009. Demons attack
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I slowly raised my hand to the handle holding it strongly and turning it very slowly all in the hopes if not making any unnecessary sound.

And then suddenly with a loud boom the wall of the house was broken as a man was sent flying throught the air. 

The anxiety in itself was more than enough to shave off half of my life but the fact that a man was yeeted out of the house scared the living hell out of me so scared that I almost peed myself on the spot, but thankfully I did not scream only shook violently for few moment out of the shock and fear.

I was still shacking but I decided to get a better look at the man that was thrown out like a trash, at first I thought he was just a bandit but when I looked closer I noticed a horn on the  top of his forehead. 

"D-Demons?" what where they doing here? did they find out that mom is also a demon?

I quickly turned around and got close to the hole in the wall, and peaked my little head.

Inside I saw mother fighting six diffrent people she seemed to handle the situation pretty well untill one of the demons hit her with a club. 

"Hah seems like the life of a house bitch made you a little clumsy!"

Thankfully she was able to block it with her hand but I'm sure it hurts like hell just from the sound. 

The situation looked bad for mother so I wanted to help her badly, I realy did but what could I do? what could a helples kid like me do?

And then I regretted not trainning hard like my sister because I knew If she was here she would have been able to do something. 

As I was regretting my past choices Some crimson Shadow enveloped parts of mother and she suddenly dissapeared only to reapear infront of one of the demons and breaking his hand beffore throwing him towards another person, she had become faster and stronger.

"Stand your ground! she can't keep this up forever!" one of the demons shouted and those that had some doubts came to their senses and gathering their will. 

And he migh have been right as I noticed my mother breathing taking a faster turn and sweats falling down her forehead, I had to do something before it was too late... 

"And what do we have here?" suddenly I heard a voice from right behind me I looked back to only see the man that was thrown right through the wall towering over me.

"EP!" was all I let out before trying to run away from him but he grabbed my hand from behind so I tried to shak him off but to no avail. 

"Hey guys look what I found, a little curious kitten wandering at the wrong place and the wrong time!" 

"Arcen?" Mom was confused then shocked and finnaly terrefied in that order, obviously this was the worst time for me to show up.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IDIOT JUST KILL HER AND COME HERE HELP US!" the same man that gave out the orders before shouted at him. 

"Ehhh but Wakky really liked Fking little girls though." 

"This is no time for Fucking around!" 

"Geez fine BOSS." then proceeded to raise a knife in the air preparing to kill me. 

"DON'T!" mother screamed out atop of her lunge and tried to run towards us but she had lost sight of their Boss for too long and he took this chance for granted hitting mom in the face.

"MOM!" I screamed out tryin even harder to shake of the man who was holding me back, I wanted to run to mom and check her condition. 

"Huh? Oh would you look at that? She's a nephelim! a half-human half-demon she would surely fech us a high price even if she's 'USED'." 

The man brushed the part of my hair that was covering my red pupil putting it on display for the rest of them to see.

"Wait is it even possible for a succubus race whos birth rate is frightenningly low to have a child with human whos race is known for having  a weak body and magic?" 

"I mean just because it had never happened before doesn't mean its impossible right?"  

"Cut it out you lot we have more important things at hand." Their boss scoled them and then turned to mom who was still grounded.

"If you value her life then give up." 

Mother bit her lower lip in frustration and nodded to him.


"Hey Boss~" one of the men got close the 'Boss' in a cheecky maner.

"What is it?"

"You know could we have a little 'FUN'?" Upon hearing those words the others turned to look at their boss with hopefull expression, seeing this  He clicked his tongue, I however did not undrstand what he meant by "FUN"

"Fine but be quick." 

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE LAY A FINGER ON MY DAUGHTER!" mother screamed out with anger evident on her face. 

"No you don't, at least if you value her life." the Demon boss said as he exiter the house, once he got out of the house the rest of the demons became loud and celeberated. 

Then They pinned mother down and tore her clothes. 


"It's gonna be alright Dear, trust me everything will-GUH" But she couldn't finish her sentence because one of the men inserted their filthy rods withing her.  

But she still tried to reareassure that everything will be fine, to which I weakly nodded.

Then they started to tear my clothes as well, I screamed and tried to escape but it was too hopeless.


Maybe, maybe this is just a very very bad dream... yeah that has to be it... 

Then I heard the same voice talk to me as I lost my conciousnes Mocking me. 


Again? Well at leas this time your really being raped... so what are you going to do this time, kill like last time?

Then what are you waiting for? Oh your body doesn't have the same powers again. 

So are you feign ignorance again? If your going to Ignore me and my powers then at least make this life quick I'M bored.