Chapter 37 – Unforseen Repercussions
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Scott opened his eyes and looked at Sharon in the shower. Her eyes were still closed.

"Thanks anyway. I know you've put up with so much for me" Scott said sadly to Sharon and kissed her.

The image of Lisa shattering into a million pieces still stuck to his mind.

"Scott! You're back!" Clara's said.

Clara, Emily and Danielle hugged both Scott and Sharon together.

"Scott? Where are we? I feel strange!' Lisa's voice said.

Scott was shocked and looked at Lisa, who was standing next to them. 

She was naked, and looking at her hands as if they didn't belong to them. 

How was she here?

"Scott? I... I can't feel anything" Lisa said. 

Scott rushed to her and held her

"Oh Lisa! You're alright! I thought... I thought I lost you again" Scott said, hugging her naked body tightly. 

"I can't feel you... I can't feel anything" Lisa said. 

Scott frowned as Lisa's body felt like the plasticized one. She may look like the Lisa he remembered, but her body was hard and felt like a sex doll made of silicone. 

"Scott! That...that's my puppet. How is Lisa talking through her?" Clara said.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked

"I put a rune on all the puppets so I can feel and control them. That is the plasticized body of Lisa" Clara said

"What are you saying?" Lisa asked her.

"Let me show you. Open your mouth wide" Clara said.

Lisa opened her mouth

Clara suddenly reached and grabbed Lisa's lips, pulling them open and pulled the skin off her head!

As Lisa didn't feel anything, she didn't scream in pain. She just watched in horror as Clara peeled her skin right off her body and pulled the opening of her mouth all the way down to her lower abdomen, exposing all her muscles and bones like a Bare Bodies exhibit.

"There" Clara said, pointing at Lisa's belly button. There was a rune there. She had placed a rune on the belly buttons of all her puppets.

"What did you do to me?" Lisa said, looking curiously at her fleshless body. 

"Put her back together" Scott said. 

Clara nodded and helped Lisa put her skin back on. 

"What happened Scott?" Emily asked. 

Just as he was about to answer, they heard Danielle's voice.

"Sharon? Sharon!" Danielle yelled, looking at Sharon who had slid to the ground.

They were so distracted by Lisa, that nobody noticed that Sharon was unconscious even though her eyes were open.

Now, her body was convulsing. 

"Let's get her to the hospital! Fast!" Danielle yelled, covering Sharon with a bathrobe and they all quickly got dressed and rushed off.


They sat in Sharon's private room, looking at her.

She was in a coma. The doctors couldn't explain why, but they obviously can't discharge her until she regains consciousness.

"No wonder" Emily said, nodding her head, after Scott explained to them what had happened, and they watched everything as she linked their minds.

"What do you mean. Have you figured it out?" Scott asked.

"I have a hypothesis. I think that Sharon is in a coma because her future self went to her timeline. With the extra knowledge jammed into her head and she entered this time line with her past altered, her mind is having problems coping. It may take some time to recover" Emily said. 

"How long? Scott asked. 

"I can't tell for sure. Until her mind is able to sort out and consolidate her experiences. But seeing that both were from the same day, it shouldn't be too long" Emily said.

"What about Lisa?" Scott asked. 

Lisa was back at home with Clara as Clara needed to do some tests on her.

"Lisa... well, you know the time paradox of meeting your past self. When she and her plasticized body touched each other, somehow her real body was merged with the plasticized one. Normally both would die, but the plasticized body seems to be indestructible. Somehow, her soul and spirit has merged with it" Emily said.

"That's bad isn't it?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. It's good in a sense that she didn't vanish completely. Some theorized that if you touch your past self, you may erase yourself from existence. But she survived that.

Perhaps if she can somehow regain her sense of touch, taste and smell. Somehow, when I did tests on her, she could see and hear, but it wasn't with her eyes and ears.. It was somehow else" Emily noted. 

The walk back to the office only took a few minutes as their office and home was only a couple of blocks away from the hospital. Danielle was taking the first shift to stay and take care of Sharon. 

Scott and Emily walked up the stairs to find the door was open. 

Scott frowned and Emily said in his head "I can't feel Clara"

She didn't mention Lisa because they had all found out that she can't seem to read Lisa's mind or communicate with her with her mind link. 

They walked through the front door and saw that the place had been ransacked!

Clara and Lisa were gone, as were all of Clara's puppets!

"Lisa? Clara?" Scott yelled as he looked at his office and apartment, which was a mess.

"Scott?" Lisa's voice said.

"Lisa?" Scott looked only to see Lisa floating out of a wall

"What happened here?" Lisa asked while levitating in the air.

"You don't know?" Scott asked.

"No. Clara was doing some sort of ritual on my body when I..." Lisa was explaining when Emily suddenly interrupted.

"Who are you talking to?" Emily asked.

"You can't see Lisa?" Scott asked.

"Lisa? What are you talking about?" Emily asked again.

"She's....right here" Scott said walking to Lisa and held out his hand.

Lisa tried to touch Scott's hand, but her hand phased right through his hand.

"Lisa... what happened to you?" Scott asked. 

Emily frowned and used her mind link to look through Scott's eyes.

She gasped to see Lisa's naked body floating in the air in front of Scott and listening to her voice.

"...Clara's ritual that separated my spirit from my body...she called it my astral form" Lisa explained.

"So you're like a ghost?" Scott asked.

"Something like that. I'm not sure. But it seems no one but you and Clara can see me" Lisa said. 

"Scott is your soulmate and Clara is the caster of the ritual. It's no wonder that only the two of you can see her" Emily explained. 

"We still have to find Clara. Something happened to her" Scott said and started touching all the damaged furniture.

As he touched the couch, he received a vision.

"Damn. How are they still alive?" Scott suddenly said...