Divine Game 1 – Part 9 – Bridging Criticism
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“Contestants!” Teyla shouted, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Two splendid fights have been witnessed and tomorrow, two more splendid fights shall be had. You are now allowed to retreat for the night. At midnight, tomorrow, I shall call upon you again, for the second round of fights. For those among you that have lost, enjoy your stay. You shall be teleported back to the Hexagon of your origin upon the tournament's conclusion.”

‘That could have been nice to know earlier,’ Rykard thought. He blinked, and suddenly found himself back on the bench under the tree. He looked around. As did everyone else.

“Have you no decency!” Benhuldran shouted the moment he found his voice. “I thought your juvenile wish at least came with an element of discipline!”

“If its indecency to love my women in the presence of other adults, then I guess I’ll bear that cross,” Rykard answered with a shrug and a yawn. “Miyo, what do you think?”

“Can’t talk, your cock is too delicious,” she gave a hasty, snarky, and honest answer, immediately taking his manhood back into her throat. Moaning, her eyelids fluttered. It was so delicious she had just had a little climax.

“...You best make it to the finals, so I can give you a walloping, young man!” Benhuldran declared, then turned around on his heels and stomped away. His retinue soon followed.

“I must insist that you do not engage in such vile obscenity in front of our precious queen!” Iceface was next to chastise him. Said queen had gotten her eyes covered with thick satin, yet still had her hand before her eyes.

‘Wonder if she’s into sensory deprivation.’ “You can insist, but you have no power over me,” Rykard spoke over the rather loud slurps of Miyo’s wet blowjob. “If I feel like it, I’ll do it. If I were your guest, I’d likely oblige you, but I am not. I am Teyla’s guest.” He grinned. “And I have it on good authority the Twinned Goddess is a kinky one.”

“At home you’d get 40 lashes for this…” Iceface grumbled and turned around. “Get the Centrepiece of the Snowflake out of here! Her majesty should not be subjected to such impure noises!”

“P-pervert!” Was all Maliande had to say, hasting towards her door.

Altana was already heading back into her retreat, her eyes absent.

“Its good to see you have the tool for the job, harem king,” Tess hummed, mild interest sneaking into her voice. Before Rykard could flirt back, she had turned away and was heading into her own rest.

That left Rykard and Miyo alone in the outdoors.