Chapter 06: Preparing for Graduation
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Boruto woke up to Mom and Dad already awake and preparing for work. Even Mom was going to work. Mom had done some missions every now and again but he she also worked in the village's sensory unit. She had once told Boruto that with the equipment in the sensory unit she could stretch her sight to encompass three times the size of the Land of Fire. She had said that she couldn't actually see the whole thing in her mind, but with Inoji's Mom they could map of the results of her sight.

After Himawari was awake they prepared for the Academy. Himawari liked to wear blue training clothes like Mom. With her and Mom wearing shades of blue standing next to each other, she looked like a younger version of Mom. Although Himawari's hair was a little less straight than Mom's. Boruto had worn dark blue training pants like Himawari and Mom but with a yellow jacket to match his hair. When everyone was done with breakfast they all walked out together with Mom and Dad heading for the Hokage office and Boruto and Himawari heading for the academy.

This was the very last day of the lessons before graduation week. Boruto knew he was going to pass the exams, afterall these weren't the Chunin Exams. The thing he was wondering was who he was going to have as his teammates. He wanted Sarada to be in his team, but in that case their team was going to be unbalanced since they were both at the top of their class. Grandpa Kakashi had always told him about how a Shinobi team was chosen to make up for the team members' weaknesses with their other team members' strengths.

'The twins' team was not balanced at all.' Boruto found himself thinking.

He stopped at that and spoke with Himawari about whatever else was on his mind. Then they picked up Sarada and went to the academy with her.

"Who do you think your team members will be?" Himawari asked. Looking at Sarada.

"I think maybe Kosuke and Raiga." Sarada said after thinking about it a little.

"Maybe Mitsuki." Boruto said wincing. He hated it but Mitsuki had positioned himself in the very middle of the class.

"I think you will end up on the same team. What about your teacher, who do you want it to be?" Himawari said after they had said their predictions.

"I think Senior Konohamaru would be great. Dad said he had learnt Sage mode and maybe he could help me." Boruto said after thinking a while.

"I wanna have Mirai or maybe your Mom could be the one." Sarada said a little exited.

"I don't think Mirai will be chosen, she's just been promoted to Jonin last year. Mom is busy with her work so no. If we're listing people that will never be chosen then I want Grandpa Kakashi, maybe Might Guy Sensei." Boruto said in response.

"Do you think Lee Sensei will pick a team?" Himawari said when she saw that they had finished talking.

"I don't think so. He's been teaching in the academy for years now, I don't think the academy will let him go. Maybe Senior Inuzuka will pick a team maybe even Senior Tenten. I heard she is really good at Sealing Jutsu." Sarada said to Himawari.

"What about Senior Choji? You think he wants a team?" Boruto said thinking about Dad's friends.

"Maybe he will pick a team. I heard he is very active in picking missions. Hey why don't you mention someone from your clan? Maybe we can have someone from your family." Sarada said making Boruto and Himawari silent for a while.

"Well, I don't know who they'd pick." Boruto said before Himawari said anything. He knew Mom and Grandfather were arguing with the rest of the family. He didn't know what they would decide but grandfather seemed to not want anyone to know.

They got to the academy for an ultimately uneventful day. On the weekend Himawari and Boruto were going to train with Dad.

When Boruto and Himawari got home, Boruto made lunch with Himawari's help. After they ate they went into the yard and practiced their forms. Afterwards they spared a little with Himawari's Byakugan to compensate for the gap between then. Himawari pressured Boruto a little as he was not using advanced Taijutsu forms. When they were tired from the sparing they practiced their forms again. By the time they were slowing down in exhaustion the sun was setting.

"Do you think Mom will come back before it's dark?" Himawari asked Boruto as they were sitting down.

"Yeah, I think she will back in a hour or so. What I don't know about is Dad. We should prepare for dinner in case Mom comes at night or you wanna take a bath before we cook?" Boruto said getting up and going into the kitchen.

"No, I'll help you with dinner first." Himawari followed him into the kitchen.

As they prepared the food, Boruto had his senses stretch out into the direction of the Kage office. He had been regularly doing this to check for any sign of Mom or Dad. He usually didn't do this, but being alone at home, with only Himawari made him a little anxious. When Boruto was ready to light the flame he had a kind of premonition that if he stretched his senses he would sense Mom. He was already looking at Himawari before he stretched his senses.

"Oh, I think Mom will be here in ten minutes." Boruto said his senses confirming his intuition.

"Hmm..." Himawari nodded putting the pots on the stove. Boruto was surprised that Himawari was not more excited, but he didn't question Himawari and continued cooking. It a little while later that he saw that Himawari had activated her Byakugan. He debated to himself if he should tell he to stop. The veins of the Byakugan look cool in battle, but in this case it just looked like Himawari was going to hurt herself. He remembered that they sometimes spar for hours so he figured just a few minutes before Mom got here was not going to be a problem.

Ten minutes later Himawari just walked out of the kitchen. Boruto stretched his senses to the front of the house and sure enough Mom was at the gate. He was looking at the food cooking so he just guarded what Himawari was supposed to be cooking and stayed in the kitchen. He sensed Himawari run when she saw Mom and jump into a hug. When Mom got into the kitchen a little while later he gave her a hug too and felt himself relax.

"You want me to finish up the cooking?" Mom asked looking into the pots.

"No, I'll be fine, you can sit a little and relax." Boruto figured he should finish up his cooking.

"Himawari will help right?" Boruto said next when he noticed that Himawari wanted to sit with Mom.

"... Okay." Himawari said turning back.

They finished cooking after a while. They served up the dishes and ate with Mom. While eating Boruto asked Mom when Dad was coming back.

"He might take a while. Even as the Hokage he can't go home whenever he wants. In fact he has something very important to do today that could stretch into tomorrow. He might not come home tonight so you shouldn't worry. Dad will still be able to train you, even if he might want to take a nap if he comes back tomorrow." Mom told them as she was eating.

"Your food is great. Mom might become cubby with food this good." Mom said praising them.

"Ehh... Isn't Mom already chubby?" Himawari said putting her hands on her chest and looking at Mom's chest. Boruto almost laughed but held it in. He looked at Mom wondering what she would say.

"Hmm... I guess that's true. If Mom was all bony she wouldn't be able to give the very best hugs to her little princess." Mom said pinching Himawari's cheek. Boruto almost said that, that wasn't Himawari meant, but he held that in too and kept eating.

After eating they took a bath and went to sleep. Boruto almost couldn't wait for Dad's training tomorrow. He had so much to ask Dad.

Boruto woke up to Mom making breakfast in the kitchen. For a moment he thought it was an academy day, but the moment his heart started beating fast at the thought of being late, he remembered what day it was. It was stranger because after a while he remembered staying in bed because he knew what day it was.

"Hey Mom, where's dad?"

"Oh... You scared me a little. Dad just came back in the morning. You are going to have to let him sleep in. You can train later when he is all rested, alright?" Mom said after an exaggerated scare noise. Afterwards she turned around and brushed his head.

"Yeah, that is okay." Boruto thought about if Dad wasn't the Hokage maybe they would have as much time with him as they did Mom. Maybe Dad wouldn't be so sad when he told him about the Will of Fire.

He went to sit down while still yawning. Just as he sat down he saw that Himawari had woke up and came into the room.

"Hey Mom, where's Dad?" Boruto felt some weirded out as Himawari said the same thing he said in the same way he said it almost standing in the same place he was standing.

"Oh... You scared me a little. Dad just came back in the morning. You are going to have to let him sleep in. You can train later when he is all rested, alright?" Mom smiled at him at the corner of her eye. Boruto was almost creeped out of his mind when he saw this, but after looking at Mom he bust out laughing. Mom laughed along with him.

"Ehh... Why are you guys laughing? Do I look funny or something?" Himawari was confused when she saw them laughing.

"No honey we are not laughing at you. You just asked the same thing as Boruto when you came in. I'll have breakfast ready in a while. Go sit with Boruto." Mom said after brushing her head. Boruto laughed again. Mom looked at her hand and Himawari's head and laughed again. Himawari looked at the two of them and decided to just let it go and sat down.

As they ate breakfast he wondered about what Mom was looking for at work yesterday. Most of the time Mom would tell him but maybe this was going to be one of the rare times she told them.

"Hey Mom what were you looking for at work yesterday?"

"I was looking for Aunt Hanabi's team. We sent them a message the day before and couldn't get into contact with them, but it's ok they were fine." Mom said after thinking about it a little.

"Was everyone okay?" Boruto asked worrying about Aunt Hanabi and the others.

"It's ok, everyone is fine." Mom said repeating herself.

"I miss Aunt Hanabi and the others." Himawari suddenly said.

"Don't worry they'll be done with their mission in about four months." Mom said comfortingly to Himawari.

They continued eating breakfast for some time while talking about this and that. Before they knew it it was time for their morning training. Boruto wanted them to do his forms, but Mom had something better.

"I talked with your grandfather and he agreed to let me teach you the Twin Lion Fists." Mom said surprising them.

"Ehh... Didn't Grandpa say that it was only taught to the main branch of the family or something?" Boruto had always wanted to learn it.

"Well Father said that he was going to give me all those main branch techniques for my safekeeping and to teach you both. Most of them are not going to usable for you Boruto so I teach you everything you can learn."

"Oh... Okay." Boruto had never wanted the Byakugan as he did now. He cheered himself up by convincing himself that maybe if he used the Jutsu designed for the Byakugan it would awaken.

"So the Twin Lion Fists is about shaping your Chakra in the hands in the shape of Komainu. It is used to drain the Chakra of your opponents so you will not be using it to spar with Himawari. Himawari you will not be using it with your Kurama Cloak even when up against me." Mom said warning Himawari. Mom then gave instructions as she demonstrates with her movements.

As Boruto was practicing he couldn't help but feel that it was too hard to use. He felt like only with the Byakugan can something like this be used. By the time they were trying for the third time Himawari just got it like that. Boruto couldn't believe it, Himawari's Chakra control was not good at all. He froze a moment until he saw the Lion Fists turn red, he almost rushed to Himawari until he saw Mom's hand on he heard.

"Calm down my little princess. You have a long time to get it right, it doesn't have to be now." Mom said brushing Himawari's hair. Himawari released the technique and her eyes lost their red rings around the irises.

"I figured you'd get it quickly, since it is similar to what you and dad do with the Kurama Chakra Cloak, but I didn't think you'd be this quick. You shouldn't rush it, don't follow the shape of your Chakra, make the Chakra follow the shape in your mind." Mom said after Himawari had calmed down. Boruto was a little relieved to hear that there was a reason Himawari learnt it so quickly otherwise he would have felt useless.

Dad came down a minute later still looking tired.

"Why is my little princess agitated?" Dad said after saying good morning.

"You should go back to sleep. Himawari just lost control of her Chakra a bit, nothing to worry about." Mom said when she saw him yarn.

"I can't go back to sleep now, I'll watch you train. I'll use Sage mode to refresh and then I can train with you guys afterwards." Dad said going to sit down.

As exited as Boruto was he was a little pained when he saw Dad so tired. Even still he trained his hardest because Dad was watching. Even while trying his best he felt that the Jutsu was a most likely impossible for someone without the Byakugan.

After they had been training for a while dad who had been sitting on the ground got up looking more refreshed. He looked like he had gotten a good night's sleep, though there seemed to be a little bit of yellow on the sides of his eyes. Boruto knew it was a sign of Sage mode, even if it seemed that Dad had not gone full Sage. His eyes were also still the same so it was clear that Dad didn't want to be distracting when he will be teaching them. Boruto was not bothered when Dad's pupils changed, but Himawari was always overly excited when she saw them change.

"Ehh... Dad you said you were going Sage mode, why aren't your pupils all blocky?" Himawari said when she saw Dad looked normal other than the hint of yellow on the sides of his eyes.

"Well I am not going to be training you on Sage Arts, and my little princess can't concentrate when my eyes are all weird." Dad said teasing Himawari. Himawari had laughed the whole day the first time she had seen Dad with Sage mode and had said his eyes were all weird. Boruto had thought so too when he first saw them but now he believed they made Dad look way cooler. He especially liked it when they formed crossed with Kurama Sensei's eyes overlapped.

"But I like it when Dad's eyes are weird. Me and Mom have weird eyes all the time." Himawari tried to convince Dad to use the full Sage mode.

"...sigh... If I use it you won't laugh while we are training, right?" Dad gave in almost immediately. The shades on the sides of his eyes became darker and his pupils vertically elongated like unrolling a tiny scroll. Boruto was glad dad was using Sage mode, at least half as happy as Himawari was. Boruto saw her smile and almost jump up laughing, but she settled it with doing a little skip.

"First I'll help Himawari with Chakra control, Boruto you can listen in if you want, otherwise you can practice with Mom."

"I wanna listen in. Mom can we slow down so I can listen to Dad?" Boruto didn't want to miss a thing so he told Mom. Mom then decided they should do some Eight Trigrams Taijutsu forms.

"The reason you can't control your Chakra well is because of the amount of growth Kurama's Chakra has experienced within the Eight Trigrams Six Paths seal. I made the seal so if I was ever killed in battle Kurama would be able to protect you in my stead. I just didn't think the seal would be so powerful. But I believe my Himawari is the strongest, I believe you will be able to control that Chakra even without Kurama's help. 'Naruto are you telling me I won't be teaching Himawari?'..." Dad had just finished talking when Kurama Sensei's voice came out of his mouth. His eyes became crosses for the time that Kurama Sensei's talked.

"Wow... He he he." Himawari bust out laughing after a cry of wonder when she saw his eyes change. Boruto wondered if she had heard what Dad had said. Boruto certainly had.

"That's not what I am saying. You help me every day and we can only help Himawari today. Himawari pay attention please." Dad deflated a little after talking to Kurama.

"There is two ways I can help you with your Chakra control. I can loosen the seal so that you can form a more robust connection with the growing mass of Chakra inside you. Or I can tighten the seal to lessen leaking and decrease the connection. We will then help you control your Chakra afterwards." Dad said after Himawari had calmed down from her laughing.

"So Dad is telling me to choose?" Himawari seemed confused. Boruto was too, why didn't dad just do the one he thought was best.

"Yeah, I want you to choose. If you want me to loosen the seal you'll have to be careful even sparing in class, if you want me to tighten it you might loose your Cloak." Dad said having the Hokage face on.

"Then why can't you just teach me as I am now?" Himawari wanted neither.

"Well, I thought about it and found that for you to have a proper connection with the Chakra inside you I would have to loosen the seal, but if you don't want the connection to the Chakra I'll have to tighten the seal. As you are now your connection with the Chakra inside you is weak enough for leaking Chakra to disrupt your Chakra control while the seal itself is loose enough to let that Chakra through." Dad explained patiently to Himawari.

"What does Dad want me to choose?" Himawari said.

"Himawari it has to be your choice."

"Ehh... But I always choose stuff to make Mom and Dad happy, so if I choose and find out my choice made Dad not so happy I'll be sad. So I think it is very important to know what Dad wants before I choose." Himawari said equally as serious.

"'Ha ha ha, she got you there Naruto.'" Kurama Sensei's voice came out of Dad's mouth.

"Ha ha. You got me my little princess." Dad said the Hokage face falling off to reveal his Dad face.

"Okay, I want you to choose the loosening of the seal. Although you'll have more Chakra to control I believe you can do it." Dad said afterwards.

"Okay so Dad wants me to choose the first one. So Dad how will the different options affect the Chakra inside of me?" Himawari surprised Dad by not immediately choosing the first option.

"Hmm... The loosening of the seal will allow a closer melding of you and the Chakra, so the Chakra will grow faster than it is now while the tightening of the seal will cut off that connection resulting in the Chakra slowing down it's growth." Dad flowed into the explanation even with the surprise on his face.

"Ohh... Then it's obvious I should choose the first. I thought it would be all scary since Dad wanted me to choose it." Himawari said looking relieved. Boruto also thought the first one was better.

"Okay then. I want you to sit down, relax and close your eyes. You might feel a little agitated, but I want you to relax and let the Chakra flow however it wants." Dad said indicating that Himawari sit in front of him with her back turned.

Dad's eyes turned into crosses when Himawari had sat down. Dad put his hands on Himawari's back. A black staff with a black ring with smaller rings around the bigger one suddenly appeared behind Dad as he put his hands on Himawari's back. Himawari's Kurama Cloak appeared over her body seemingly involuntarily. The Chakra making up the Cloak was bubbling as though it was boiling. As Boruto was watching, Himawari who had always had one Chakra tail behind her suddenly had two. He wondered how much stronger than made her.

When Dad had completed the procedure he seemed to almost collapse. He got up with the help of the black staff and went to sit further away from Himawari. Mom went over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You okay?" Mom said sounding as worried as Boruto felt. Was loosening of the seal really something so hard for Dad. Boruto stopped his own exercise and went over to Dad.

"Yeah it's just that, for a moment Himawari's sealed Chakra matched with Kurama's Chakra." Dad said flexing his pale arm.

"Is that dangerous?" Boruto asked worried about Himawari and his dad. Mom looked at Dad as if telling his to tell him and not to tell him at the same time.

"Yeah for me it is. I made the seal in consideration of Himawari, not so much myself. Everytime the Chakra inside Himawari leaks without combining with hers first, it connects to nature energy and calls all the Chakra belonging to Kurama. The seal prevents the Chakra from going in the direction of a larger mass of Kurama's Chakra, which is me. I have to seal in my own Chakra for a while until Himawari has connected with the Chakra overflowing from the seal." Dad said as he opened his pale hand. Boruto felt nature energy from around him move into the hand, when he looked at Dad again his face looked healthy again.

"Are you really going to die?" Boruto could tell that everything Dad had done and taught them was him planning for them to take care of the village after his death. He felt his eyes burning as he looked down.

"... Sigh... I think so son. I am not planning to, but I am an Eminent Toad Sage, if I couldn't sense out my own future I really would be a failure. Everytime I look I see you and Himawari on your own against enemies. I want you to be the big brother and look after Himawari when that time comes... Can you do that?" Dad said getting up and making the staff disappear into his pale hand. He held out his fist for a fist bump.

"... Okay." Boruto didn't want to, he didn't want to be the big brother, he didn't want to be the one protecting the village, but when he saw Mom with tears glistening in her eyes like himself, he couldn't not promise. He held out his own fist for a fist bump. After the fist bump Dad hugged both of them, and especially Mom.

"Ehh... Did I miss something?" Himawari asked still clad in a golden Chakra Cloak, that sometimes bubbled with scarlet Chakra, and with two tails behind her. The black circles on the outside of her palms looked very much like the one Dad had on his pale arm.

"Himawari honey, you should gain control of your Chakra before talking. And we were talking about your seal." Mom said reprimanding Himawari a little for coming out of her meditation.

"Ehe... Mom I don't think I can without an hour or so, and you guys are distracting me by talking." Himawari said in her own defense.

"Don't worry about it, how about we go to the lake and practice your Chakra control with some water walking." Dad said diffusing the tension between Mom and Himawari.

"Okay!!" Himawari and Boruto were exited. Boruto couldn't wait for Dad to give him a passing grade on the water walking. He had improved to the point that he could run on the water, even if it was at slow speed. Himawari on the other hand was just a little behind him, she could walk but couldn't run. Sometimes Boruto found it unfair, Himawari's Byakugan improved her visualization of Chakra to the point that even with her unstable Chakra she could keep up with him even though she was younger. They put on their training clothes, Boruto in his blue and yellow and Himawari with her different shades of blue. They then followed Dad to the lake.

"Alright so today it's not going to be standard. I am going to change the shape of the water so you will have to run in all sorts of ways to complete the training." Dad said when they got to the lake.

"But dad I can't run on water." Still clad in golden Chakra that was bubbling with scarlet, forming a cape and tails behind her, Himawari complained.

"It's alright Hima, the seal should be loose enough that you'll have an easier time with your Chakra control." Dad said to Himawari and then looked at Boruto.

"You struggle with hesitation when executing Jutsu right?"

"Yeah." Boruto answered Dad after being embarrassed when Dad put his loss to Sarada like that.

"The power of Jutsu is tied to will, even though you are, to me at least, a prodigy in your understanding of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and even Senjutsu you will never reach your full potential if your will is completely unified with your every breath in battle. You must understand that powerful Shinobi do not treat Chakra as the limit of their ability. Their very life is the limit, to die completing a Jutsu is only possible if a Shinobi is giving their all afterall." Dad said to both of them, but mostly to Boruto.

"Yes!!" Boruto and Himawari felt they had to say it after that. It had felt like Lord Sixth had said that.

"Okay you will go into the water, I'll change the water to be an obstacle and you will chase after these two flags. Whoever gets theirs first wins." Dad bit into his thumb and summoned two small Frogs.

"Hello Toad Sage!!" The Frog greeted Dad as he handed them the flags.

Boruto and Himawari both got into the water. Dad then used his pale hand to weave hand signs for the water dragon Jutsu. Boruto had seen the hand signs before, he had even done the Jutsu once. When Dad completed the hand signs massive dragons of water were rising in the water. The formed wheels as the frogs rode them and went further and further into the lake.

"Alright start!" Dad gave the signal.

Boruto chased as Himawari followed behind him. He was surprised that Himawari was actually running on the water. Boruto picked up speed, sometimes one of his legs would submerge. He got close to the Frog but the Frog just rode the water dragon as it got away.

"Too slow."

Boruto picked up speed some more and got up the dragon. When his hand was about to touch the Frog he felt his legs submerge into the water dragon. The turbulent water in the dragon then dragged him into the water. When he got out of the water he saw Himawari chasing her Frog upside down under the dragon. Although she was a bit unsteady she was doing something Boruto just failed in. Boruto got out of the water and chased his Frog. He was not going to let Himawari win. He was the big brother after all.

"Okay break time!" Dad said when he saw they were tired.

"Alright what did you think?" Dad said when they had sat down.

"My Chakra is so much easier to control." Himawari excitedly told Dad. Her Kurama Cloak was not bubbling as much, even the tails behind her were moving less chaotically. The Chakra was almost completely golden. Boruto felt like he was gonna loose today.

"Yeah every time I hesitate I loose my balance in the water, but I think I am getting it." Boruto also said something positive.

"Alright take a little break and we'll do it again."

They took a ten minute break and continued the exercise.

When they continued, Himawari was even more stable in the water and she was as fast as Boruto. Boruto pulled together his thoughts and chased the Frog down. Whenever he got close the Frog would ride a water dragon. Boruto was still unstable on the water dragon and couldn't chase it as well.

It was after multiple breaks and attempts that as Boruto was getting out of the water he saw one of Himawari's tails go into the blind spot of the Frog as she cornered it from the front. Boruto knew he had lost, but he didn't want to lose. He wanted to make dad proud at least this time. He racked his brain for the will that Dad talked about.

It came to him just a second later when the Frog had dodged one of Himawari's tails and was going to be caught by the other one. He felt that this was just like the time Himawari's Chakra was about to touch Sarada. His thoughts slowed down as his body just flowed as if his body was following a preordained path. His steps were as if he was walking on solid stone even as he stepped on the water dragon. In just a moment he had caught up with the Frog. The Frog jumped but his hand was on its path. He had seen it as if seeing the future and his hand was going to hold the flag. He caught it and lost his concentration and fell into the water. He happily got out of the water with the flag in his hand.

"Himawari won by a millisecond." Dad said dashing his hopes of winning.

Although he was disappointed, the disappointment was overshadowed by his excitement. He hadn't used body flicker but his speed was enough to almost win when Himawari already had her partner cornered. He had finally got what his teachers had been telling him.

As Boruto was getting out of the water he watched as Himawari got out and jumped into Dad's arms. He remembered the feeling of moving the body, the Chakra and the mind as if there was nothing in between them. He had wanted to win but now he was just happy. He had finally gotten what his Dad and teacher had been teaching him. He had in that moment felt like he could fight off two of his past selves.

Boruto looked at Himawari whose Kurama Cloak was even more defined. It was no longer bubbling and was all gold. It almost looked like she was wearing actual clothes. Her tails gave her away though, they were a bit translucent so that you could actually tell they were made of Chakra.

"Himawari, how was it, you seemed to have better control and you even used your tails?" Dad asked Himawari. He was holding her in one hand and in the other he dismissed the Frogs back to Mount Myoboku. The Frogs seemed very unhappy, either at Dad for just dismissing them or that they were caught.

Boruto could remember the time when Himawari couldn't control the Cloak, now she could control two tails. It was only half a week ago when she showed him that she can use the one tail. Boruto felt like if he didn't have that understanding at the end, Himawari was going to be so far ahead that he would not have the confidence to be able to catch up.

"Yeah, the Chakra felt more like me. I didn't feel at all like anything else was trying to control my Chakra. And I got these cute fluffy tails. They are like extra arms to give hugs with." Himawari said, giving Dad a hug with both her arms and tails. Boruto saw his Dad smiling a smile that almost looked like crying.

"What about you Boruto? You were very fast at the end. I felt your Chakra flow smoothen out so much that I thought you had entered Sage mode... Himawari, stop it!" Dad said him after a minute or two and then reprimanded Himawari for tickling him with her tails. Although he looked like he was about to laugh.

"Yeah it was awesome. It felt like I had made my thoughts shape the future or something. I could move exactly how I wanted and the Frog moved the way I wanted him to, as if leaping into my hand. I think that using your Chakra like that is a matter of confidence and trusting yourself while also having a goal?" Boruto let the word fall out in quick succession, at the end he was not sure so he phrased almost the entire statement as a question.

"I think whatever works for you it's alright. For me it was always about doing that one thing that I knew had to be done. That one thought occupying your mind, doing that while forgetting everything else. For Lady Tsunade, she always said it was about forgetting her body and moving the way she wants to anything that stands front of her breaking at her fists. There is no wrong way as long as you can give it your all in every fight you participate in." Dad said giving him the green light. Dad put down Himawari after she tried to tickle him again.

"Yeah I think the punchi thing is the best. For me it is just about feeling closer with my Chakra. I feel like if I am moving my body and my head is alright my Chakra moves all throughout my body a lot better." Himawari waved her fists while giving her own thoughts.

"Okay try out your Shadow Clone Jutsu, with how your Chakra is flowing now I have high hopes." Dad said to Boruto.


Boruto didn't try to get back into the headspace he was in against the Frog. He just let his Chakra flow, as if water down a hill, as he weaved the hand signs. He felt like this was going to be the smoothest clone Jutsu he ever weaved.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" The involuntary exclamation came out as a loud shout.

Boruto felt his Chakra drop as he looked around to see ten of him staring back at him. He jumped in joy as his clones followed him in celebration.

"Okay, excellent. I think they are just as good as Sarada's. But they might be lower in durability since Sarada's are a Kekkei Genkai of sorts. Yeah if it's not a nine it will be an eight." Dad said, praising him.

When dad praised him a tension loosened in him that he didn't know was there and he felt himself become dizzy. He sat down before he fell on his face.

"You okay Boruto?" Himawari said, almost rushing to him.

"It's ok he just overdrafted his Chakra, and on that note retract your Cloak Himawari. I don't want to have to carry both of you." Dad said to Himawari.

"Eh but I like my fluffy tails and I wanna be carried by Dad too."

"...sigh... Alright I'll carry both of you, just retract your Cloak, if you tax your Chakra when I just changed the Seal it might collapse it entirely." Dad said being serious. Himawari retracted her Chakra.

Dad carried them home peacefully. After they got home they ate dinner and went to sleep tired and ready for tomorrow.