I don’t want to know either, I’m feeling so out of myself.

“You were out for at least two hours here, need help going home, little lady?” She laughed seeing my blush, caressing my blond hair as if owning it for a second before stopping herself with a cheeky smile.

Her beauty was truly out of this world, she was dark-skinned with short purple hair and wore a revealing simple black backless undershirt and jeans just like me, making her clothing choice a little weird.

Her muscles were easy to see, be it her abs that appeared through her undershirt or thighs full of power that could probably destroy my head but felt good still to lay on them.

Oh no, I suddenly want to meow again for different reasons.

Endure it.

You’re an adult.

“I don’t think I can be considered a little lady, but thank you for taking care of me until I woke up, and no idea where a home would be.” I moved away from her lap and stood up despite her looking disappointed by it.

Even I was.

Yes, this is that monster. I refuse to believe I would have a crush on a woman I just met, this is that ‘heat’ I got in because of the Install still manipulating my thoughts.

She stood up without any grace after that, extending a hand to me. “My name’s Karen, what’s yours?”

Oi, she isn’t even trying to disguise it, she read my mind that time, didn’t she?

“...I’m Beatriz.” Easier than I thought to say it as I shook her rough hand. “Any idea how I got here?”

“No, I just found you when coming back from my training and decided to wait for you to wake up since we are safe with the Lord here.” She pointed to her back and sure enough, I saw the tiger monster some kilometers away sleeping, her size so massive I could see from here.

…My world feels like crashing and burning, wasn’t this ‘Karen’ the monster? How did I get here? Does this mean I got a crush on a random woman I just met without the influence of my Install?

All this sucks.

Also, I can understand her without a problem, does this mean this world’s humans speak the same language as me, or is it just a perk from being brought here?

“What’s her-” I coughed a little to Karen not find weird I know the Lord’s gender. “What is its name?”

“We only call it Lord, but you could make a case for naming it Lord of Juty, this island’s name.” Karen stretched after being so long as my lap pillow, making me notice way more of her whole body, even her ass which would be so good to-

Calm down.

Calm down.

I’m an adult.

I won’t go meow, and won’t try to squeeze a stranger’s ass.

“So this is an island that floats, right?” I couldn’t think of a better way of asking it.

“Did you lose your memories? That’s common knowledge, how did you even get here without knowing that?” A small laugh came from her as she rubbed her chin. “You were muttering a lot the name Layla for example, do you remember it?”

My whole body tensed up before calming down.

“No, never in my life.” I really didn’t ever say or hear that name in my life. “And… yes! I lost my memories and I’m completely lost, I only have my name to me!” That was too much of a good excuse to pass up to gather information and not like I'm lying considering my past.

“That explains a lot. Well, then going to the border city won’t help you much now.”

“Why so?”

“You saw those sky fliers, right? The little boats flying. They’re going towards the treasure, and any of your friends too probably.” She pointed to the sleeping Lord. “It only goes to sleep every other year, and never did it so far away from its nest. Meaning the reason this border city was created was completely free to grab for any of the treasure hunters “

“And you stayed here to take care of me instead of going for it?” A little guilty now.

“I can’t abandon cuties around, and just between you and me, I never cared about the treasure. I just came here to fight with all the strong monsters and spar with the Lord too.” She shrugged and I believed her, she looked powerful enough to maybe have a bout with that tiger. “Not much spar to be done when it’s sleeping though, it’s time to leave the island. It usually sleeps for months and I don’t like to bother others, so not disturbing it.”

Ignoring the blush I felt for being called cutie, I started to wonder what to even do now.

I have to thank the Lord for bringing me this close to the border after I passed out, but I can’t just stay here for months to do that.

And was it right to ignore all these people going for the treasure? They only doing it because maybe the Lord helped me and went to sleep far away from her nest.

What can I even do though? I’m just-

“Dodge it if you don’t wanna die.”

[Battle start!]


I could only hear Karen’s voice and turned to her before feeling my world covered in red, no, it was Karen’s fist coming directly to my face.

It was enormous.

I felt like such a little weak existence before it, the wind pressure enough to cut my head off if it reached me, imagine the fist.

I didn’t understand why time always slowed down in battle but I thanked it, however not even the slow down could stop that fist coming for me.

What I do, what I do, what I do, what I do!

Meowing won’t save me this time.

[Current Hand: Reversal (Attack). Block. (Defense). Call Bird (Summon)]

Thankfully, my system knew the answer and threw it at me.

I had to finally use my cards.

My hand was still the same too.

I could redraw it, but I have no idea what’s even in my deck.

She said to dodge it, and I know chip damage exists in all fighting games. It could be if I chose block, I would still die.

So the answer to this is.

[Reversal (Attack) used!]

My body faintly shone and instead of moving away from the fist of death, I stepped towards it.

It trembled faintly when I did that, and I used that opportunity as if was all natural to me to start my attack, the fist passing through my head since I was invincible, no, intangible for some frames of seconds.

“DP!” Even in my concentrated state, I had to shout something, after all, it’s a reversal.

When I did that in the form of an uppercut, a white tiger phantom head appeared on my right hand with traces of lightning flowing through my whole body, going for Karen’s body.

God, this is scary.

Thankfully, Karen just sidestepped and avoided my DP - can I even call it that if it is a tiger? - with ease, I didn’t want to hurt her even if she started it up.

”Wow, you went beyond my wildest expectations. Great job, Beatriz!” Despite trying to kill me, she was all cheerful as if what she did was normal, laughing heartily and patting me on the shoulder, respect being easily felt from her and something else I couldn’t understand well.

“What was that about!” I was still so scared, trying to breathe normally again.

She scratched her head. “I wasn’t trying to hit you, I just wanted to wake you up from thinking too hard, though didn’t expect you to just go straight in!” Her eyes shone, making me feel so weak and wanting to kiss her. “It was the coolest… you even bypassed my fist using magic too?! I have to admit my heart trembled seeing you doing that. Even if you are so much weaker than me... That courage, that energy, that beautiful power! Perfection, a 10/10 from me!”

“Thanks…” I’m weak to compliments! I can’t be mad anymore, man.

“Beatriz, please. Let’s be friends, I want to see more of you. No one ever dared to challenge me like that and even succeed at it.” Karen’s voice carried a tenderness that made me feel again as if happy just hearing it from when I was talking to the monster, she coming to hug me and caress my hair made it way harder to say anything against her.

Ah. The boobs.

They touching, that sweet voice, I-

“Yes, let’s be friends.”

I’m so weak to women.

[Battle End!]