A Game of No Hands Chapter 49
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The sheer aching weight of the milk hanging in Angelica’s breasts and udder overrid any reservations she had about entering that room. It smelled of fresh hay and contained a number of stalls constructed of rough-cut timber flanked the entryway, forming a corridor. Beyond that, it opened up to a larger room. In the center, two large metal pens waited. Above each, a metal disk hung down from the rafters, each dangling a dozen black lipped metal cylinders. In that object Angelica saw her salivation from painful ache of her milk laden breasts.

She moved into the stall with an eager mew. The maids called her a good kitty as they leaned against the railing. Angelica knew from their toothy grins they were up to no good. They were being naughty doggos but she needed to be milked. Anything to be milked. That… plum had made everything so much worse. Stella and Steph came into the pen behind Angelica. They bent down and Angelica heard metallic clicks as cold metal encircled her ankles.

“Lets raise those teats off the ground shall we?” Steph asked, and they patted the second bar to the top of the pen where a pair of steel bars jutted out. “Put your paws here.”

Angelica obeyed without the need of a click or treat, anything that would get those milking tubes on her teats faster. Manacles encircled her wrists, securing her in place.

“Such a good Princess. You look tasty. All trussed up like that and needy.” Stella’s voiced rolled into a purr as they teased a teat with the soft fur of their footpaw.

“Melk Mew! Melk mew! Meeeease Mewlla! Meeeeeeesa Mewteph!” Angelica begged, the chains around her legs clinking as she shifted from side to side. 

“We getting to it. Don’t have a cow princess.” Steph said as the both of them released a high girlish giggle.

“Mooooooow.” Angelica moaned.

Still tittering, the pair reached up to clasp one of the cylinders and pulled it down below Angelica. With a dull slorp, the cold metal encased one of her teats. Immediately a light suction pulled at the encased teat. It wasn’t much but it was something and the breast immediately stopped aching as the tautness eased off from the bursting point. Angelica mewed with relief.

 Slorp. Slorp. Slorp. Went the machine as Steph and Stella hooked up every available teat.  Each taking the lightest of sips from her.

“Thhhhank mew.” Angelica sighed as the painful edge of being too full eased. Pleasure climbed her nipples and radiating up into her body.

Steph and Stella patted her rear as they exited the pen and circled round to a raised platform in front of it. With the haze of need lifting from her mind, Angelica looked beyond the fence of her enclosure for the first time. Each pen had its own gray metal industrial control panel, festooned with big buttons of various colors and a dial. A glass tank, approximately the height and width of the maids, stood between the panels. White rivulets of milk traversed its interior from its top, where the hose from the milker connected. Gallons were marked in intervals of ten, all the way up to two hundred. Names and lines were drawn on the tank, Tipper, Bard and Birdie were near the top. Above that a glass globe hung from the ceiling, black hoses snaking out of its bottom. Within it, a pink fluid bubbled and fizzed. Faded white lettering declared it Moo Juice.

“Now lets get that milk out of you!” Steph and Stella clapped their paws together and did a happy wiggle before turning their attention to the control panel. Pressing their paw against the dial, they rotated it clockwise.

Angelica rowled as the light sips from her teats swiftly grew to strong pulls, as if Tina drank from every teat. Their weight easing noticeably with every draw, sending waves of bliss that flooded her feminine sex, and she felt it ooze with a different sort of fluid. She squatted as things moved inside of her and muscles pushed.

“Mew eggies!” She cried as she felt herself stretch around the first one. Laying always gave her a shivery pleasure but as she squeezed out the first egg, she roared with the force of explosive orgasm. 

Steph and Stella barely got their paws beneath the egg before it hit the metal floor of the pen. “Oh what a good barn animal you are Princess!” Stella said as they set the egg aside and prepared to catch the next one.

“Milk and eggs. Maybe we should just keep you in here.” Steph cooed.

“Mew… No… I, mewanna mrrrrooooowl!” Angelica tried to protest, tried to say how she wanted to fly but the second egg catapulted her into another thought shattering orgasm. 

“Sounds like she likes the idea.” Stella said as they stroked Angelica’s dripping folds and pushed two thick digits into her.

“Mmmewore! Mmmmore!” The sphinx wailed as she clenched around the digits, her insides crying out for touch after the passage of the eggs.

“More suction?” Steph asked, twisting the fingers. “We can do that!” They returned to the control and smashed their paw onto the dial, hitting several button beside it. Warning buzz came from the rafters, followed by a mechanical whirr.

Angelica barely heard it as the pulsatile suction on her tits increased in both strength and frequency. Like a pack of starving hyenas were ravishing her nipples. It felt so good. The milk poured down into the tank in a solid stream. The weight of her udder and breasts lightened rapidity. She bent her head to the metal in front of her, resting her horns against the rail. Entirely unaware of the monstrously large bull’s cock being lowered from the ceiling. 

“Oooooh!” The maid girls chorused as they studied it. Sculpted from shiny black glass, the cock, mounted on a mechanical boom, dripped a thick pink fluid from its tip. Two hoses snaked from the Moo Juice nozzles to two perfectly spherical balls mounted beneath the shiny cow fucker. Whether guided by magics or mechanics, it lowered until the tip aligned with Angelica’s pussy. Then slowly, it inched toward those wet lips.

Angelica, awaiting the blissful moment when the last drop of milk to be pulled from her body greeted her slow penetration with a moan. Lifting her head, she pressed back against it, engulfing the smooth contours of the cock as deeply as her bonds allowed. As it pressed up against her cervix with strength of stone, Angelica’s awareness flared as she recognized the tendrils of a spell unfurling from the tip and anchored in her mammaries.

“Mewhat?” She opened her eyes and glanced back at the contraption that had impaled her. Her wings blocked the majority of the view but her eyes followed the black hose to the Moo Juice tank. Her wide eyes flicked to Stella and Steph who were squinting at the control panel. “Mewrls! Staaaaph Mrrrreewwww!”

The massive cock began to withdraw and filled the space it left with gush of hot fluid. On contact with her inner walls it effervesced into a fury of magical energy. Angelica felt it shoot through the spell, flooding into her breasts and udder. A strange tingling gripped all of them as each nearly empty reservoir of milk began to rapidly fill. She tried to use the techniques she’d learned from the Tipper’s book but without a circle or another body it she had no place to redirect the magic. The card enchantment was no defense, the spell had linked directly to her udder delight card as if they were made for interaction. Then the cock plowed back inside her, shattering her concentration. 

“Oops.” Steph and Stella shrugged as they stood up.

“We’re sooo sorry Princess.” Steph displayed the most insincere puppy eyes ever to grace a dog person. “Our clumsy paws hit the wrong button.”

“The fill to capacity button is soooo close to the dial.” Stella’s muzzle wore a smirk as she gestured to the milk tank. The stream of milk hadn’t even reached a tenth of it’s capacity. “Good thing we refilled the Moo Juice tank with udder plums. Don’t worry it will let you go as soon as you fill the tank. Shouldn’t take you more than a couple days…” She hid her evil giggle behind a fluffy paw.

“You’re gonna be such a pretty cow.” Steph beamed as their tail blurred behind them.

“A mooooow?” Angelica protested, made few futile tugs at the restraints that held her forelimbs before letting her head fall against the railing. The mechanical cock pistoned slowly within her. Its strokes building up the pleasure and giving her now laden udder a pendulum swing between her legs. That pull, that weight had a wonderful quality to it. 

Its your gift to the world. The magic whispered.

“Mew’s gift…” She echoed, then shook her head. Trying to clear her head, but the weight... The wonderful weight dragged her mind back under. Green pastures… full of tender grass. The crunch of straw.  She could feel it happening. The taunt skin of her udders stretching, her guts shifting. A bull straddling her back, filling her with fizzy seed.

“Noooo.” She managed a tiny head shake but it felt so heavy. The bulls cock pushed in and out of her. Each thrust closer to a cliff, a waterfall of promised pleasure. “Mew, Mow… mow. Muh-muh-muh…” She held it off for as long as she could before bellowing out a low, “Moooooooo!” he went over the cliff and the magic flowed into her bones. She opened her eyes to her forelegs growing slender, the digit of her paws shrinking away while two of her claws thickened into heavy hooves.

“Mew mooooeautiful paws!” She whimpered, struggling anew. 

“Stop mewling.” A thick white furred paw covered one black hoof. Steph looked down on her with bemusement but Stella showed bore her teeth in a decidedly unsmiling like manner. Yet that contrasted with the watery eyes. “Be a good girl. Take your punishment. You deserve this. I want you to feel a change you don’t want over take you. That’s what you put us through. But I… I’m not a dom. Every time you whine, its like a kick in the stomach. I don’t wanna be on this side of the railing. We wanna be in that pen next to you, or… knotted beneath you. I want to call you my kitty mistress but first, you have to go through what you put us through.”

Angelica stared up at Stella, guilt and desires bubbling up through the haze of the pleasure roiling through her body.

Stella’s paw pulled down the top of her dress, causing their uppermost set of breasts to flop out. Their nipples had extended into two inch long teats and jiggled like two liquid laden balloons. They leaned over the railing until the teats dangled on either side of Angelica’s nose. 

“So what’s it going to be? Are you going to take your medicine? Or are we going to unplug this machine?” Stella whispered.

The weight, the suction, the pumping piston within her, all both buoyed Angelica up on their pleasures and slowed her thinking bits. Still, she didn’t want to be a cow. Even with green pastures rolling through her imagination, she wanted to fly over them, or slink through the tall grass, not be weighed down with heavy udders. Yet, she also remembered the feeling of Stella’s lips on hers. They’d cuddled, they’d fucked under Tina’s direction, but they hadn’t really kissed since her overreach. More than even flying, Angelica wanted this, the three of them to work. If this had even a slight chance at repairing the rift. Then there was only one choice.

“Mew will be a good cow.” Angelica murmured as she took one of the offered teats and pressed her tongue along its length. Rich milk filled her mouth along with the tingle of magic and she swallowed it down.

“Oh that feels sooooo grrrrrreat.” Stella rowled softly while Steph whined. They wrapped their paws around Angelica curled horns and pressed her nose against their breast.

Angelica let the magic have its way, letting out a low moo as her entire face barreled outward, her tongue swelling within her suddenly cavernous mouth. By the time the teat went dry her skull had gained a thick bovine muzzle. Steph and Steve steer her mouth over to the other waiting nipple. The constant infusion of moo juice kept her production outpacing the capacity of the milker, stretching her breasts and udder further and further. Even in her raised position she felt the kiss of cold metal floor, the space between the teats of her udder and knew her enormous breasts would follow suit soon. The cock’s movement touching off a series of slow rolling orgasms that piled up in her mind like drifts of warm snow.

“Moooooo!” She called out as the maids pulled their nipple from her mouth. It had long gone dry but having it in her mouth comforted her immensely.

“Don’t worry princess, we’ve got another treat for you soon,” Steph whispered and pair cradled her muzzle and lifted it to look up at them, all though her vision was partially veiled. Both sisters smiled as they lifted a lock of fur out of Angelica’s eyes.

“Still with us?” Stella asked, “Anything you need us to do?” 

The questions slogged around in her brain, lost in the pleasure blizzard. “Meeew Mmuh-mooooo.” She answered without a thought.

Stella giggled, “Feels weird right? Words so being so distant?” They put their paws on the top of the railing and looked about to jump into the pen with Angelica when their body shivered suddenly.

“Mistress!” They gasped and settled back on their feet. They scruffled Angelica’s thick head fur. “Sorry the Mistress needs us.”

“We’ll be back soon.” Steph added. The pair bent and kissed either side of Angelica’s broad nose with their contrasting tongues.

“Moooo?” Angelica lowed sadly and belatedly attempted to lick them back but they were already moving off the platform.

Only once they shut the door to the milking room behind them did Stella’s questions finally find their way through the warm blizzard in Angelica’s mind.

“Moooh-wait.” She called out to the now empty room. “Meeewmooo! Turn up mew mump- pump. Moooease! Moo be good mow. Mew gud mow. Mew moooooooow.”

Only the steady squirt of the milk falling into the tank and mechanical whirr of the cock’s motor answered here. Slowly she lifted her eyes to the moo juice globe, still two thrids of it remained to be pumped into her. One squirt at a time. Beneath the heavy snow of the pleasure, her thought drifted to green pastures beneath clear blue skies. Still her perceptions didn’t fade out. Her awareness persisted sluggishly, feeling the magic continue to mold her body. Her long heavy tail became lighter with every swish. Gurgles and churning came from her torso as it barreled, making room for the heavy duty guts require to process the lush grass she imagined smelling through her large nostrils.

Most of all though, her breasts and udder continued to swell. First dropping down onto the floor. Then slowly, her udder bulged out around her still feline rear legs, until Angelica’s weight rested on it, instead of her appendages. She mooed as her hooves left contact with the ground. She found herself floating on her breasts and udder. Like the world’s strangest water bed.

“Mooooo… This is mewy nice.” She told the room and let her head rest down into the warm surface of her breasts.




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