008. Mist
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Omega A foreign word in the dictinory of the world but Still the people continue to call this world Omega, Omega has three major regons elven continent, human empire and demon realm, each possese diffrent species such as demons elves dwarfs humans and other demi-humans

I A V A I 

After that incident Deoh tried to make up for what he said he apologized, bowed down or even got me a itlle doll but I would always ignore him... my sister didn't mind him trying to apologize but seeing that I wanted nothing to do with him she would shoo him away, but I was sure he would try to get close the next day, WHY?

Anyways let's talk about what I do in my free times recently instead of that A hole. 

Well I know my mom and dad are great fighters as I have heard their stories way too much, don't get me wrong its great But I lost my intreset after hearing them for the hundredth time, doesnt seem to be the same for my sis though her eyes still sparckle.  

As I was  saying they are great fighters but they are... well not the best at keeping the house clean or cooking foods... 

So I decided that I would learn them to help my family.

That is how it was for few years and now I am fifteen years old.

"C'mon Arcen!" 

"B-but I can't..."

"I'm sure you'll be fine"

I'm not athletic at all, so  I would rather not play any kind of game that would require much moving, but I can't say no when Asper is insisting.


And that is how I always get dragged with my sister. 

Don't get me wrong I Love watching my sister win but usually she won't be satisfied with me just watch. 

Maybe I should actully give it my all for once! Just as I gathered my resolve for once Hearing my sisters voice calling out my name in a urgent way brought me back to reality. 


"EH?" I saw something close in very quickly to my face.


"I'm so sorry." 

"For the tenth time you should not apologize I was the one who made that shot." 

"But you don't have to sit with me though, you can go and play with others." 

"Meh I was getting bored of playing anyways." lie She was just getting excited that's why she couldn't control her strength when she passed the ball to me. 

"HEY Asper why don't you just leave her? she's always like that anyway?"  Deoh who was the closest to that guy  tried to stop him and make him apology but once he looked at my sister he took a big step away from him, I don't know why though but even that kid started to tremble and ran while crying the others however were as clueless as me.

I know I should not be saying this but... 

"It feels nice you and I just being together even if we don't do anything." 

"yeah, your right..."

I felt Like even if we are not blood related, nothing in this world could break our bond. 

But all good times come to an end right? 

At that moment, I heard voice of a woman humming a lullaby.

The voice itself was not creepy or scary, but For some reason I was treeified the voice was very familiar... too familiar. 

I don't exactly know who does that voice belong too but I know that it can't be anything good.

My heart beat started to rise rapidly, the world Became a slow-motion.

I slowly stood up, I looked around and could see. dark mists Dancing around every where. 

"Sis?" my older sister seemed to have noticed my strange behavior and had become concerned. 

Looking around no one seemed to have taken a notice in the strange mist, which only added Fuel to my anxiety and fear. 

And then... 

"FIRE!" one of the kids screamed out in terror, we turned to look and saw something we never thought we would see even in our night mares. 

Sister Deoh and some other kids started to run towards the village some in hope of helping others and some in hope of seeing their parents unharmed.

While I on the other hand looked at the hill where our house was there was nothing different about it but I kept on staring. 

And then finally I noticed a small amount of mist dancing before disappearing.

My heart skipped a bit, I wasted no time and ran towards our house, I don't know whether something had happened to me or is it because of the fear for my mother but for whatever reason it was I was running faster than I ever Imagined was possible for me.

With every step That I took more terrifying thoughts invaded my head. 

And as time passed the amount of the mist increased in size, it was slow But I could tell. 

Father was outside of the village for a mission and mom was alone at home. 

When I reached there nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary but if looked more closely you could notice that the yard had become messy.    

I gulped m sallvia and decided to quietly get close to the door the closer I got the better I could hea small noieses of stuff shattering people getting wacked and tossed around along with the groan of people but thankfully none of them seemed to have belonged to mother, and so I finnaly reached the door.