Chapter 32: Pure Physical (3) [M]
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Callista's eyes opened to the warm sunlight pouring through stained-glass windows, bathing Athena's lavish bedroom in a rainbow of colours. The floral fragrance was a jarring shift from the musky scent that had filled the air just hours ago.

She stirred, a sliver of unease worming its way into her chest. The warmth of Athena's body beside her was a stark absence now. The memory of their shared intimacy sent a delicious shiver down her spine, but it was quickly overshadowed by a cold dread.

Surely, after declaring their encounter a mere… curiosity, she shouldn't feel this way. But the very thought of it being just another adrenaline rush for Athena, a fleeting indulgence, was unbearable.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Callista pushed the unwelcome emotion down. It was illogical, this sudden attachment. They were on opposite sides, hunter and hunted. Yet, the memory of Athena's touch, the vulnerability hidden beneath the predator's mask, threatened to unravel her resolve.

Pushing up on her elbows, Callista grimaced at the delightful aches playing a concerto across her muscles. Apparently, "fragile princess" was a relative term when referring to Athena. A sigh escaped her, a complex symphony of "ow," "wow," and a grudging respect for the princess's… stamina.

"Damn it," Astra grumbled, her voice sandpaper dry. Either yesterday involved a whole lot of not talking, or... well, let's just say her vocal cords were filing a restraining order against Athena. 

Reaching for her phone, she squinted at the accusatory noon displayed on the screen. "New personal record for sleeping in, just perfect!" A wry smile tugged at her lips as she rolled her eyes – a feat that sent a jolt of protest through her skull.

A blush crept up her face as a memory flickered to life – Athena's insatiable… well, ambitious appetite. Was that all it was then? A whirlwind of passion, a fleeting connection, and now… emptiness?

A rustle of fabric startled Callista. There, framed by the doorway, stood Athena. Dressed in a flowing ivory gown that screamed "look at me, but don't touch." Her golden hair, usually cascading down her back, was now intricately braided, highlighting the regal line of her jaw. 

Athena held a tray laden with a steaming lunch, the scent of spices and herbs instantly filling the air and coaxing a rumble from Callista's stomach.

"Hi there," Athena purred, setting down the tray with a playful wink. "Sleeping Beauty awakens... eventually. Or perhaps you just missed my company so much you couldn't bear to wake up?"

Callista's lips twitched. "Like a cavity," she deadpanned, the sarcasm laced with a tremor of something deeper. Waking up alone amplified the knot of anxiety in Callista.

Athena's smile faltered for a beat, then a knowing glint sparked in her golden eyes. Her gaze lingered a touch too long on Callista's exposed skin, a slow, sly grin spreading across her face.

Heat flooded Callista's cheeks as she realised her state of undress. Self-consciousness battled with a strange reluctance to cover up. Her fingers hovered over the sheet, a ridiculous urge to vanish beneath its folds battling the unexpected heat that pooled in her belly.

The princess leaned closer. Her voice, a husky whisper, brushed against Callista's ear. "Well, Astra," she purred. "Don't tell me you're already shy? After all, I have a photographic memory, especially when it comes to..." Athena's gaze trailed down Callista's form, lingering on the curve of her hip, " of art beyond measure."

Callista fumbled for words, her eyes darting to the discarded clothes on the floor like a lifeline. "I should get… ugh, forget it," she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper as she attempted to rise from the bed.

But the world tilted beneath her, exhaustion finally catching up. A yelp escaped her lips as she tripped, only to be caught by Athena's strong arms, the sheets billowing around them like a poorly choreographed stage play.

The princess steadied her. The scent of lavender, a faint echo of last night, mingled with Callista's own musky perfume, a heady combination that made Callista's breath hitch. Golden eyes, burning with an unexpected intensity, drifted down from Callista's flustered face. Their bodies remained pressed together, a wave of goosebumps erupted across Callista's skin as Athena's fingers traced a slow, deliberate path down her hip.

Callista swallowed hard, hunger momentarily forgotten. Her throat tightened in a mixture of anticipation and a strange vulnerability. But to her disappointment, Athena abruptly stepped back.

Picking up Callista's discarded shirt, Athena draped it around her shoulders with a surprisingly gentle touch before guiding her back to the bed. Unease prickled Callista's skin at the princess's sudden change of heart. The playful banter, the suggestive touch, and now this unexpected tenderness – it was all so confusing. 

Deciding food was a better distraction, Callista focused on the meal.  As she swirled the fork through the pasta, the unexpected dish – a seafood creation both delicate and flavorful – sparked a flicker of warmth towards her.

Athena's affectionate smile, though genuine, lacked its usual vibrancy. Her eyes, usually sparkling with life, were dimmed. "Perhaps a seminar on 'enough' is in order," she teased, her voice a touch raspy. "Seems there might have been a communication error."

A wry smile tugged at Callista's lips. "Insatiable," Callista countered.

Silence descended, punctuated only by the clinking of cutlery. The meal was surprisingly delightful. But her enjoyment was overshadowed by a growing unease for Athena. With each passing moment, her vibrancy seemed to fade, replaced by a concerning listlessness.

"Are you alright?" Callista asked, her voice laced with worry.

Athena forced a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. A bead of sweat trickled down her temple, marring the flawless porcelain of her skin. "I'm fine, just…" she trailed off, her breath hitching slightly.

Sustenance. Come to think of it, the usual metallic tang of blood, a constant reminder of Athena's true nature, was strangely absent today.

Callista's grip on her fork tightened. "Why didn't you...?"

Athena's smile faltered for a brief moment. "You disliked the scent," she admitted softly.

The hunter's breath caught. Was that why Athena refused to touch her earlier? Ignoring the treacherous tug of desire that flared with the admission, Callista leaned forward, closing the distance between them. Their lips met in a soft, reassuring touch. Doubts and unspoken anxieties melted away in the warmth of that simple contact.

Pulling away, she grasped Athena's wrist, her touch surprisingly gentle. "Go! You look… terrible."

Athena gave a low chuckle, the sound carrying an unmistakable note of relief. "As you wish, Astra." She leaned down, a feather-light kiss on the corner of Callista's mouth, before gliding out of the room swiftly.

Callista watched her go, a confusing mix of emotions swirling within her. Was this what "just physical" meant?

Perhaps it was time to redefine that term as well.


A strangled gasp escaped Athena, swallowed by the urgency of the moment. Her eyes, usually vibrant, smouldered with a dark hunger that mirrored Callista's own.

"You didn't have to…" Athena rasped.

Callista leaned in. "Don't move," she commanded, her touch feather-light as it traced the elegant curve of Athena's jawline. The tang of blood, a metallic reminder of Athena's feeding frenzy, filled her nostrils. Yet, strangely, when it mingled with the scents of their perfume and arousal, it was almost… tolerable.

Intoxicating, even.

Her lips trailed a searing path of kisses down Athena's throat. A crimson bloom erupted on Athena's pale skin with each touch. The room blurred at the edges, the only focus the press of Athena's body against hers.

Surprised by Callista's sudden boldness, Athena arched her back deliberately, pressing into Callista's in a silent power play. The hunter moaned at the tantalising brush of their bodies.

"So demanding, Astra," Athena purred, "but very persuasive."

Callista scowled playfully. Cashmere ripped with a sharp shred as Callista, fueled by a sudden surge of hunger, pinned Athena against the bed, straddling her. Her weight, a delicious pressure, grounded Athena to the silk sheets.

The hunter savoured the sight. Athena, usually the picture of regal composure, lay sprawled beneath her, crimson flushing her pale cheeks. Her meticulously braided hair was a mess of golden strands, clinging to her face like a lover's caress. Her lips, now swollen and tinged a delicious pink from their kisses, sent a tremor of heat through Callista.

Last night was a whirlwind of discovery, fueled by Athena's bottomless appetite and Callista's own awakening desire. This was a different kind of hunger – the burning urge to return the favour, to etch her mark on Athena's memory with the same precision Athena had left hers on Callista's… well, everywhere.

Doubt, however, reared its ugly head. What if her grand total of zero experience with women was a major turn-off? Could she possibly compete with Athena's years of, ugh, refined technique? (Callista tried very, very hard not to clench her fists at the thought.)

As she reached for the hem of Athena's lace bra, her fingers trembled slightly. But before she could explore further, Athena shifted, her bare thigh nudging suggestively between Callista's legs. A gasp escaped them both as skin met heated skin, a sizzle of awareness crackling between them.

A knowing smile crept across Athena's face as she noticed Callista's lack of… undergarments. A husky purr rumbled in her chest. "It was cashmere you just shredded, Astra.” Her nimble fingers danced across Callista's shirt, unbuttoning it with practised ease. "Perhaps some… compensation is in order." She hiked her leg a touch higher, a delicious slickness lingered on her thigh.

Heat prickled across Callista's skin, a delicious inferno stoked by Athena's touch. The princess, even pinned beneath Callista, held a power that both frustrated and excited her. Cool hands slipped inside her shirt, caressing her bare breasts gently, ever so slowly. Her breath hitched as Athena's fingers grazed a sensitive spot, a soft moan escaping her lips before she could bite it back. Heat throbbed between her legs, a demanding ache that pulsed with every teasing stroke.

Athena propped herself on her elbows, a predatory glint in her eyes as her tongue darted out to languidly moisten her lips. She leaned in, a knowing smirk played on her lips as she traced a languid circle around…

Just then, a chill snaked through her mind. "Callista!" Indigo's voice boomed through the room, laced with exasperation that cut through the heated atmosphere like a glacial wind.

Callista shot upright, the book clutched to her chest like a shield. A wave of heat flooded her cheeks as she realised she'd been miles away, lost in a rather… vivid reverie. 

Indigo shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his gaze flitting nervously from the book to Callista's flushed face.  A furrow creased his brow, a flicker of unease tightened his features.

"Right, Athena's abilities," Callista rasped, her voice rougher than usual. She lunged for the apple on the table, each bite a deliberate attempt to dislodge the unwelcome lump in her throat and regain her composure.

"She's... more powerful than expected," she admitted. "But her attacks are messy, undisciplined. Capturing her seems..." The words seemed to stick in her throat, replaced by a frustrated sigh.

Indigo studied her carefully. He'd known Callista for years, and he could pick up on the slightest shift in her demeanour. Whenever Athena's name came up, there was a flicker of something… possessive? Protective? It was a new emotion that painted an unfamiliar shade on her usually stoic face.

He cleared his throat, the weight of his secret a heavy stone in his chest. "The Council's sudden interest is as baffling to me as it is to you," he finished.  A silent storm raged within him, weighting the potential consequences of revealing his intel about the whispers surrounding Athena and Eydis. How would Callista react?

Callista's posture stiffened, the flustered facade replaced by a steely glint in her crimson eyes. "And you didn't question them?" Her voice was a low growl, laced with a dangerous undercurrent that surprised even her.

Indigo's eyes widened. This fiery defiance wasn't new, but the edge of… concern? for Athena was. He felt a pang of unease, a protectiveness towards Callista that suddenly felt inadequate. 

"The Council doesn't elaborate," he admitted, his voice low. "But..." He hesitated.

Callista's gaze narrowed. "But what, Indigo? You know something, and you're keeping it from me."

The sharp accusation stung. He flinched, his hand trembling slightly as he brought the teacup to his lips. "Grant believes Athena might share an… intimate connection with Eydis," he finally whispered, choosing his words with agonising care.

Fury flared in Callista's eyes, a silent snarl twisting her features. The apple in her hand crumpled with a sickening crunch. Denial flickered across her face, but a sliver of doubt lingered. The image of Amelia's concern for Athena in the cafeteria flashed unbidden in her mind.

Could it be true? Her throat constricted. Damn Athena and her… revolving lovers. But a more unsettling thought flickered at the edge of her mind.  Could she even allow herself to see Athena in that light? The past two days had been a whirlwind of…

Indigo pressed on, hoping to redirect Callista's churning thoughts. "The Vice President offered nothing but riddles," he said, a frown creasing his brow. "This whole situation feels off. Maybe you could..." his voice dipped to a murmur, "...tail Athena if she ventures out? Keep an eye on her... associates."

The weight of the word settled heavily between them. Despite Indigo's attempt to soften the blow, Callista's carefully constructed mask faltered for a brief moment. The image of Athena entangled with another, a ruthless vampire queen at that, sent a fresh wave of anger crashing over her. The emotion surprised her, a trespasser in the landscape of her logic.

"I'll see what I can manage," she forced out, her voice tight with barely contained emotion. With a final, steely glance at Indigo, she stormed out of the study, leaving him alone with his thoughts and a gnawing sense of dread. 

What had he just unleashed?

Athena & Callie NSFW-ish

