5: Pik, the Judge
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Rinoura's eyes widened. Her squad almost raised their weapons until she stretched her hand out to stop them from doing so.

The World Library's rules were universal, monsters, zombies, the Guilty, humans or whatever you were. You had to follow the World Library's rules.

"But, that's a Guilty! We have to kill it somehow!" One of the members shouted out.

"You idiot!" Rinoura scolded the member.

The reptilian sinner then looked up from its book, its sight switching back and forth between the humans. It slowly walked to them, its incredibly long obsidian claws threatening to slash with every step. 

Everyone but Jono and Rinoura backed away from caution, its large frame's shoulders reached until Rinoura's upper chest. This thing was large.

"What are you trying to do?" Rinoura demanded an answer.

The creature then looked at Rinoura, it slowly stood up. Its stature forcing Rinoura to tilt her head up, it tried to close its mouth as if to try to emulate lips.

"I.. want... to... become... unstoppable..." The creature spoke with unwavering truth.

It dropped down to a quadrupedal stance, it then started walking away with a book held with its left hand.

Rinoura narrowed her eyes.

"Jono, are you fine with following that thing?" Rinoura asked.

Jono without hesitation, nodded.

"We'll continue our search for books, Jono you keep track of the sinner and what books it is reading." Rinoura commanded.

Everyone nodded in turn.


It was odd... The beast read all types of books, mathematics, botany, poisons, cooking, biology, bioengineering, weapons, historical armors, business, geographical stuff, electricity, zoology, marine-life, diseases, human tragedies and now it seemed to be reading a book about the inner workings of an air-conditioning unit.

But the most confusing part were the sinner's reading speed, within twenty minutes it could read an entire book of around five hundred pages or more. Jono guessed it was because of its four eyes.

Still, despite how trivial all of these books seemed to be... They somehow had to be connected...


A week had passed... The beast had read around five hundred books now... And there seemed to be no sign of its pursuit slowing down.

Rinoura and her squad had slowly become more and more concerned, now even the other squads were hearing about this.

Now, all the squads had a member observing and spying on the beast. The sinner did not care, and this tirade continued for a few more weeks.

Until, the squads had finally gotten enough appropriate books they needed. Now, all they needed to do was leave. But, they had to keep an eye on the sinner.

One day, the sinner had finally read its last book and started to walk towards the front of the World Library's entrance portal.

That thing was about to leave, the squads immediately gathered around. As the sinner walked to the exit, seemingly unbothered by the squads of people around it. As its body approached the portal, its body started to swirl around the portal's energy.

It was about to leave, and with immediate action. The squads rapidly ran to the portal while holding their World Books in hand.


The area around the gateway was already cleared by the Exterminator Squads, fortifications made from wood were present.

Some soldiers were at the front, using their spears to kill zombies who got too close. Without the zombies' Corpsekin to passively influence their form, they were just fragile with no benefits. Speaking of corpsekin, Havok was killed after a few days of battle.

Twelve squads of exterminators were more than enough against Havok, though it did kill 3 members. Still, they needed to be cautious.

Named corpsekin could always come back at some point.

Anyways, there were now tents and temporary structures around the gateway to accommodate the troops. Everything was as intended, the Historian squad was out with two exterminator squads to go study the cities again.

Luckily, the only corpsekin in the city was Havok...


A corrupted angel...

The Historian squad looked in horror as the thing ripped apart every member of the two exterminator squads, except for the two captains which it deemed were strong enough to live through hell.

That thing didn't attack anyone that couldn't fight, but when it did fight. 

It was mind-breaking, its entire form was inconceivable. Not because of what it was, but because of how it worked. How did that thing move.

How is it able to do that?!

This shouldn't be possible! It doesn't even possess any magic! How is it able to do that!?

"Children of man, present to thyself thou own comrades. Dearest fleshed Vouth, thou's humble angel has come to judge those who rend fellow flesh. Let thee carnivorous touch bleed into my strength." It protested.



That thing worshipped Vouthlow...

In order to survive, the Historian Squad slowly walked towards the camp whilst they carried the two injured captains on the back of two of the Historian members.

An angel followed behind them, its wings stood still despite its flight. Its giant form created a large shadow over their path, its large eye staring at the little humans before it.

Multiple eyes on its legs followed its main eye's gaze. It was a mockery of human's faith, a human's angel.

Made from crude unliving flesh, its light reeked of death and mercilessness. An angel was following them, unfortunately, it was of a false rotting god.


"EVERYONE, READY YOUR WEAPONS!" Tyno shouted, immediately every exterminator member stood up and brought their weapons towards the gateway.

Before the Bookseekers left the gateway, what they instead saw was  a giant reptilian. What they first saw was its glowing ringed violet eyes. A sinner, a Guilty Reincarnated.

In that instant, everyone attacked. They used their weapons, their spears to charge at the reptilian. The beast in turn jumped up, its huge leg muscles propelled it up to a great distance upwards.

Its eyes widened as it observed the zone beyond the camp, something shining and large was about to reach this area. The sound of air being exhaled and inhaled remained within the area.

A familiar sound, as it fell a large net met the sinner on its way down. 

"It's a reptilian type so it has good armor, let the exterminators with bludgeoning weapons attack!" Rinoura shouted.

Reinon roared in pain as it felt the pain of multiple maces, warhammers and other weapons slam against its scaly body. It tried to tear open its net, but its fiber was too tough to destroy.

Reinon's bones once more started to crack and shatter.


It was still too weak, far too weak. Simple strength was beaten, it had fallen inti a trap. It was knowledgeable yet was still naive, it was tough but it wasn't immovable.

Reinon could once more feels its body start to shut down due to the damage, and its eyes started to shut. 


"EVERYONE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PREPARE YOURSELVES, PLEASE!" A Historian member shouted as she ran to the camp.

"We're about to kill a sinner, right now! Let's finish this fir-" One of the exterminator captains stopped himself short.

"E-EVERYBODY! A CORPSEKIN IS HERE!" The captain shouted in awe and horror.

This thing was absolutely gigantic. At around the height of a two story building. This thing floated towards the camp, its disgusting glow permeated.

"Pik, the Judge." Pik introduced itself, a new form.

"What the fuck is that?!" One of the Exterminator members shouted.

"Thou strength will be up against thyself's trial, prove to thyself that thee are worthy of marching in hell." Pik spoke, its voice was echoed.

Pik was back, in the form of a twisted interpretation of all that was faithful. 

"A-Attack!" The captains shouted, they were scared.

But Exterminators had a job to do, they readied their weapons. Those with magical abilities readied their abilities.

Pik raised one of its floating fists, the right one. And as if it was a rocket, blitzed to the Exterminator Squads' formations. The giant fist was headed the Exterminators' way.

One of the captains put up a yellow magical barrier, temporarily the fist was stopped in its trajectory. But the noses at the ends of the floating arm started to exhale even harder, boosting the fist's propulsion. In that instant, the barrier shattered and the fist first slammed the captain down with it.

The fist as well made contact with some of the Exterminators, the noses' propulsion further strengthened the fist's velocity and upcoming impact. The instant it made contact with the ground, the Exterminators along with one of the captains had been crushed together with little to no resistance.

A red large explosion of blood decorated the crater that was created from Pik's fist impacting unto the ground.

With one punch, Pik had killed a captain and five Exterminators. Everyone's eyes widened in realization.

"E-Everyone! Fight!" One of the captains shouted.

Pik's main eye narrowed, it slowly raised its bloodied red fist and once more slammed it into the groups of Exterminators. It didn't stop with one though, as Exterminators fearfully charged at the Corpsekin.

It would crush and flatten any Exterminator that moved forward, after what seemed to be a pummeling of floating fists.

Around forty Exterminators had been crushed to death, human decimated bones littered inside the craters made by Pik's punches. 

Pik then looked at the captains, it raised its left arm. It then propelled itself towards one of the captains.

He tried to dodge, but in an instant. He had been crushed against the ground, leaving his corpse into a blood pool with mushy organs and shattered bones.

"No mortal here has yet to prove thee to be worthy. Judgement has a lot of skulls to collect today." Pik spoke.

Pik then observed at the humans within the camp, there was no warrior to be seen. Merely fearful and scared children.

Even Rinoura, Jono and the other captains. They stood in fear and despair, their forces were merely ants in front of this... Malformed angel...

"Thou strength, exists but is lacking. Thou's will to struggle has faded to the maws of fear, judgement has made its presence clear. May dearest flesh, Vouth, spare the arrogant flesh-renders. I will now cleanse this hell of unloved flesh. "  Pik seemed to pray for the humans, it then raised both of its fists and was about to slam it on the humans.

However, Pik's gaze then landed on the green scaly sinner. It momentarily stopped its action.

"Are thee worthy to walk the pathways of hell, or are thou at the mercy of judgement? Pik will judge, do not disappoint." Pik spoke to the beast.

Pik then floated towards Reinon, its foreboding frame facing the injured Reinon.

"Ready thee, sinner." Pik warned Reinon.

Wake up.

Fun Fact: Pik's directive never changed, it's objective is to test and judge. Before, it judged Guilty Reincarnateds. Now, it judges everyone.

The Corpsekin judges individuals' strength and combat prowess, if they can't impress Pik then they are killed but if they do impress Pik then they are spared. There are exceptions though, creatures who cannot fight are automatically spared by Pik.

Just like how the Historian Squad was spared but the Bookseekers and Exterminators were attacked. But it really depends on what Pik consider to be unable to fight.