Chapter 9
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And just as I supposed, when I entered the vault I found danamus lying on the treasure devouring red rocks.

"Dude, you must stop eating that or you could get rockitis sick"


"Of course it's a real disease and a very dangerous one, believe me. I'm saying this for your sake"


".....Hey, where's your eggshell?"


"Tell me you didn't eat it all"




Well, we went back to 0, I didn't even take a step forward and I'm already going backwards, new plan.... Come up with a plan

"I shouldn't have said it, I'm sorry, you're still very young, don't learn bad words. In any case, you destroyed my plan, so now give me ideas"


"Yeah.... That's not going to work, I'm not a dragon, remember? I can't breathe fi-"

My words were stopped by the enigmatic sight of a small tree growing out of nowhere, which then pulled its roots out of the ground and used them as its limbs. He picked up one of the red rocks and walked towards Danamus, and after fulfilling his purpose of delivering the rock, it turned into green particles and disappeared into thin air.

"...... what’s that? how did you do it?"


" it magic?"


"Of course, it makes sense. After all, you're a dragon, a magical being, aren't you?"




"What are you doing? Boy, don't act conceited, just because I don't know about magic doesn't mean I'm stupid. Maybe you don't understand it, but until a few days ago you were just part of my dream or are you still one? I don't know........ Come on, show me how you do it"


"Sure, you do it naturally, you can't teach me. I mean, you can't even talk. how am I going to learn?"


"New plan.... learn magic"
The first thing to try is to imagine it. I tried for two full days to create or manipulate the elements with what little I could remember pushing my mind to the limit, but it didn't work. so maybe my imagination is seriously limited or I didn't do it the right way.

In any case, I wasn't able to manipulate magic. Am I trying the impossible or did I miss something?.... I would say all of the above. I mean, you can't blame me, I'm trying to be self taught in learning magic here.



"Water Ball"


"Dude, don't judge me, I do what I can, I'm not a dragon, it's not in my nature to create magic......... Of course, nature, my friend, you're a genius"


If we talk about magic we have to talk about spirits, in fact without them magic would not exist, so the easiest and fastest way to acquire magic is obviously from the source......or at least that's what I want to believe for my own sake, so the first thing I must do is enchant them. As I remember in most of the stories I read, spirits are usually free and very attached to their element, so they are grouped according to the environment and since we are in a place surrounded by nature, it is more likely that there are nature spirits.

I tried to attract and communicate with the spirits, with some rituals that I remembered and others that occurred to me at the time, things like cleansing my body, dressing myself with plants, meditating by the fire, I tried to make offerings, prayers, sacrifices and I even created small altars with the theme of the elements where I leave some fruits, but nothing got results, The damn bugs didn't show up and after 13 days without results it was time to switch to meditation, mana manipulation, energy, chakra or whatever the fuck exists in this world.

I know I could be rushing and maybe abandoning the spirits as soon as it's a mistake, but again I don't know what to do or how to do it, in fact, I don't even know if spirits really exist. It's all based solely on my assumptions and that Danamus can use what I think is magic, so I can only try until I get some result. Trial and error is all I can do.

It was easier said than done, first I tried to meditate and try to gather the particles of the environment inside me, I tried to gather the energy in the most important organs, create one more organ or spread it throughout my body, but this had a small problem and that is that I can't make anything work, if I can't feel anything.

I had the intention and willingness to meditate without rest, but the body did not correspond to my desires. Thirst, hunger and other physiological needs attacked me during my meditation sessions, so meditating for a long period of time was impossible. Luckily I was by the river and the bath is not far away. Plus I have the ever-reliable dragon lord to provide food.

After several days of hard work, anger, frustration and perseverance, there was finally a promising result. I managed to erase any thoughts, leaving my mind completely empty. I completely isolated myself from reality, I honestly didn't think it was possible, it was like going back to when I walked in the dark to get to this place, but this brought a small problem......I lost track of time.

Although the sky here is lit up during the day, maybe it's because of how bright it is, but since I've been here I haven't seen the sun or maybe in this world there is no sun. In any case, the days are like a light bulb, it just turns on slowly and at dusk it turns off slowly, so I have no way to calculate the time, but at least I knew how many days I've been in this place.

I remember that when I started meditating it was dawn and now, the day seems to be still dawning, but there are several fruits and pieces of roasted meat. The point is that for some reason Danamus only hunts when the day is brighter, that is, when it's noon or that's what my logic tells me and he only brings one piece of meat at a time, that if I don't eat at the time, when he returns he usually eats it and changes it for a new piece. So I do not know if it was a day, several or just a few minutes and my dragon friend changed his habits.

"Where is danamus? I wish he could talk, how is it possible that he knows magic but can't talk?"


'at least did I make some progress?'

Although if I think about it, it's not that time matters much either, I mean, right now it only helps me to know how long I’ve lived in this city and nothing else, it's not like I'm expecting visitors. So with the small setback overcome and the hopes renewed by my achievement in meditation, I kept trying to find out anything that could change my current state of total ignorance.

They were meditation sessions in which I was totally disconnected from my environment, I didn't know when Danamus was coming, nor what was happening around me and much less how long it has been since I started meditating. But curiously I always came out of my meditative state in the morning hours, which only served to make calculating time more difficult.

After the twelfth session I stopped, my hair had grown longer than normal and I already had the beard that never grows more than one cm long. What results did I get? That now I could enter into a meditative state more easily, so now I can fall asleep whenever I want, something I could do before. Also my concentration seems to improve and as for the magic, the results are null, I can't see, feel or manipulate anything, so in short it was a huge failure and waste of time, time that luckily I don't know how much it was or I would be feeling worse.

"This is frustrating"


"There you are my good friend...... uhm? looks like you've grown up a bit, thanks you for taking care of me all this time"


"Okay, I'm fine, although I haven't made any progress, I haven't given up yet..... Do you have any ideas?"


"A fireball..... but I still don't understand how you do it, you just create it and that's it?"

'There must be a reason, something I'm not understanding. Could language be the key? but I don't understand the language of this world and I have no way of deciphering it either, although now that I think about it Danamus seems to understand me. Maybe something else? but if it's not the language what else could it be?'


"How desperate, can only dragons create magic? But if this is a magical world, that wouldn't make sense, but if so, will I have to be reborn to become a dragon? If fantasy exists, surely reincarnation also exists, but being reborn as a dragon would not depend on me and dying is not an idea I like"


"Uhm?.... To be reborn as a dragon, of course! the key is to become a dragon. why didn't I think of that before? Anything that involves dying is out of the question, so I can't be reborn as a dragon, but I can try to become one"