Chapter 39: Red
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"Careful, little sister. There are monsters amongst humans too."


Rushed footsteps snapped twigs underfoot, scattering startled birds into the twilight sky. Natalia's ragged breaths echoed in the stillness of the forest. She pivoted, heart hammering against her ribs, and pressed herself behind the gnarled trunk of a towering oak. Its rough bark scraped against her back, a grounding sensation against the dizzying dread that threatened to consume her.

"Little Red Riding Hood, where are you?"

A figure emerged from the trees, standing bathed in the dying sunlight. This wasn't the righteous hunter she'd heard whispers about - a youthful face, twisted with a cruel amusement, stared back at her. A jagged scar running down his left cheek spoke volumes of a violent past. He wasn't inhuman, but he was undeniably dangerous.

Fear fueled Natalia's lunge, but the hunter easily sidestepped her attack. Pain lanced through her ankle as she hit the ground. Scrambling back up, she snatched a rock, a desperate weapon against his Celestial power.

The sickening crunch of bone echoed through the clearing as the hunter slammed his fist into Natalia's makeshift weapon. Shards of rock sprayed outwards, useless against his raw power. A primal scream ripped from her throat as she stumbled backwards.

"Let me go!" Natalia gasped, her voice hoarse with terror. "I haven't done anything wrong!"

"That's right, you haven't," the hunter sneered, "but that doesn't mean you won't."

An agonising fire ripped through Natalia's abdomen. The celestial blade bit deep, stealing her breath in a single, choked gasp. The world swam at the edges of her vision, tinged crimson as blood bloomed across her sight. A whimper, barely audible, escaped her lips.

"Just kill me," she choked out, the words a desperate plea for oblivion.

The hunter's chuckle scraped against Natalia’s ears, devoid of warmth. "A clean kill? Too merciful for your lot," he spat, a glint of madness flashing in his eyes. "This is your reckoning. I, Dmitri, will savour watching you drown in your own fear!"

A sudden gust of wind whipped through the clearing, carrying the faint scent of lavender. Dmitri’s eyes flickered upwards, his grip momentarily loosening. In that split second, a blur of crimson erupted from the undergrowth.

“Natalia,” a familiar, yet distant voice cut through the daze.

Natalia's vision swam, the world dissolving into a nightmarish smear of red and blue. Through the haze, a spark of recognition igniting in the embers of her consciousness. Crimson hair, a face twisted with fury - it was Lionel, her brother. Relief, a fleeting gasp for air, flooded her before the darkness threatened to pull her under again.

Figures emerged from the trees, their forms shifting in and out of focus. At the forefront, Melissa's worried expression swam into view. Her blue eyes, wide with a terror that mirrored Natalia's own, locked with hers. A hoarse cry ripped from Melissa's throat, laced with a desperation that clawed at Natalia's heart.

"Red! Stay with me!"

Tears welled in Melissa's eyes, their blue a single beacon cutting through the encroaching night.  Natalia watched, vision blurring, until Melissa's face faded into the darkness. The terror loosened its grip, replaced by an unexpected peace as unconsciousness claimed her.

"Natalia," the name echoed, pulling her back from the abyss. Melissa's voice, a lifeline, anchored her to the present. "You alright?"

Natalia bolted upright, the lingering taste of fear a stark contrast to the delightful aroma that greeted her senses. Freshly baked croissants, rich coffee, and the warm scent of melted butter and cheese - a familiar morning symphony at the prestigious academy. 

Disoriented for just a moment, she blinked at the high, vaulted ceiling of the cafeteria. Sunlight streaming through stained-glass windows and casting a warm glow on the intricate oak beams. The happy chatter of students, a welcome sound that chased away the unwanted echoes of the past, filled the air.

"I'm... alright, sorry," Natalia murmured, the lingering fear a tremor in her voice. "Just... lost in thoughts."

Melissa chuckled softly, her touch lingering on Natalia's arm. "Seems like some pretty intense thoughts, huh?"

Natalia instinctively leaned her head on Melissa's shoulder, seeking solace in the familiar scent of coconut shampoo that always reminded her of sun-drenched beaches. 'A mermaid for sure,' she thought with a smile, the memory of the day they met flashing in her mind. The gesture felt undeniably natural.

Blinking away the remnants of the memory, Natalia met Melissa's gaze, the clear blue depths mirroring the ocean Natalia had almost drowned in. "Did you... ask me something?"

A hint of nervousness flickered across Melissa's features, her cheeks warming with a rosy blush that mirrored Natalia's own fluttering heart. "Actually," she started, "there's this new restaurant opening downtown this weekend, and I was wondering if maybe..."

The invitation hung in the air, a thrilling prospect tinged with a delicious flutter of panic. A dinner date with Melissa! Butterflies, or perhaps a more unsettling swarm of ravenous crows, took flight in Natalia's stomach.

"Uh, actually," Natalia stammered, her brain conjuring the most ridiculous excuse on the fly, "I'm swamped with... shopping with... uh... HER!" Her eyes darted around the room, landing on Astra.

Astra, the human equivalent of a "Do Not Disturb" sign, sat hunched over her untouched plate. But the real mystery wasn't the food; it was the utensil. In her hand, a chopstick (seriously, Astra?) poked at a perfectly good croissant, meticulously picking off flakes with the focus of a brain surgeon operating on... well, maybe not a whole brain, but definitely a particularly determined gnat.

This was a far cry from Astra's usual routine of brooding and sarcasm. A deep frown creased her brow. For a fleeting moment, Natalia thought she saw a flicker of something... melancholic? Regretful? It vanished so quickly Natalia questioned her own sanity.

The urgency to escape intensified. "Astra!" Natalia blurted, the force of her voice startling both Astra and Melissa.

In a move worthy of a ninja... if that ninja had tripped over their own shoelaces, Natalia lunged for Astra's mouth. "National Sarcasm Quota Exceeded!" she whispered into Astra’s ear, her voice strained. "Silent treatment engaged!" 

Astra, momentarily stunned into silence by the sheer absurdity of the situation, blinked once.

"A-anyway, gotta dash!” Natalia stammered, ushering a bewildered Astra out of the dining hall. She left Melissa standing alone, a whirlwind of unspoken emotions swirling in her wake.

Back in their room, Natalia collapsed onto the now-surprisingly plush bed. "What was that about?" Astra grumbled, a frown etched between her blood-red eyes.

Natalia hesitated. How could she explain the tangled web of emotions Melissa's invitation had unravelled? It was a complicated mess, worthy of its own ten-volume webnovel series, complete with cliffhangers and love triangles. "Well, it's just..." she trailed off, searching for the right words.

Astra, surprisingly perceptive, cut straight to the point. "You like Melissa, don't you? Why the friend-zoning?"

Natalia sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "It's complicated. We've been friends forever, and I don't want to risk things by... you know, feelings getting all... explodey."

"Wait, isn't this the same person you were heartbroken over? The one you called your 'unrequited love'?" Astra questioned, air quotes adding a touch of playful teasing. She sank onto her bed, eyes widening at the unexpected comfort.

Natalia winced. "Let's just say I'm over that. Completely. Probably. Maybe. Okay, not entirely, but moving on!" It came out in a rush, punctuated by nervous laughter.

"So, you've been pining for her and now that she'd shown interest, you're playing hard to get?" Astra grumbled, rolling her eyes. "Sound like someone."

Natalia flopped face-first into the plush bedding, her voice muffled. "Maybe it was just a friendly date offer. But the thought of it being more... it scared me," she admitted. "Dating someone you're lukewarm about is easy-peasy. But with feelings this intense, it's like..." She trailed off again, the vulnerability raw in her voice.

"It's like flying straight into a fire," Astra finished softly, a spark of recognition replacing her usual stoicism. "You know you might get burned, but the flame is just so... captivating."

Natalia peeked at Astra from under her arm. "There's more to Melissa than you think. Yes, she can be-"

"A bit self-absorbed?" Astra supplied with a knowing smirk.

Natalia laughed, a bubbly sound that surprised them both. "Exactly. But sometimes, actions speak louder than words, right? Empty promises wouldn't have mattered. I almost died, Astra," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "And Melissa..."

Natalia fell silent, the weight of the memory heavy on her tongue. Astra waited patiently, a new understanding dawning in her crimson eyes.

"She... she sacrificed her own power to heal me," Natalia finally continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "It took her forever to recover."

"Sacrifice... control..." Astra murmured, the word resonating with her. After a thoughtful pause, she asked, seemingly out of the blue, "Say, how hard is it for a vampire to control themselves around blood?"

The unexpected shift in topic surprised Natalia, but she answered honestly. "Nearly impossible during a blood frenzy. That's why I carry blood bags. Once a vampire tastes human blood, the hunger is... well, let's just say it turns your brain into mush with a side of 'gimmegimmegimme'."

A super-complex wave of emotions washed over Astra's face - confusion, then a flicker of hope that quickly flickered out, replaced by doubt. "Is it possible if they just... hated the taste?"

"Hated? No!" Natalia huffed. "Even lukewarm werewolf blood is like... like... lukewarm werewolf blood. But let me tell you, a human with a bit of, ahem, enthusiasm in their bloodstream, would be like... blue cheese!"

Astra's face contorted in a look that could launch a thousand memes. Natalia quickly backtracked with a nervous giggle. "Okay, not a fan? In short, it’s irresistible. Unless..."

"Unless?" Astra breathed, her eyes faraway.

Natalia hesitated, then leaned in conspiratorially. "Unless the sustenance is more important than the hunger. But it takes incredible control on the vampire's part to avoid accidents. Remember that story about... her?”

A strangled laugh escaped Astra's lips, the tension dissipating slightly. Though a shadow of the storm cloud remained in her eyes, a flicker of newfound hope danced within them. 

Leaning forward, Astra’s voice held a hint of longing, she asked, "How long will you keep pushing Melissa away, Nat? You look at her like the stars dance in her eyes, treat her with such tenderness, then shut her out like a fly. If you want her, be honest, or are vampires always such damn cowards?"

Natalia, caught off guard by the swift turn of the conversation, opened her mouth to retort. But the words crumbled on her tongue. Instead, a newfound vulnerability softened her voice. "What if... what if I tell her? How do you think she'd react?"

A flicker of empathy softened Astra's features, chasing away the usual frost in her eyes. Leaning in, her voice dropped to a whisper. "Don't you think she might be dying to hear what you're not saying?” Astra's voice hitched, a raw vulnerability peeking through the cracks of her stoicism. "Isn't there a part of you that just wants to hear it too? Even if it hurts like hell?"

Natalia's breath hitched. The realisation slammed into her like a tidal wave. This wasn't just about Melissa. It was about a hunger for a connection that transcended fear, a yearning Astra herself echoed with a heartbreaking fragility.

A heavy silence settled, thick with unspoken truths. With newfound clarity, Natalia whispered, "Thank you, Astra. I truly hope you get to hear those words... someday too."

A ghost of a smile tugged at Astra's lips, but it never quite reached her eyes. Pain flashed across her features before she schooled her expression back into its usual indifference. 

"Someday," Astra murmured, her gaze drifting to the distance, clouding with a shadowed memory.

Natalia & Lionel

