Chapter 16: Princess Yulia*
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Pandorica’s natural state was chaos.

It wasn’t like there were no laws or order in the courtrooms. It was simply the fact that everyone was born even more unequal than an Earthling. There were those who awakened a ‘Class’, and those who didn’t. Even among them existed discrepancies.

The woman who now went by the name of ‘Yulia Pandorica’ had such an experience herself. She had a secret that only she was privy to. Memories that should not have existed flowed through her head.

She remembered a lifetime of being known by a different name. A time when she wasn’t the second princess out of five siblings. Though this also brought out a new perspective about her situation.

Yulia awoke with new eyes.

She traversed the imperial palace.

Seeing everything in a brand new light.

Her steps were uncomfortably silent.

She passed by her older sister’s game room. Princess Anita wasn’t paying attention as usual. Only those in the family knew that King Ramos entrusted her the role of data manipulation. It was her given duty.

What was unfair was that Prince Rain, the third and most forgettable of the siblings, was allowed to share a bit of that responsibility. He was allowed to laze around since he was a young man rather than woman. His prospects brighter than his sisters.

At least he wouldn’t be married out of the family.

Instead acting as backup for the main line.

This was his own responsibility.

And the job he could choose for himself.

It was similar to how Prince Argent’s role was to oversee the ascenders who had yet to commit any crimes. Ramos made it clear that under his rule, all imperial family members must have a responsibility.

Those who didn’t were to find one themselves.

Or accept responsibility when they’re called upon.

The latter mostly aimed towards the princesses.

They knew their fates.

Princess Yulia took it upon herself to become a palace manager. Her role was to keep the place clean and security firm. Having subordinates in every corner, and did any job entrusted by the new King.

She also had a particular job that remained a secret.

Something she couldn’t speak of to her siblings.

There was a mostly innocent atmosphere she envied in that room, but struggled to reach out to them. Her role was much dirtier than their own, and she could only be content regardless of her previous life.

She passively accepted her responsibilities.

As well as her eventual fate as a bargaining chip.

“I should check on him.” Yulia thought. It wasn’t like she could stand by the door and watch the siblings forever. Never to be by their side in future. All she could do was remember their times as children.

When their father had yet to become a ‘Fallen King’.

When their brother still cared for their thoughts.

Such thoughts stopped when she had check on him. 

She remembered the words of King Ramos:

“Keep an eye on him.” Her brother knew exactly what watching over the previous king entailed, and he still left it to the second princess. It was the only way to keep the Reigning Queen unaware of this.

The dirty secret Ramos tried to keep out of sight.

Yulia headed towards the Fallen King’s bedroom. It was late at night, but her stamina as a Gaia Human and increased capabilities as someone who had awakened a ‘Class’ helped. She did not feel fatigue.

The moment she got closer, she heard some panting.

“Oh~ Oh my dearest King! I’m honoured~!” In the furthest building from the centre of the imperial palace, where few servants resided… the sound of an amorous tryst could be heard from the corridor.

An exotic woman wearing the clothing of an Arabian dancer lifted her hips. Devouring the seeds of the man above and exchanging it with her fluids. She did not seem of this world, and that was understandable.

Because she was an ascender.

The woman was serving Yulia’s father dutifully.

As the woman should be…

…as the bargaining chip given to former ruler.

Yulia felt no emotions watching the scene, nor did she avert her eyes from them. It didn’t even seem to matter that the half-naked man bedding the woman was her father. She had saw this scene many times.

“Woman, you were worth everything. Take it! Bear me some bastard children!” The white-haired yet still handsome Lucas Arcadia pumped her again. He drilled his manhood deep into her and released it all.

The princess watched as her father was breeding with the slave. Her only role being to make sure her father did not become ambitious. If he was to look like he did, she was given the role to end his life.

She was the wall that kept the man in this palace.

Feeding, cleaning, and keeping this building isolated from the outside world. All so her father could be distracted. Though he was an incompetent ruler, no child wanted to get rid of their father in cold blood.

This was the mercy of King Ramos to the now Fallen King, Lucas Pandorica. The man who was so useless that the new ruler had to desperately clean up his mess. Especially in regard to his marriage life.

Yulia observed them while being uncomfortably curious about their thoughts. Normally, she would shy away… but now she was watching the two of them carefully. How the slave was behaving.

After they had another round, the exotic woman turned around and started to ‘clean’ him. Her mouth seemed devoted, and her expression showed no signs of being discontent with her life as a sex slave.

If the current Yulia was the same, she would have believed this was just normal slave behaviour. The strong ‘training’ the woman must have had should’ve made her submit. Making her simply a plaything.

However, the new memories Yulia had denied this.

Now… she knew what ‘training’ meant to a slave.

Her mind started to wonder.

Looking back to that past.

She didn’t remember her name, because she was trained to let go of her name back then. Forcing her to forget basic common sense. Giving her no choice but to grow attached herself to the identity given.

Yulia remembered her past life to start off as being a nobleman’s child. She was expected of great things once she had awakened. Regardless of what Class she was given, the future should have been bright.

If she was given the ‘Maid’ Class, she could have worked here. If she was a ‘Farmer’, then she would have married a nobleman who owned a garden. The possibilities were endless so long as she tried.

However, Yulia’s past life was filled with misfortune.

Because she awakened a particularly dirty class:


Her mere existence brought shame to the family. It caused her father to disown her. Choosing to destroy any evidence of her having existed. One night, she was peacefully sleeping until assailants barged into her room. Grasping her by the neck and strangling.

Perhaps it would’ve been better as assassination.

She would have been fortunate to be killed there.

However, the assailants did not act any further.

“Pack the merchandise up.” A scarred man spoke.

She struggled, but the assailants had ropes and bondage. Even tape that had been created from the knowledge of ascenders. Her claustrophobia started to kick in when remembering the vivid details.

They pulled the skirt of her elaborate dress up and tried her wrists. She felt suffocated by the large dress that covered the upper part of her body. Revealing everything underneath her armpits and binding her.

It was then the man spoke to her: “Don’t struggle.”

“Stop… Please stop…!” Her voice was muffled by the dress. She was a crying mess. Her agonised screams fell on deaf ears. Her skirt once attached to the bellyband-like corset was ripped off of her body.

It turned the skirt into a large cloth that was used to subjugate her. The men seemed fully aware of what they were doing. Taping it and roping it around her neck. Then they cut two small holes next to her ears.

The same man from before spoke again: “Stop.”

It was a command that scared her to death. The men tightly held her hands so she wouldn’t be able to struggle. Keeping it behind her head. They did not touch her legs, but she wasn’t brave enough to kick.

It was simple cowardice of a sheltered girl. She may have grown into a young woman, but she was still just a regular noblewoman. So much so that she was foolish enough to call out to her father in urgency.

“Father, please… Don’t kill me. I’m sorry… Please don’t kill me.” She cried sorrowfully under the skirt covering her face. Begging for the man who raised to have some affection for her. Even if just a little.

“You won’t be dying. That will be a waste.” Her father didn’t sound merciful. His voice was still cold as a knife. She could hear someone taking a seat from her bedroom desk and dragging it towards her.

Someone sat on her seat.

“Listen and don’t speak. It’s better if you understand your situation and role with it. A noble like yourself will catch a good price, but we’ll have to… ‘educate’ you again if you misbehave.” The man spoke gently.

His rude words not matching his tone. 


“No speaking. That’s the first rule, or we have ways to make sure you can’t talk anymore. You’re only to use your mouth when you’re suckling your master’s balls… or blowing him off.” The man wasn’t stopped by her father, and she wasn’t brave enough to fight.

The hands grabbing her arms seemed inescapable. It was forceful and violent. Ready to torture her if she refused. After being told that, she was dragged off the bed and forced to walk while exposed like this.

Eventually, she was officially made into a slave.

There was no way for her escape their clutches. Even if she wasn’t branded, the status of a slave was enough for her surroundings to turn on her. Having no sympathy despite the situation she was put in.

She was even ‘trained’ before being sold.

Being told that her eyes were unnecessary. Sex slaves only needed a mouth. Gazing upon her future master would make them uncomfortable, and she would lose her value if her future master didn’t want her.

Of course, the only reason she was even trained was because of her unwillingness to go along with their demands. The disgusting scent of a man’s made her jerk back, but a leash pulled her towards her trainer.

They first trained her mouth.

She was taught to show sincerity and devotion when servicing her future master. In her past life, Yulia had this instinctive urge pushing her to learn what she was taught. Unable to escape her Class bindings.

‘Prostitutes’ were naturally adept sluts in the eyes of many. Her trainer shamelessly praised her body and talents. Laughing while denying her begging. Instead punishing her whenever she spoke her thoughts.

She was never allowed to wear a dress back then.

Dresses were for human beings. Not slaves.

Rights were also for humans.

They indoctrinated as her slave everyday.

Not caring if she understood or not.

There was no interaction. Her face was always covered by a gimp mask that completely covered her head. The only part allowed to be exposed was the mouth. Small holes were made near her ears and nose so she could hear them. Listen to them closely.

She was dissociated from time that day forth. How long she was captive, her name, etc. All of that which made her anything more than a sex tool was stripped away. Leaving only a scared woman with no name.

Eventually, her Class took over.

“Good, good…” Her trainer was content and stroked the latex where her hair would be. It had been a long time since she had seen anything. The only thing she was allowed to think of was the one she serviced.

“You’re ready to be sold.” With the trainer’s guaranteeing her submission, she was finally allowed out of the routine. No longer was she given disgusting food covered in her trainer’s pheromones.

No longer subjected to take on any fetish.

She heard the man she’d later have to call master walk in a day later. He didn’t talk to her. She could hear his heavy footsteps and voice. Talking to her trainer while deciding on a price for her body.

A scene that no longer moved her.

“So this is the girl.” He walked up to her, but didn’t interact with her. His large hands grabbed her by the breast and lifted her off the ground. Tugging her left and right like she was a piece of meat in his hands.

“Lean over there a bit.” Her future master made Yulia put her hands on the nearby table. She was made to show her ass. It had been thoroughly cleaned by a special enema. Cleaning out her body.

Mint-like tingling felt like a breeze was traversing her body. Especially when the buyer opened her front and back up. They some kind of tool to her every nook and cranny. Each crease of her asshole.

All lower body hair stopped growing at that point.

“Good stuff.” The man appreciated the trainer.

The sounds of coins exchanged were heard.

They ended up taking her away from that place.

Her entire life changed the way she was told it was by the trainer. While at the slave trainer’s side, she was given the bare minimum to survive. However, a noble took care of her needs like she was a pet.

The new master ‘took care’ of her his own way.

Her first time was taken, and she felt from the grabs and embraces that her master was really obese. He had chose to keep her blindfolded, but eventually took off the gimp mask at some point in time.

But that didn’t mean he treated her any better.

After she was sold, she was subjected to even more humiliation. In the end of it, her mind started to break down. She started to believe she really was just a piece of meat. Her master was a cowardly little man indeed. Scared any freedom will make her act.

He’d transport her in a box, and would always keep two vibrators in her body. Stimulating her pussy and ass until she was on the verge of insanity. Her own Class making it so any touch would feel like heaven.

She became lost in pleasure.

Eventually, he took the blindfold of her head.

Telling her that he would pass her to his son.

Gagging her in case she tried to ‘manipulate’ his son.

…It was just one form of bondage for another.

Not that she had any willpower at that point. Her mind had been brainwashed. Unable to think of escaping any longer. There wasn’t even any despair in her heart. Not even in her very last moments.

Due to her Class and ‘Growth Correction’, she stayed the same in the average 200 years of her lifespan and never physically deformed. After being passed around, her various masters cleaned her for use.

Eventually, she died of old age in that way.

Maybe it was because her mind was destroyed that she became more accepting of the ‘Princess Yulia’ persona of this life. Despite reincarnation, she was not much different than she was in this life.

Her habits, hobbies, and beliefs. All of them had only been altered by a new perspective. There was no future or past knowledge she gained from that life. It only gave her this intense libido of a modified slave.

One who was taught to make every touch feel nice.

Brainwash herself into becoming masochistic.

It was thanks to these memories she knew this woman… This strange ascender with horns on her head. She wasn’t broken enough. She was playing into a role and allowed to use her sight freely.

Something most masters wouldn’t allow.

Yulia watched as her father became red from seeing his slave trace past her waist to plug her own pussy with her palm. The slave lovingly sucking away the pheromones of their mixed fluids off of his member.

It was after her father fell asleep from fatigue did the slave get up. Smiling broadly and showing no signs of displeasure on her face. She even continued to hold his semen inside of her to follow her duties.

“You’re not a slave.” Yulia’s voice was not loud, but it was abrupt enough to scare the exotic woman. She turned around and exposed her shameful body. The features she had was no different from a demon’s.

Otherworldly tanned skin that wasn’t possible in the weather of Pandorica. Just like those horns and naturally lustful mindset. Yulia could tell this woman was doing this completely out of her will.

But why…?

“Shh, you don’t want to wake him up.” The woman used her free hand to gesture. Showing no signs of trauma or mental degradation. Since an Earthling couldn’t access Job Classes, her body was natural.

Even if worse than one Classed a ‘Prostitute’.

“Answer me. Reveal your intentions to me.” Yulia crossed her arms and used her authority as a princess naturally. Stepping closer towards the woman, regardless if she felt comfortable or not.

The exotic woman seemed surprised by Yulia’s lack of emotion to seeing this scene. Her father sleeping naked on the bed while his was holding his semen in her womb. Such a scene wasn’t for innocent eyes.

So why was Yulia fine?

A spark of interest appeared in the woman’s eyes.

“Let me introduce myself. You can call me by my former title: ‘Pleasure Demon’. That WAS my name in the past, but now I’m just your father’s toy.” Even though it was inhumane, the slave accepted her place. An action that caused her to fall into thought.

Wondering if she was wrong.

“I hope that’s the case.” Yulia was too proud to apologise for her misunderstanding. Most royalty had this trait. However, her words seemed to sound like caution… It was an act that affected the woman.

“Fine… I will give you only one hint.” Pleasure Demon seemed like she had no choice. Walking her smelly body of strong odours next to Yulia, then whispering something significant into her ear.

“…Mom?” Yulia murmured, then immediately walked off to meet the person in question. The now former Reigning Queen who kept herself far away from her husband. Why was she involved here?

What was going on?

There seemed to be some scheme afoot. Something that could possibly cause a stir worse than anything that came before. Pleasure Demon watched as Yulia silently walked off. Vanishing into the dark corridor.

The exotic woman had her own agenda. This much was true. She did it all for the sake of the Heavenly Demon. For her, there was no torment she wouldn’t overcome in order to serve her ‘true master’.

No depraved act she would not partake in.

A sinister smile appeared on her face. She looked down on her waist and released her plugged pussy.

The slimy semen that leaked…

…was then licked with great satisfaction.
