Plans 2(MS)
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"Soooooo Hooooot!"

"Damn it Emy stop clinging it's hot!"

"Sis you're unfair"

"Certainly it's hot here..."

The four of us now walking at the desert in the middle of nowhere. There is no settlement on sight. I wonder why this always happens to me. As for how this all started let's go back few hours ago.


"Hey Eris! Do we need to bring swimsuit?"

"Goodness Emy, we are going to desert not beach!" Velvet sighs.

"Velvet is right sis. That's stupi... Wait. Are we sure there is no beach there?" Elly asked.

"Not sure. Why don't I ask Maki!" I replied.

"Oh right you added Maki right?" Emy asked.

"Yep. Anyways let me call her."

"Okay" the three replied in unison.

We are now preparing our baggage for the adventure in Zone 2. 

(Call Maki)

-call request accepted.-

-connection established-

"Heya Eris~"

"Hi there Maki."

"You guys are going today right? What's up?"

"Yep. Just asking some stuff."

"I see. Then I believe there is a beach there."

"Wait. Really? Also did you hear it again?" I replied with a sigh.

"Yep yep. Anyways a piece of advice."

"What is it?" I listen attentively.

"A lot will happen there for sure. Always remember that a broken sword can't return to normal but it can always become something else."

"Huh? A broken what?"

"That's all. Enjoy your trip~"

-call ended-

"Ey maki? Ah geez."

"What did she say?" Emy asked.

"Apparently there is a beach there."

"Yay!" The two sisters yelled as they jump around.

Velvet tried to cover her face with a blanket but I can see the happy face she makes.

(A broken sword can't return to normal but it can always become something else huh... I wonder what Maki meant by that.)

And so we ended up preparing our baggage till it's almost lunch time and after eating we all head to the academy.

-at the academy-


"Oh Eris. And also the whole party. Going to Zone 2 right?" The receptionist greets us.

"Yep." I replied.

"Now then before we head to the zone transport gate allow me to mention some rules in Zone 2."

"Please do."

The four of us listen to her.

"Always remember contracts there are more important than anything else. Always be careful if you ever sign one. Make sure to read everything. Also it might look inhumane but slavery is normal there. They often use it as corporal punishment but most of the time it's all because of the said contracts. Be mindful and don't just poke your heads into another's problem. It sill just drag you all to unnecessary problems. And lastly keep in mind that zone 2 have there own rules so we can't help you incase something happens. Please be careful." She explained

"Yes." The four of us replied in unison.

"Great. Now follow me."

We all followed the receptionist to a room with a huge portal. The border of the portal are all made of rocky like material. 

"Upon entry you all will appear in the spawn area. There you can ask for a map. That said the zone 2 are not fully known yet so the map will only show places already found. Again be careful."

"Thank you very much for filing us with information." I gave my gratitude.

"That's my job after all. Now please enter the portal."

"Yes. Let's go guys!"

"Yeah!" The three replied as I lead in head first.


"And that's what happened. So why are we in the middle of nowhere!?" Emy shouts loud that I feel her voice must have traveled in the desert.

"I thought we might need to camp for some time so I bought a large tent enough to fit us four but I didn't think we might need it right away." Velvet sighs as she preps the tent.

We all decided to stop traveling now that it's getting dark. I wonder if the night time here is as hot as we experienced at morning.

"Anyways I will look around for now. I will use "locate skill" to find you guys."

Locate skill. A basic necessity skill that can be bought in the academy. It can be used to locate a specific target but only works within the whole zone. Cannot be used to locate something or someone from another zone.

"Got it. Take care Eris." Velvet replies.

"Let me join you Eris." Elly stands up after placing her baggage in the tent and follows me.

"Then I will stay here with Velvet." Emy waves at me.

"Thanks. Let's go Elly." I waved at the two before facing Elly.

"Yes!" She happily hugs me before clinging on my right arm.

I don't know why but I can feel stares at me. I wonder why.

The two of us walked around looking for any clue where we are. Occasionally Elly tells me a story. With my light spell giving us light source we simply walk around and enjoy the night view which is very nice considering how clear the skies and shiny the stars above.

"This turned into something disastrous huh..." I said while looking above.

"This is just an adventure Eris." Elly replied with a smile.

"Thats... Yeah. That's true. We just started right away." I sighed in defeat and smiled before Patting Elly's head.

We continue going for an hour now despite the sky turning dark which signifies night time.  When suddenly we saw a man laying on the ground. He is wearing silver armor and on his back, a large chair or maybe a throne are tied with a girl sitting. The girl simply stared at the sky without moving at all.

The two of us run towards them.

"Are you all okay?" I asked as I look at the girl waiting for her reply but.




"What happened to her." Elly finally decided to talk. After watching me call out to the girl without replies.

"Urghh... Water..." The man laying down tried to speak.

"Water? Oh wait." I took a bottle in my inventory and hand it to him.

"Here I have some."

The man suddenly stands and grabs the water before drinking it all in one gulp.


Elly fall on her bum upon the sudden surprise.

"So uh... What happened?" I asked the man as I lend my hand to Elly to help her stand.

"Oh my bad. We are walking in the desert you see. Looking for the town when I finally got tired and just fell there." He offers his hand for a shake. "The names Gerald by the way."

I clasp his hand and shake before letting go.

"I'm Eris and this is Elly. We have two more members named Velvet and Emy which is over there on our tent." I point on the direction behind us.

"Going on an adventure?" He asked.

"Something like that." I answered.

"I see. Thanks for the water by the way."

"Umm..." Elly looks at the girl behind him.

"Yes? Oh. This here behind me is Kanna." He points at his back.

"Why is she just staring forward?" Elly asked curiously.

"Hmmm... Sorry something happened you see and she became like that." Gerald replied with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I see. Did you try healing her?" I asked.

"Unfortunately healing only works physically. Can't heal something else."

"I see." I just look at her face. Her eyes remained open as her hair flows with the wind. As if she is staring at something not infront of her. Something far away.

"Anyways. Want to join us for a while? Might be hard to sleep. We can atleast offer her a space in our tent so she can sleep peacefully." I offered while Elly clings on my arm.

"That would be great if you guys don't mind." Gerald smiled at us.

"Of course. We must help each other in times like this." I replied with a smile.

"Certainly." He let's out a chuckle.

"Well then please follow me."

"Lead the way."

And so we returned to our tent with Gerald and Kanna. We all tell stories on the way as we walk slowly but surely towards my other teammates.

-meanwhile in another place -

"So you met them already Eris..." Maki sitting on a veranda as she watch the sky while drinking tea.

"Things will get harder for you guys from now on. Unfortunately I can't help you guys there. And I also have problems to face myself." She said as she walk inside the room where an Ice coffin is. The coffin is transparent enough and inside a girl that looks like her sleeps.

"May I meet you again here safely since I can't see that far ahead yet. Take care of yourself _________" Maki said before hugging the coffin with tears on her face as she look at the person inside with longing in her eyes.