Chapter 5 – Fujimi Academy Part 2
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#Kurumi's Perspective

After introducing myself, I sat in my seat, which unfortunately ended up next to the protagonist Takashi Komuro.

"A pleasure to meet you,"

 I greeted him, holding back the urge to vomit, and then sat down.

-What a perverted look he's giving you, mistress-

 Alice said, activating the GALGE ability to see Komuro's feelings.

Takashi Komuro - Lust 50

-Be careful, mistress, he might impregnate you with his gaze.-

I felt a chill and made a great effort not to shoot him as the class began. Of course, with a doctorate in mechanical engineering, I was able to understand the entire class, adding that this body has much more memory than in my previous life.

"And that's all for today, you may leave," announced the teacher as she left the classroom due to the bell ringing, and a sea of people surrounded my seat.

"Where are you from? We've never seen you around here."

"What brought you to our school?"

"Do you have a boyfriend or someone special in your life?"

"How do you feel on your first day here?"

"What do you like to do in your free time?"

"What kind of music, movies, or series do you like?"

"Would you like to join a club or extracurricular activity?"

As the crowd of students surrounded me and overwhelmed me with questions, suddenly an authoritative voice made its way through the crowd, and an elegant and self-assured girl appeared in front of me.

"Make some space, please. Let the new girl breathe a little. Don't overwhelm her with so many questions at once."

The one in front of me was Saya Takagi, one of the protagonists. Saya's intervention momentarily calmed the turmoil, allowing me to catch my breath and regain some calm amidst the overwhelming situation.

"Thank you, I didn't know how to answer so many questions," I said with a smile.

"Mmm... it's nothing, I just didn't want there to be so much noise in the classroom," Saya replied before leaving the classroom.

(Now, where can I go?)

-I recommend going to the kendo club.

"The kendo club, huh?"

The idea resonated in my mind. I had always been fascinated by kendo, perhaps due to the innate fascination that men feel for swords, although technically I am no longer a man.

Upon arriving at the kendo club, I found a considerable crowd, mostly men, but also some girls scattered around. I made my way through them until I reached the center of the gathering. A boy, the closest one, noticed my presence and, with a look of surprise followed by a friendly smile, made room for me.

That's when I saw her. She was a stunning beauty, tall and graceful, with a broad and well-proportioned figure. Her toned physique, probably a result of her constant kendo practice, was especially noticeable in her long, slender thighs, almost as if they could easily be encircled by hands.

Not only was her figure captivating, but there was also a refined elegance in her appearance. Her narrow, elongated eyes complemented her classically beautiful face, adding a touch of mystery. Her long purple hair swayed gently to the rhythm of her kendo movements.

But to approach her, one would first have to face the wooden sword she held firmly in her hand. With a grace that seemed effortless, she cut through the air with her sword, which seemed as light as a feather.

After performing a series of movements, the purple-haired girl sheathed her sword and let out a sigh of relief.

"This is the essence of kendo," she announced clearly.

"I am Saeko Busujima, the president of the Kendo Club. If you are interested in the art of kendo, do not hesitate to submit your application and join us."

However, just as the excitement began to build among the attendees, her tone changed.

"Kendo training can be dangerous, so we will only accept students who already have a foundation in this art," she continued, apologizing to those who did not meet the requirement.

As Saeko concluded, a chorus of disappointed sighs echoed among the crowd. Many lacked experience in kendo, while others had come hoping to be close to the charming president.

As the other students dispersed, I took the opportunity to approach Saeko.

"That was a fascinating demonstration, sempai!" I expressed, seeking her attention.

Saeko turned her gaze toward me, with evident curiosity in her eyes.

"You're new, right? I don't remember seeing anyone like you around here."

"Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Kurumi Tokisaki, and I just transferred to this school today," I apologized with a friendly smile.

Saeko nodded in understanding. "Are you interested in kendo?"

I returned the smile, somewhat mischievous.

"Yes, I am interested. Although my specialty is western fencing, I know some kendo techniques."

Saeko looked at me closely, as if analyzing me, and then gave an intriguing smile.

"Hmm, so western fencing... If you say you know the rules of kendo, why don't we have a practice match?"

(I thought that kendo would be a quick way to get closer to Saeko, as it is something she is passionate about, especially sword dueling.)

"That sounds great!" I accepted excitedly.

"Then come with me so I can lend you a kendo uniform and we can start training together."


After choosing a uniform that fit me, I left the dressing room. The crowd had grown considerably when Saeko Busujima and I met on the practice field. Her elegance and skills were undeniable, and the anticipation for our duel was palpable.

Saeko, with her wooden sword in hand, apologized for the wait.

"Don't worry, Busujima-senpai. I'm ready," I said determinedly.

Saeko noticed my confidence and smiled slightly before starting. Her first attack was fast and precise, but I easily blocked it, showing her that I wouldn't be an easy opponent to defeat.

The battle intensified with each exchange of blows. Saeko was skilled, but I was determined to prove my worth. Every move, every block, was an opportunity to showcase my skills and resilience.

"They're both amazing," the crowd watched in awe as we continued our sword dance.

After several minutes of intense exchanges, Saeko briefly stopped the duel.

"Tokisaki-san, get ready," she whispered with contained excitement. I knew she had not yet shown her full potential.

When we resumed, I noticed a change in the intensity of her attacks. Saeko unleashed a series of quick and powerful movements, challenging me to stand firm.

(She is very strong; if I weren't a spirit, I think my hands would be numb.)

I focused on each move, each block. Although her attacks were strong, I kept up with her pace. The crowd watched with enthusiasm, impressed by our ability to maintain such a close battle.

In less time than expected, we had exchanged dozens of moves, showcasing our skill and endurance. Although there was no clear winner, we had both demonstrated our passion for kendo and our ability to face challenges.

In the end, Saeko and I looked at each other with respect and admiration. Our battle had strengthened our bond as kendo companions, and the crowd applauded in recognition of our

"It was amazing, Busujima-senpai, as expected from the champion of the state kendo tournament," I said, smiling.

"You can just call me Saeko, I recognize you as a worthy opponent," replied 

Saeko Busujima - 55 interest.

I was a bit surprised to see the level of affection in her response, but I just smiled.

"Saeko-senpai, can I come to your club tomorrow?"

Saeko gave me a brief excited look, but then returned to her stoic gaze.

"Of course, I'll be more than happy to challenge you again."

After saying goodbye to her, I quickly left the club.