Chapter 9 – The Pleasant Melody
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It’s been about a week since I tried to kill myself. I haven’t been able to meet Sera ever since.

I guess it’s for the best if we don’t meet for now…

It’s been decided that Luna will be the next Duchess of Winterberry. It hasn’t been officially announced, but Father and Mother have decided, and we’ve been planning the process of making her the official duchess. 

Some of the vessels of Winterberry might have some objections so we’re trying to gain as many supporters for Luna as possible. She’s also been taking her lessons seriously and has been pretty enthusiastic about being the heir.

…sigh…what do I do now?

Ever since my memories returned, I couldn't sleep at night. I tried all sorts of methods to put myself to sleep, but every method failed spectacularly. 

I guess you could call it a type of insomnia. At night, I don’t feel even the slightest amount of sleepiness, but I could sleep like a log from five in the morning to five in the night.

Am I a vampire by any chance? Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.  

I indeed find going to school and studying tiring. But the main reason is that I can’t get any sleep at night. My parents don’t know about this because our rooms are pretty far away, so no one comes to my room at night. 

I usually go to the garden for a walk, or I go to the library and read something. 

I wonder if I should go out of the estate today…

Guards surround the mansion even at night, so it isn’t that easy for anyone to get in and out of the estate without them noticing. 

I changed my clothes and headed outside. Even though the mansion is pitch black at night, I could see the surroundings; I suppose it’s a type of night vision. I’ve got a few useful abilities, they aren’t off the charts or anything, but they make my life easier. 

It’s as if this night vision is meant for my insomnia…

If I open the main doors, someone might notice the noise and wake up, so I slightly open the window in my room, a black mist seeps out of my hand and slowly surrounds my whole body. 

And my body slowly turns into a thick black mist. This is a type of transportation magic, I don’t think it’s a common type of magic since I haven’t found any such magic in any other texts I’ve read.

Even teleportation magic is considered legendary class magic in this world…

I use the black mist to go through the small gap in the window and move to the garden. I didn’t have ears, but I could see the beautiful roses around me. I didn’t have eyes, but I could hear the crickets chirping.

I moved further and further away from the mansion through the bushes and plants in my mist form, I could see a light in the distance. 

That’s the entrance…

I avoid going towards the entrance and move to a darker area away from the entrance. I could see a guard standing a few feet away, but I doubt he’d notice the mist from there.

I move through the fence and onto the streets. After I moved a few more meters away from the mansion, I turned back into my human form and stood in the middle of the street. There was no one around and there was not a shred of light around me, but I could easily see my surroundings. 

Even though we live in the capital city of Elshire, our estate is a bit further from town. Only the people who go to the Winterberry Manor usually take this route. There aren’t that many people who live in this area since it's hard for them to procure food and other necessities. 

I walked through the street enjoying myself to my heart’s content.

I mean come on, no one’s around and I can do whatever I want right? So, I jumped and spun round and round while stretching out my hands…freedom…

After walking for a few minutes, I got bored and turned into my mist form. I flew through the streets taking in the sights at night. I could see some guards on their night shifts walking through the deserted streets.

I could see some houses with their lamps still lit, but most of the people were probably fast asleep. Unlike back on earth, the people here go to sleep early since candles and oil are pretty expensive. Nobles can easily afford them, but even they don’t stay up too late since they care a lot about their health conditions.

In this world, the red-light district is probably the only street that is lit up and bright at night. There are a lot of adventurers, guards, and knights who go to these places after work. 

Oh! And there’s one more place which is pretty active at this time of day…

The black market: tons of underworld organizations and guilds do business with the black market. And a lot of nobles tend to purchase goods from here at tremendously high prices.

And even though slavery and child labor are abolished in this country, there are still many organizations that engage in slave trading. Some families even sell their children for money.

At times like this, I feel like an idiot for trying to kill myself…

There are tons of people who suffer way more than I do, and I can’t believe how weak-minded I am…

As I walk through a dimly lit street, I come across an inn-like establishment. Even though the street has a few lamps lit, there aren’t any people on it, it’s as if the only people around this whole area are the ones in that inn.

I turn back to my human form and get closer…

I move towards the inn and look inside…I could see a lot of adventurers and a few guards happily downing themselves liquor and meat. I felt a bit happy at the sight of them getting along with each other since I’ve heard that adventurers, guards, and knights don’t get along that well with one another.

How…dare they?!

But the moment I saw them hurting one of the workers at the tavern, my view of them took a 180. They were kicking and beating up a young girl for amusement while laughing at her. I could feel my rage seeping within me.

I’ve never felt this angry at anyone before in my life. I knew that such things were common in places like this but seeing them with my own eyes just felt so sickening. 

How could people like this exist in this world…

I thought that I wouldn’t feel anything since I’ve watched such movies before, but to see this happening right in front of me is…

I felt like I wanted to break into this place and kick their assess and beat them to a pulp. But the moment I held my fist tightly and got closer to the door, I could hear a sound as if someone was singing a soothing melody to calm me down. 

I could feel my raging blood cooling down, and my head clearing up. I turned towards the streets and wondered where the melody was coming from. I went into the alley next to the inn and followed the sound. I could see a small opening in the bottom of the building with a few bars blocking the hole. 

I crouched down and peeked into the hole, I could see a few feathers on the ground and chains scattered around. 

Is it an underground dungeon?

I turn into my mist form and enter the dungeon through the hole. Right after I entered the dungeon, I was shocked to see three harpies quivering in front of me, and next to them stood a white-haired fairy. Her purple eyes and wings shun so brightly in the darkly lit dungeon.

This is the first time I’ve seen a Harpy and I can’t believe there’s a fairy too. The fairy is in shackles and the harpies are clinging to her in fear. 


Mm! It’s not like they're gonna reply to me huh…