Chapter 20: The Domino Effect Starts Now
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It was the first time in a long while she'd been so gravely injured. Healing up was also a pain. Some might've thought they were on even terms. That this stalemate was brought on by equality in skill level.

However, Clara knew better than to believe that Shane didn't get himself injured in order to push her to the brink. It wasn't possible to ignore injuries just because one could use magic reinforcement. 

She knew his demeanour was merely a bluff.

Maybe even simple recklessness.

Clara's sword had cut tendons and caused a puddle of blood form on the floor. Shane's neck wound was festering. If he didn't get treatment, then he'd definitely die. He'd die of blood loss in a minutes.

She wanted to see if he'd continue to bluff in front of her... or try to escape, but her expectations had been ruined. Rather, who'd expected him to be so aggressive? Not only did he not give in, but he went as far as to stop the bleeding with crazy methods.

A flame burnt from his hand that traced the line where she slashed him, then 'stitched' it back together. Shane was one scary individual...To think he'd personally cauterise his wound like this!

Didn't that hurt a lot? 

And yet, Shane didn't give her an opening to attack. 

He was ready to fight any time.

A hand always on his Black Steel Rifle Sheath.

Regardless, the villainous woman noticed that his powers were unlike what she'd seen in her life. It made her interested... On top of that, Shane felt angered by the way she ignored her dead 'father'.

A wicked smile formed on her beautiful face.

"What~? You're looking at me so intensely... Do you like what you see?" Clara noticed and twirled her hip seductively. An action that threw her modest opponent off-guard. The mask was only helping him hide his apparent confusion; not mark all thoughts.

Though his feelings didn't escape her notice.

She looked at Duke Bryan's corpse...

How his eyes were still wide open, as if he had a lot to live for. Clara's body leaned over to the upper half of her father's corpse, grabbing his face and lifting it up. She faced it towards him while moving its jaw..

...then started to ingloriously mimic his voice:

"Oh no~ I died before even seeing my daughter's wedding~!!! If only I was more competent of a Wizard, then maybe a certain beauty would have at least TRIED to save my pathetic excuse of a life~!"

It wasn't like her taunts were working. 

Shane was just averse to acting without thinking first. Rather than fight immediately, he stalled to recover after seeing she wasn't calling anybody. In fact, they seemed to be the only ones awake.

With the duke dead, everything had went to shit. He only just realised how he'd acted too much out of instinct. What should he do not? Maybe this could be fixed. There was a small chance there'd be one or two servants left walking around, but it was alright.

He wasn't planning on waiting for long.

"You're a crazy bitch." Shane was honest to her.

"Takes one to know one." Clara said while pointing at the two corpses. The dead servants he'd been ignoring all this time. It was hypocritical for him to say anything after showing he was exactly the same.

This made him glare at her while releasing flames.

The thing she noticed about that 'fire'. The attribute he was using had deviated from the norm. Rather than manifesting into an ethereal bundle of hot embers... rose petals of fire surrounded his body,

It was something that made Clara prepare for combat... Only to see him back down immediately after. Since they were talking, he showed no signs of danger. Shane suppressed his hostility and spoke:

"But he was your father... so why didn't you-"

"Save his PATHETIC life?" Clara empathises on the insulting part of her words while dropping the corpse. Her eyes had no interest for her biological father. That was no longer needed on her life.

Instead, she curiously spoke with a certain tone:

"I would've... if a certain someone didn't somehow break his limits and create a powerful attack that ripped through all defences. I wonder... You, how did you manage to do that?" Clara's face came closer.

The moment her breath hit Shane's face, he resisted the sudden strong urge to submit that seeped into his bones. Though she wasn't surprised at all... If he was strong enough to cauterise his wound on the spot, then he could definitely resist her 'power'.

Still, she didn't give up on getting him to her side.


This would make up for her mistake in letting live. 

He was worth her attention.

"What does it matter?" Although Shane didn't want to talk to her, doing so lengthened his time to recover. He was also sure she'd attack if he stayed silent... She made sure her attitude was coercive.

"Don't brush it off~ It's an interesting ability." Clara continued. It was only for a moment, but she felt a familiar energy. However, it vanished too quick for her to be sure. Must have been an ancient power.

"Then how about you tell me how many Spell Slots you have left?" Shane didn't fear this question would set her off. If it really did, then he would use her taking initiative as an opportunity to counter again.

He was fine with risking another grace injury.

The slick samurai wasn't afraid of death. 

Clara found this trait to be the most charming part of his personality. His 'feistiness' only made her blush red. The girl embarrassedly fiddled with her hands before closing in. Seeing right through his scheme.

"You know, the moon looks beautiful tonight." The girl pretended there was a window to look out of. In fact, there was one a little down the corridor behind him. Though that only made it weirder to hear...

How would she know if it was 'beautiful' or not?

Could she see it from that position?

"I get it now. Since it's past midnight, are you worried it would take a full day before my Spell Slots regenerate?" Clara kept on her charade. Her way of talking only further increased the tension in the air.

How could she be calm?

Did she not see him as a threat?

Was she hiding trump cards?

Then what were they...?

"..." Shane didn't answer her. Falling deeper into thought the more she spoke. His deepening frown lead her to figure out her guess had hit the mark. It wasn't something he was particularly hiding anyway.

"Don't worry~" Clara came closer and whispered into his ear. His hair stood on end, but he kept his body fixed in a position that would be easier to slash her. Continuing: "Midnight has no meaning to me."

These words caused his matchlessly courageous figure to falter somewhat. A look of dread appeared on his face. Shane turned to look at Clara's smiling face. An endless stream of power exuding outwards.

She knew exactly what he realised.

And to prove it, Mana radiated out much fiercer.

Even though Clara had used up a Spell Slot earlier to heal her wounds, her strength hadn't diminished at all. On top of that: Her fearless way of approaching made him understand she figured out his ability.

The only thing lacking was an explanation.

Since it had came to this, Clara was sure Shane would cough out the details of the Innate Gift. He needed to stall for time to think. Stall so he could get enough time to figure out her weaknesses right now.


He needed to speak.

And that's exactly what he had done:

"It's called a 'Semblance'." Shane did not lie.

He spilt his guts to save his life.

"I've never heard of that category. I've heard of 'Late Bloomers' and the like, but nothing like this." Clara seemed to be completely familiar with the way mortals grew. How many categorised their powers.

What he said broke from the pattern a little.

"That's understandable. I'm pretty sure it's because of their lack of clear uselessness... They were given the name of 'Inept Gifts' in the past." Shane's words were giving insight into a power she didn't know of.

She felt it could be useful one day.

"...Really?" Clara seemed hesitant to believe his words. He had proven his abilities, but it was hard to tell if this was just nonsense he thought up on the spot or was really part of his world's power system.

He noticed her doubt.

However, Shane still continued to buy more time:

"My Semblance is 'Night Inside'. It's a manifestation of my feelings and personality given form inside of me. Which then extends to my technique 'Major Moon Slicing Draw'. Now change the subject." The slick samurai took a step back away from her.

Seeing how he adamantly refused to say any more made Clara a bit disappointed. That wasn't much to listen to... yet, there were other things that could make her curious... like the power he'd cut her with.

The initial slash that almost killed her.

"Did you come from a Cultivation Realm?" Clara approached again while wrapping her arms around his chest. The pressure her hug put on his wound made him feel pain. Her embrace curving his back.

Her way of 'seducing' him was like an ignorant wannabe playboy's idea of what seduction was. She showed a clear disregard for anything about his thoughts or feelings. He was just a trophy.

One that she would bring to her own master...

"Get off...!" Shane couldn't stand it any longer. He roared while pushing her away. Exploding out. A black electrical charge separated them. It was like a taser that covered his body. Becoming his armour.

"This is what I mean. Your control of Mana... or Qi(?) is too high to have come from a mere Mortal Realm." Clara acted like an investigator, but she didn't seem as smart as she was trying to let on.

"I don't understand at all... Oh for fucks sake!" It was a sudden shift. Shane dodged when she manifested her Spirit Essence. His action of separating them was life-saving. Allowing him some space to react.

The situation suddenly turned dangerous when he'd rejected her advances, but she didn't use her full strength. Instead, she merely exchanged blows with him without the use of 'Reinforcement Magic'.

Her slashes light as feathers, but lethal as knives...

She pushed her unsheathed long sword onto his Red Steel blade. Her eyes seemed mildly annoyed. They were in a state known as a 'bind'. A deadlock that was on the verge of breaking apart at any moment.

The toughness of her Spirit Essence tested his blade.

And the sword cane was winning out.

The manifestation of spirit stronger than iron.

Or any 'Colour Steel' blade.

Especially due to eastern weapons not being made for binds. Too much weight on his weapon could permanently damage it. There was even a chance of his chÅkuto shattering from the damage being taken.

"That hurt~ You really did learn that trick from a Cultivation Realm, didn't you? I knew it was like that!" Clara spoke with certainty. The golden blade in her hands weighing down on Shane's arms.

Sinking into his blade...

"I have no clue what you're saying, you fuck!"

"Swearing is emotional abuse!" Clara whined while sheathing her blade into a similar stance to his Iaido stance from earlier. The perfect imitation of his centre of weight made him realise this was 'real'.

Not a simple crude copy.

Shane rolled out of the way. He was barely able to dodge a sword unsheathing quick draw. It was at that point he finally snapped. There was no way for him to keep his cool after seeing such a thing.

He couldn't believe he dodged a perfect imitation!

No, it wasn't simply that...

"Die in a ditch...!" Shan was now already recovered enough to move around, but not enough to use his trump card again. Not even the dreadful 'Major Moon Slicing Draw' could be used right now.

The damage was too extensive...

However, he had his ways of fighting back.

This time, rather than exploding energy from within for a short duration to increase potency, he used Reinforcement Magic the common way first. The skill they called 'Darkening' was applied on him.

The power of dark energy seeped into his marrows from his skin, and went all the way until it reached his heart. Then... the power started to 'ripple' again internally. This was his signature technique.

A variant of 'Internal Reinforcement':

'Heartbeat Frenzy'!


His body started to move as she droned on:

"If you're from a Cultivation Realm, what's with that poorly made sword? Did you have no money to get Array Inscriptions on it?" Only Clara knew these words weren't intended to be heard as a taunt.

Multiple sword waves of energy were slashed out in his direction. Her intentions only to 'play around'. It was thanks to that she got to see something interesting. His skills were put on full display.

Clara wasn't sure why he had 'technology' in his primary weapon rather than Spell Circles or Array Inscriptions, but the way he used Reinforcement Magic almost seemed like a beautiful art form.

Like a masterpiece being put on display...

Every time he unsheathed his blade, an arranged number of slashes would follow after each time. It was cool to see, and had an effect of having unusual timing. Applied faster than her eyesight.

The way Shane randomly switched each quick draw added an unpredictable element that allowed him to draw closer. Clara could tell that he'd given up on using power, and wanted to win using proficiency.

She knew... This wouldn't go as planned.

Shane would regret underestimating her.

Her foundation as a swordsman and proficiency...

"Try me." She spoke.

Their swords collided once again. This time, Clara seemed to at ease that she yawned with one hand and fought with the other. Even going as far as to monologue while he was trying to kill her seriously:

"You know... My master always told me to look out for people like you. Cultivators are like deviants of life. They choose a reason to exist, create blades that mimic Spirit Essences, and fight to get to the top."

"Betrayal and scheming being their daily routines."

"All Classless duds are like that. They think they're something just because they can use a little bit of Mana. I'm not the same as the others. So.., Let me show you the difference between us." Clara's whole demeanour changed while focusing on him entirely.

The five Spell Slots radiating from her body were actually equivalent to 'E Rank' Qi Centres or above in power. Compared to her foe, this was a five times difference that couldn't be overcome with tricks.

Not only did that put him at a disadvantage, but the nature of 'Spells' was like detonating Qi Centres. A forbidden skill that was normally a last resort. This alone put Shane at a serious disadvantage. Much less the fact that Clara had achieved that fabled level.

The one where Spell Slots kept regenerating...

'Deity Rank'.

It was only at this time that Shane spoke to her without any prompting. He had realised the difference between a powerful Earthling and a strong Gaia Human. Their limits were different.

This causing Clara to listen closely to him:

"My master also taught me something..." As if giving up, Shane stood there lazily without form. He was close enough to slash her, but the lack of positioning himself made it clear he wouldn't dare to do it.

After all, attacking without clearly putting your body in the right position to strike was inefficient. If he did try anything, she'd catch on first. Shane simply continued while secretly putting his hand on the trigger of his Rifle Sheath... all with a toothy grin:

"...He said the strong ones talk too much."

The moment he said that, the trigger was pulled.

An explosive burst propelled the handle of his blade into her chin. The sudden impact making her wince in pain. She didn't have the time to deflect it, so this move became the door of life he lunged towards.

Continuing forward.

Just as the blade was falling, Shane grabbed it from mid air and twisted it along her sword to disarm both of them. The aggressive parry left room for him to use three of his last signature techniques.

The first was simple foot stomp to the shin.

An action that caused Clara so much pain...!

Too much, in fact. She couldn't control her actions when the other two strikes were being inflicted upon her. Clara felt an internal damaging technique drop down on her neck recklessly, then a fist struck deep.

It impaled into her stomach like a spear...

There was zero hesitation between the blows.

No room to interrupt this devastating combo.

These two fist strikes decided the battle's end.

...Clara wasn't the loser.

In a twist of fate, Shane did not gain the eventual victory. His resistance had simply put off the inevitable. The injured woman looked down on the unconscious body of her opponent straight after. 

It was a hard fight...

However, that was only because of carelessness.

When the 'Guard Opening Hammer Drop' and 'Extreme Inch Spear Thrust' slammed into her, Clara accidentally retaliated by purposefully chopping him down on the exact wound she had done before.

Her knifehand strike turned into a blade that immediately cut open the cauterised wound from earlier. Clara had no choice but to acknowledge his efforts. This wasn't a talent she needed to offer to her master... No, it was better to turn him into 'family'.

An evil energy different from the one that brainwashed Jake Arcadia started to radiate. Clara reached towards the unconscious Shane's injured neck... Close to creating an unbreakable 'link'.

It was only then that a gunshot resounded.

It came from a blindspot behind her, but the hidden passive barrier around Clara was just enough to block. The bullet bounced off it and hit a nearby wall. When she turned around, she was confused to see a familiar face coming out of a certain room.

The same one she and the duke was in earlier.

"Assistant Researcher, Judetta Darby... what are you doing?" Clara asked the frail woman who had appeared. An annoyed look appeared on her face when she realised she was stopped by a true 'dud'.

A woman with no magical signature whatsoever. A complete and utter failure of a human being. Trash that could not be recycled in the eyes of Clara. The researcher in a pure white lab coat dropped her firearm. Even making a face that said: "Ooopsie~"

Judetta put her tongue on her cheek and spoke:

"I'm thinking of retirement now. See ya!"

Clara thought she hearing a funny joke. How was this woman planning to 'retire' now? By dying right here? It was only then she noticed that earlier gunshot was meant to distract her from a grenade.

Thrown in when she was absent of concentration.

It was a typical incendiary without magic infused.

However, the strength of it warranted Clara to defend herself. The explosion alerting all in the mansion. The power kicking dust... She waved her hand to brush away the smoke and ashes that disrupted her vision straight afterwards.

Then noticed that the duo had vanished...

She wasn't sure how a mere dud was fast enough to escape her, but she chose to deal with another headache first. Although the Arcadia Household was brainwashed, it didn't take away rationality.

Clara would have to deal with the aftereffects of this incident first. Finding them would come later. She wouldn't let them go when that happened. It was only later did the girl realise this night had set in motion a decisively important domino of events...

...and that they would end up leading to her doom.

The first event giving a push that all that would come later being how her 'little sister' escaped. Not the runaway villainess, but the sibling she hadn't put much attention to due to how quiet she was.

Along with the disappearance of Duke Bryan's second wife, who had all of his research notes.

And the lonely widowed duchess who was left...