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Today, two days after the welcome banquet, the development plan for Baumgarten began in earnest. First of all, the adventurers are going to exterminate monsters and secure the land. The king has given us permission to use the land as much as we want. There was no way we could not make use of it.

 We were gathered in the eastern village of East Village, where the adventurers had gathered.

 East Azuma is a village further east from the main village. It is located right in the middle of the burned forest that caused the stampede. This area seems to produce wheat because the land is rich due to the effect of burning fields.

 Whatever, it's hard to say what the eastern village of the east is, huh? Maybe we need to think of a name for the village.

"Now, my fellow adventurers! First of all, thank you for gathering here. Let me thank you."

 Standing on a wooden box the villagers had prepared for us, I looked around at the adventurers. All of them were dressed in their own way, with no sense of unity among them. They all looked like adventurers, with their doughty faces befitting adventurers.

 Surprisingly, the church folks were also in the party.

 Well, they have come all the way to Baumgarten to train. Perhaps they consider this part of their training.

 Or maybe they joined because it was my order to evolve a gift?

 This is more likely.

They may have heard about this at the Adventurers' Guild, but I'll pass it on to them just in case. I have sent out a request to all adventurers from my house from today. In addition to the normal rewards for defeating monsters as set forth by the Adventurers' Guild, we will be offering rewards from our house as well!"


 The adventurers howl loudly. Nice. That's good.

"That's all I have to say. Go on, it's time to earn your keep!"

 As soon as they heard my words, the adventurers headed for the forest. There were no top-tier adventurers, but there were many mid-tier parties and few newcomers. Well, maybe we don't have to worry about a big accident.

"Well, let's dive in, shall we?"



 Yes. This time we're going into the forest with a party. There will be five of us: me, Cornelia, Lily, Eleonore and Claudia.

 The old man and Cassandra took care of the paperwork. The Baumgarten territorial army led by Achim, which had grown to ten before we knew it, was sent out to guard the village.

 It turned out to be a party of girls, except for me. Some of the adventurers looked on enviously.

"Elle was in the lead, Lily behind her, and Lia and Claudia on either side of Lily. Behind Lily were Leah and Claud. And at the end of the line is me. Let's go in this formation."

 At the front of the line was Eleonore, a strong, hard-hitting woman with a shield. I placed her around Lily, who has top class firepower but low defense.

I" am the first in line?"

"Elle, do you remember the mock battle at the academy? It was the same as that one. If you can make it to a draw without falling over, Elle wins. Behind Elle, there is a very reliable group of people."

I understand. I'm a little nervous, but I'll give it a try.

 Eleonore and Claudia are princesses, and I wonder if this is their first time in a real battle. Let's watch them carefully and be ready to follow them at any time.

"Are you the one in the back?"

"Because sometimes I get ambushed from behind.


 Well, my gift has already grown considerably. There is no need to force myself to defeat the monsters. I'd rather let the rest of the group develop their gifts.

 The evil god will revive. The time will come when individual strength will be valued more than ever. We should be prepared.

"If there are no questions, let's go."

 I looked around at the party members, but there seemed to be no questions.

"Then, let's go."



 TEleonore's blade smashed through the goblin's cudgel and ran diagonally from her left shoulder to her right side. First one.


 Eleonore had defeated a goblin, but the gap she had exposed at the cost was huge. She was immediately attacked by two goblins.

"Let's go!


 But the goblins' attacks do not reach Eleonore. Claudia and Cornelia, who had been standing behind Eleonore, slaughter the two goblins with a single blow.

'There are two hobgoblins!"

 Eleonore is a genuine princess who never forgets to speak ladylike, even at a time like this.

 The only reason I can think so fluently is because the hobgoblins are already dead.

 The hobgoblins were skewered by stakes that grew out of the ground. Lily's magic.

 I silently pat Lily's head in front of me.

"Nope. More stroking."

 When I tried to pull back my hand, she took my hand and rubbed her head against it. She's like a cat.

 I chuckled and turned to face forward.

 The girls are looking at Lily enviously, but it's my imagination, isn't it?

Three goblins and two hobgoblins were killed instantly. Good job, everyone. Let's retrieve the right ear and move on."

 Except for other monsters whose bodies are useful, goblin corpses are nothing but a hindrance even if you bring them back. In the case of such a monster, the right ear is to be cut off as proof of defeat.

"May I cut it off for you?"


 I thought she would hate this kind of work. ......

"Elle, are you all right?"

"Sister, everything is an experience."

 Eleonore approached the goblin's corpse with sword in hand. She is supposed to be a princess who was raised to be a butterfly and a flower, but she is so resilient.