Chapter 3
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slightly changed the end of the previous chapter to make it work better. also, sorry for the long author note at the end


The nurse guided me to an examination room, and everything seemed pretty standard. She took my height and weight then patted down my body to look for injuries while asking if anything hurt, after which she instructed me to sit down and I got asked the standard questions.

“can you tell me your name please?”

Sakuya Izayoi.”

How old are you?”


your birthday?”

October 10th” I held back a chuckle at my thought ("yeah, quite literally the same age as Naruto")

though it was momentary she flinched when she understood when I was born. “everything seems to be fine other than a few bruises, but we’re going to keep you here for a while to be sure.”

yeah, so I heard. I get to share a room with Naruto though, right?”

yes, that is what has been arranged.” She got up and motioned for me to do the same. “he has already been brought to a two person room, so I will bring you there now.”

I wasn’t expecting much of the room she led me to, so seeing a large room with two beds bigger than anything I’d ever been on was kind of exciting, at least until I laid eyes on Naruto. He was laying down on his back with his eyes closed, head covered in bandages, a sure sign that me dragging him along did in fact injure him. Running over to him I exclaimed “Naruto!” tears coming to my eyes, I dug my face into his sheets “I’m sorry, it’s all my fault. It’s all because I-”

He interjected, putting his bandaged hand on my had “Hey, I’m not dead. It looks worse than it is.” a wide goofy grin came to his face as I looked up at him “Besides, I managed to protect you right?”

yeah. yeah you did.” and feeling the relief wash over me I joked “though since I failed to hide you, does this mean I still owe you ramen?”

While it was true that neither of us had any money, we still liked to bet on who would pay for ramen when we could finally buy it.

While I brought a chair over to the side of his bed, he brought his hand to his chin and stroked his nonexistent beard and pretending to think deeply “hmm, I’m not sure”. As I sat down he finished his faux deep thought and in what was likely his best impression of a sagely old man said “yes, yes I’d say it does” making me lift my hand to smack him, only to put it down with a frown as I remembered his injuries. Seeing my facial expression he but his hand back on my head “really, I’m fine”.

Not wanting him to see me cry any more I put my face back on his sheets. Only now realizing how exhausting my day had been, and with the knowledge that we were safe and he would be alright, I couldn’t resist the lure of sleep


(alternate pov)

That evening, Hiruzen was sitting in his office, fuming at the idea that it was only luck that prevented another disaster. With the amount of damage he already took, it was already quite feasible for him to have been taken over, and with no training as a Jinchuriki that would have meant the nine tails would once again be unleashed on the village only this time the fourth hokage wouldn’t be around to seal it.

As though he had been there the whole time, the man with silver hair wearing a dog mask began to speak from behind him “Hokage-sama”

what did you find”

The orphanage director was still there, unmoving and still posed like he was about to catch her punch like she stated, even I found it kind of creepy. Not only that, we found it impossible to change his position and had to carry him like that to a cell. Much to our annoyance he suddenly started moving again shortly after making all our hard work seem-”


excuse me. Not only that, we found what looked like a diary written in some sort of code or unknown language.” he than placed it on the desk in front of Hiruzen.

Opening it up he asked “why do you think it’s a diary?”

motioning to the page he pointed out “each page has what looks like a date in at the top of the page, and the last page with any writing on it has today’s date.”

“… look into her”

do you think a child like her might be a spy?”

we don’t know that she is actually a child, it could be a henge. Besides, as someone who fought in the war as a child, should you really be writing off the possibility? But no, it’s her family that I’m interested in, an ability like that which even I’ve never heard of, and a language or code even the anbu don't regognize should have some sort of history or lineage to trace. Find it”



(hours later)

hokage sama” reappearing in his office, an Anbu member suddenly spoke

did you find anything?”

we were able to trace her parents, but any older records were somehow lost in the war”

Hiruzen grimaced, “very well, tell me what you found”

Yes, sir. Her father Tsukasa and mother Yuzuki were both shinobi who promoted to chunin in the third great ninja war. Her father was killed by the nine tails while her mother died in child birth during the attack, making her an orphan. We could find no record of her mother’s family, the only family we could find of her father were civilians who also died in the nine tails attack.”

So she lost her whole family that day? How tragic. I can only assume that her mother changed her last name and was disowned by her family, continue looking into it.”

yes sir”

(“has a new kekkei genkai appeared, or was there a hidden clan in the village for who knows how long? Either way, she is clearly attached to Naruto, and her parent’s were both shinobi, it’s likely that she will also pursue that path.”) upon tapping on his desk, the Silver haired Anbu appeared behind him.


I’m reassigning you. You will part of the team which watches over Naruto, but you will instead be watching over Sakuya.”

yes, sir” he responded, then vanished as though he was never there

(“If this is the power she shows a child, I’m curious what her power will be when she matures. We need to look after her, as it seems we may have a new kekkei genkai appearing in out midst. She adamantly declared that they can't go back to the orphanage so I suppose I will arrange for housing for them, as well an allowance so that they can at least survive without turning to crime. That should also make it easier to keep them out of the reach of those who would try to take advantage of them. Not only that, but since the Uchiha have been getting restless recently and seem to be planning something, I’d like to avoid the two of them getting caught up in whatever that may be.”)

ho ho ho” he chuckled, giving a laugh that reflected his age. He pulled out his pipe and took a whiff before blowing out smoke “it seems I have another thing to look forward to in the future”


henge is the japanese name for the transformation jutsu, but transformation just didn’t seem to flow right.


Her parent’s info won’t really be important going forward, I just didn’t want Hiruzen suspecting the MC of being a spy. also, although It’s not important I thought it would be cool if I had MC’s parent’s names keep with the moon motif that the MCs name has: Tsukasa meaning ruler of the moon, Yuzuki meaning gentle moon, and Sakuya meaning night of the new moon.

I feel like I’ve done pretty much all the set up of back story really necessary, and I don’t want to spend a lot of time on them as children so I think the next chapter will have a time-skip to them at the ninja academy, though likely after a few comments on the MC’s perspective of what happened throughout those 5 years. Depending on how long I end up making the next chapter, it will be 2-5 chapters of them at the academy followed by likely 1-2 chapters for their graduation and the start of canon. I have an outline with a pretty good idea of what I plan to do up to the chunin exams, and at-least a pretty good idea of what I plan to up to the very end of the chunin exams. As its still pretty far off I still have a few different ideas of what happens after, but which one I go for will depend on how much I decide to screw over canon during the chunin exams. Because it’s far off, I haven’t really though up a possible pairing for the MC (though I know I want her and Naruto to have a purely sibling relationship and to keep his canon pairing). If I do decide to have a romantic partner for the MC in the far, far future then it will probably be yuri, but I’m currently leaning towards her not having one due to something that won’t happen for a while. If anyone cares to know the reason than feel free to ask, but while I’m happy to tell you know that it’s not set in stone. Again, sorry for the long authors note, and don’t worry I didn’t shorten the chapter because of it.