Chapter 13: Fight for Chocolate
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Well the answer to my question came a lot quicker than I thought. I also came very suddenly and painfully to my back. Then more so when my face was pushed into the dirt.

The monster managed to pounce down on top of me. Slamming me into the ground, throwing grass and dirt everywhere. I tumbled over and over again until my body came to a rest some distance far away from the impact.

My body hurt, my head was spinning, but I could not afford to black out now. Biting my lip I managed to lift my head up to find the monster did not fare too much better than myself. Was this thing really going to risk hurting itself to get me? Well I just was thankful it didn't go for my wings.

Body aching and protesting against my wishes, I will myself to stand. Legs trembling and struggling to stay upright. I watched as the monster got up as well. Locking eyes with each other, we both knew that we were close to equal, so I really need to turn this in my favor. It seems to know that, at least at mutual ground, might lead to mutual destruction. It doesn't mind dying as long as I go with it.

I, on the other claw, wanted to finish my chocolate. I called upon the spirits and made a giant wall between us, and dash more for the lake. If I can just make it there, I can end this fight.

I can hear it trying to break out of the ice I surrounded it in. This was giving me vital time to create some distance. My back still hurts, and I dont have the strength to take to the air right now. Just when I got sight on the lake, I heard it.

The ice I had created shattered. The clock was ticking. That monster is much faster than me. I must get to the lake. The lake is my life line. I need to grab it. I can hear it, closing the distance between us.

Just before the lake I can feel it going for my tail, I swipe my tail blindly and hard. Causing it to ache from the whiplash, but the jarring feeling of it colliding with that monster gave me a small bit of hope.

I heard it crash into a tree off to my right. I didn't look back to see if it got up. I was at my goal. I got to the beach, before turning around. I now had overwhelming strength at my call. I called upon the water to cover me, and I felt rejuvenated. Refreshed and full of energy again.

The monster was up and rushing at me. This thing was a fool, if it thinks it can beat me now. I called upon a huge wave which came crashing down on top the monster, without hesitation I surrounded it in water, spinning the water rapidly stopping it from orienting itself. With it trapped and vulnerable I call once more on my power and I feel my body chill and the air around me drops in temperature rapidly, as the ball of water starts freezing over slowly freezing the monster in place.

I kept at it, making it colder and colder. When I was cute the ball was frozen all the way through, and the monster was frozen completely. I punched the ice as hard as I could, causing it to shatter and the monster shattered into pieces as well.

I had won the fight. I dropped down onto the soft sand. My heart beating in my chest, my body trembling. I wasn't in the mood for celebrating. I was tired from expanding so much energy. The water helped me feel better, but I felt tired in a way that was hard to explain.

Was it that I was lonely? I was the only dragon here, maybe that was it. Well I could try making better statues, maybe I will make one of myself one day too. I got to go help the town people. I start making my way in that direction.

“I won, heh. I told ya mom. I can be strong and fight!” I said grinning.

After a long walk, I made it back to the town. Smoke was rising from the buildings which had been burned, but the villagers seemed to stop them before it got too bad. I smile at seeing it and lay down. My body is tired, and the adrenaline that's been allowing me to operate has finally run out.

I see Sally and her kid are safe, and when they see me come back the town cheered. They all ran in my direction cheering for me. I blushed really hard, I blushed really hard. I was not used to this attention. They all seemed so happy, and cheerful. It was so nice to see. I had saved them.

“Hello every-” I stopped as the next events unfolded.

Arrows rained down from the sky like a swarm, filling the sky with darkness. I saw before my eyes as villagers screamed and fell one after another. The scream pierced my ears like thunder. Soon a lot of shiny humans charged into the town, lighting it on fire again.

Panic began to fill my mind, I had not seen such violence before. Members of the same kind fighting each other, for no reason. It was like a river of blood. The grass turned red, and covered in arrows like a pin cushion.

My body acting on its own, I took a deep breath and before I knew it, I let out my dragon's breath. My vision blurred as I roared. The village I just saved was getting destroyed again. I couldn't stand it. I summoned all the water mana in the air and without me even asking they knew what I wanted. They were ready to fight some more.

I casted a huge wave of ice in spikes skewering every shiny human I could see. I didn't stop till all fell silent. Panting heavily I slowly started coming back to myself.

“What have I done?” I trembled.

Tears in my eyes, as I looked upon the dead. In the midst of the fallen villagers, I saw Sally who threw her body over her child. The son was yelling and crying. Calling for his mom. Other villagers who survived were weeping and crying going to find the corpses of their loved ones. This happy village, I liked visiting, is now so full of death and sorrow.