Chapter 39 I’ll show you the definition of Love.
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Shanaya's rage drove her to the verge of explosion. As she couldn't fathom seeing her lover, being snatched right under her nose by a vixen. Thus, she yelled at her men, "Everyone out!"

The men there dashed outside, leaving Ryan, Revati, Shanaya, and Natasha in the room. Ryan's tension and uneasiness began to creep in, as he developed a headache, being sandwiched between these two fierce tigresses. One was gentle yet possessive, while the other was aggressive and dominant. In short, they were polar opposites.

Two beauties can't get along when they have their own interest in the same man, right? Ryan coughed to defuse the awkward situation and asked Natasha, "Nashy, did you really settle the matter with Mina?"

“Yes hubby. Why would I lie to you? Actually, she was going through some difficult times, and your friend was deprived of money. Don't worry, though; she gave me an IOU in return for the loan, guaranteeing that she would return my funds.” She explained to Ryan patiently, as though she would prefer to garner Ryan's full attention than to give Shanaya a chance to do so.

But how can Shanaya bear it, since she could read Natasha's thoughts? Shanaya didn't become a top gangster for being gullible or kind, but because of her fierceness and dominance led her to what she is today. 

Pragmatically, she's only sweet to Ryan but cold towards the world. That's how she perceives her life, as she knew the rule; There's no free lunch in this world. Thus, Shanaya burst in anger as she yelled, “I don't care who you are and your origins, but let me warn you; STAY… AWAY … FROM… MY… HONEY. AS HE IS ONLY MINE.” At the conclusion, she asserted her claim on him by poking his chest with her index finger. "Come here," Suddenly she growled.

Ryan barely had time to reassess her words when he felt a pair of slender hands grabbing his wrist; as he felt a sharp pain being dragged by her. Squeezing his cheeks, she declared coldly, “Honey, if you need anything, ask me, and I will give you everything within my reach. Also, how dare you disrespect me by joining hands with her when I was standing up for you, huh?”

Since Natasha and Shanaya were six inches taller than Ryan and of similar height, she was genuinely captivating. Thus, she looked down on him like a fierce wife, who had been awakened as her eyes turned red. For a few minutes, he was completely captivated by her stunning face and heaving chest. A smile of victory spread across her face as she noticed his gaze on her chest and winked at Natasha, gesturing through her eyes, 'Look, this is my honey. He knows who he belongs to. Even if you are on par with me, he fears how I ravaged him on the bed on our first night together. Sooner or later he'll be mine.’ 

It was evident, she was clearly provoking Natasha. Natasha's veins were pulsing with rage as she felt nothing but jealous. She was on the verge of erupting due to the anger heaving in her chest. Suddenly Shanaya cupped his face gently and roughly locked her lips with him. Her kiss was violent, as if she were consumed by jealousy and obsession. Ryan was stunned as he couldn't grasp the situation, but as he was about to retreat, he felt strong feminine hands locking him from behind.

Shanaya's hands were scratching and squeezing his back, but she refused to let go of him. That was the punishment she had been waiting to inflict on him. She then gradually pushed him back, but not with much force, until he was trapped between the wall and her. His mind was a mess because she had pinned him against the wall. Shanaya continued to thrust her tongue into his mouth, poking his cheeks, clearing his gums, and eventually intertwining with his tongue. He expected her to calm down gradually, but he was mistaken when he felt a knee gently press against his crotch. Fear engulfed him, as the scene of earlier floated before his eyes, and he shuddered. He began to wriggle out as he was aware of the trauma from before, but it was in vain as all of his efforts were going in the drain. Shanaya wanted to nibble on every part of his body because she was so obsessed and moody that if she were given a room, Ryan would probably end up in fatigue. She kept softly biting his lips until Ryan shrieked. 

As he attempted to touch his lips, his hands were locked in the middle by her hands, as she said, "Don’t move, or I will be more wild. Stay still." Thus, he remained silent, but when he peered into Nashy's eyes, all he saw was a timing bomb about to detonate. Hurriedly he shoved Shanaya aside as he rushed towards Natasha and kept apologizing, “I'm sorry Nashy, for what I did earlier. It was my fault for being distracted. I won't utter any words if you want to punish me, but please don't be angry. I… I was not thinking rationally. Nashy, please forgive me." 

He closed his eyes, picturing the aftermath when he got home. Stephanie would ignore him; Leona would punish him by forcing him to kneel outside; and Natasha would most likely sharpen her weapon and then execute. Cold sweats trickled down his brow as he realized he was screwed. 

In contrast, Shanaya, though, was fuming, but she regained her composure. She only wanted to assert her dominance over him by kissing him in public. What she did was to provoke and challenge Natasha, her love for him. In that way, Natasha would loathe deeply or step down as his fiancée. Thus, it was a case of two stones killing a bird. She cannot possibly sacrifice her love for the sake of a vixen, right? Sacrifices and compromises were never in her blood; what she desired she would obtain at any cost, even if it meant going against God, and anything she despised she would never consider bothering it. 

With a grimace, Natasha turned to face Ryan, raised her hand, and gave him a firm slap across his face. 


Grabbing his collars, she went ballistic, "How dare you? How dare you disrespect me on my face, huh? Aren't I enough for you, that you're flirting with another woman in front of me, and that too with your ex-wife? You know what, let's part our ways. You have really let me down.” With that, she shoved him aside and dashed outside with tear laden eyes. 

Ryan collapsed to his knees, unsure how to confront her in the future. He was truly exhausted from engaging in relationships, as if his hands were bound and all he could do was nod and play with them. Despite his self-blame, he believed it was time to let go of these temptations and stop being a puppet in these beauties' hands, something he truly detested. 

He thus stumbled as got up, approached Shanaya, and grinned sourly, "I am proud of you, Shanaya; you did well. I don't know what I owe you in my previous life that you're haunting me day and night. Anyway, thank you for causing chaos in my once-peaceful life; I will never forget your gratitude." Everything he said was self-blame, but he didn’t want it to be obvious. Then he turned towards Revati and asked hoarsely, "Miss Revati care to help me out this time and in return I'll remember your favour?" 

"Honey, what are you saying? I hired a lawyer for you, and you are asking her for a favour? Aren't you yet satisfied by the outcome of Natasha, huh?" Her possessive mode kicked in because she was angry at not being appreciated for her efforts. 

"Umm, Shanaya, could you please leave me alone? Also, it's not your concern, but it's mine. Since I have been detained, I know the outcome of walking from here unscathed.” 

Revati found herself stuck in a distressing position where she was uncertain about how to respond to his request. But then when she gazed into his eyes, she gasped inwardly, 'My, my where's the Ryan I talked with him a few minutes ago? There's pain, hatred and yet a smile on his face. He must have been through a lot in life. His emotionless eyes are craving me to hug him. I guess I should help him out this time.’ She took a deep breath and nodded, knowing he was tired and longed for nothing but solitude. Thus, she took him and finished the procedures in five minutes. As he was about to leave, Revati said, "Wait, Ryan." Puzzled, he turned to face her when she extended her hand for a shake as she asked hesitatingly, "Can we… Will we be Friends?" 

"Sure." He spoke without flinching. Then he took his leave, after exchanging contacts, but just as he was about to do so, he said, "Thank you, Miss.Revati. I will definitely return the favour one day." Finally, he stepped outside and was met by Shanaya, who had a cigarette dangling on her lips, leaning against the hood of her car. The men, there were, already dispersed by her. Ryan walked past her as he was worn out, but then he felt his hands grabbed. Without turning, he said, "Shanaya, please let go of me," knowing it was Shanaya. “And if you don't then I'll be struck-” But as he was about to finish, she gnashed her teeth and pulled him toward her. “Come Again! How many times do I have to remind you that you only belong to me and not others? Also, don't curse on yourself, or I'll beat the hell out of you. Why don't you understand my simple words, huh? Are they rocket science, that it's so difficult to comprehend? On the day of our divorce, I remember warning you not to be involved with any other woman, but you ignored my advice. Now, face the outcome and take responsibility for your actions, since you are aware of how possessive I am of you.”

"That implies you did it intentionally, right?" 

“Affirmative. What I did was to chase Natasha from your life, because you're my possession, my love, my baby. No one can replace me, from your heart. That's my kingdom, and only I CAN RULE YOU, understand?” She replied with a smirk. Her face was devoid of emotion. 

"Why Shanaya? Why are you pestering me?” Exhausted, he meekly replied.  

“Because I love you, simple. If you cross me, I will hold a grudge forever. My heart is solely reserved for you darling, not for others. Enter into my abode, and I'll show you the real definition of Love. I can create unforgettable experiences that Natasha cannot compare to. You were mine, now and in the future. So, remember who do you actually belong to? You're Shanaya's man, not others, is that clear?” She exhaled a few puffs. 

All Ryan felt was getting into bed and taking a long nap, dispersing his obstacles for the time being. Thus, he said to her, “I won't blame you for what you did today. In any case, I hope the best for you in life and your future pursuits. Stay blessed, Shanaya.” He was about to turn when she grabbed him again and whispered, "Are you afraid of Natasha? And what about me? Don't you feel afraid that I would go ballistic, huh?” 

He just kept his head hung low and didn't utter a word. Shanaya realized he was sapped and needed rest. She smiled, revealing her white pearl teeth, and whispered seductively, "Alright, I love you baby. Take care.” Her breath was hot, and her words were laced with lust. For the last time, she closed her eyes and licked his earlobes, muttering, "I will ravage you someday and claim you mine again."

She reluctantly released him with one final kiss. As she saw him, disappearing, she murmured, “Baby, I'm extremely sorry for hurting you. But you know how possessive I am of you? As it hurts like hell to me, when I see any vixens getting closer to you, not even your friend Mina. Anyway, just hold on for a few more days, before I make my final move and claim you as mine. Damn! You're even getting hotter day by day.” She licked her lips as she watched his silhouette fade away from her sight. Then she got into her car and drove home. 

Meanwhile, in a Mercedes-Benz, Natasha's face was pale as she stared at Ryan's picture. Tears streamed from her eyes as she touched the picture. Though she was enraged by the intimate moment between Shanaya and Ryan, she knew it was not entirely his fault because the vixen kissed him unexpectedly. She even caught him trying to retreat, but Shanaya stopped him. Consequently, she composed herself and whispered, "Even though it wasn’t your fault, you will pay me for shattering my heart, and I do not care about your means of persuasion. I know you are a man of integrity, but I cannot risk going through the same trauma again. You'll be punished today not only by me, but Leona and Stephy will assist me. Just wait and watch.” 

Blue Rose Bay

Natasha arrived home, like a withered flower. She entered the living room, where Stephanie and Leona were anticipating Ryan's arrival. Upon her return, Leona called out, “Nashy where's my little brother? Wait… what happened? Why are you looking so morose?” 

Natasha suddenly burst into tears as she hugged Leona. Stephanie was truly perplexed and so was Leona. So she led her to the couch and made her sit. Then she handed a glass of water and kept patting her back, “Nashy, oh Nashy, please don't cry. Tell us what transpired. Did something happen to Ley?” 

Stephanie could not sit any longer as she grabbed her hand and shook violently, "Hey Nashy, please do not keep us in suspense, what happened to him?" 

As she cried, she hiccuped and said, “He… He cheated on me, boohoo. Stephanie… he cheated on me.” They couldn't understand as they echoed, “Cheated? How?” 

Natasha down the glass of water and felt much relieved. Then she wiped her tears and related everything to them. Leona curled her fists, while Stephanie tapped her fingers on the couch, enraged. "How dare she do that? I assumed she would give up pursuing him, but I was mistaken. Also, Ley must be disciplined, despite the fact that I know he is not to blame. Since he's a man and my little brother, I can't see him becoming a womanizer. Don't worry Nashy, I won't let him cheat you again. I'll personally prick his ears.” 

“Yes, tag me along. Considering how gorgeous his fiancée is, he deserves a severe beating for flirting with other women.” At present Stephanie and Leona were completely resembling mother-sister duo. Ryan entered the living room at the precise moment, Stephanie was comforting Natasha. Colours drained from his face when he saw Natasha weeping because he knew he was screwed and there would be serious consequences, so he stood there with his head hung low like a mannequin in a mall.

Stephanie heard his breathing but showed no excitement or joy; instead, she was a little disappointed in him and chose to ignore him for the time being. Meanwhile, Natasha rose and dashed into her bedroom. For she won't forgive him until he placates her. Women are the most complicated creatures and Ryan knew that. Only Leona approached him, dragged him towards Stephanie, by pricking his ears as she yelled, “Kneel.”  

He did not flinch or make a sound as he obediently kneeled before Stephy, knowing her wrath. She would simply stop talking to him once her rage had taken over, or she was disappointed. She won't lay a finger, but she would completely ignore his existence until he apologized and placated her, to her satisfaction. That was her method of disciplining him. She believes that by using physical violence will only make things worse, thus cutting ties off temporarily will mend up the misconceptions and lead to the relationship in a healthy manner. Ryan's lips quivered as he slowly moved his fingers to touch Stephanie's feet. “Stephy...Stephy please punish me, as I'm at fault.” 

That remark astounded them, as they exchanged surprised glances. Stephanie smiled slightly as she realized, 'Ah, he is indeed a man. Despite the fact that he was not at fault, he did not argue or blame Shanaya, and now he feels guilty. What a lovely baby I have. No, I shouldn't punish him, but a warning is a must or else he won't be able to control the temptations outside. Hmm, maybe I should just prick his ears and intimidate him.’

Still she didn't budge and kept glaring at him. Her eyes remained cold as she curled her fingers at him and said, "Come here." Ryan slowly moved towards her and closed his eyes, expecting to be slapped. But all he felt was that his ears were pinched sharply as he heard Stephanie scolding him, “Ley, let me warn you that I'll tolerate everything, but I detest three things in my life. Betrayal, deception, and manipulation. The next wrong move and I won't forgive you, understand?” 

“I assent.” He nodded and she freed him. But suddenly, he asked meekly “Stephy are… are you angry with me?” 

"No, I should be proud of you for cheating on your future wife." She retorted, but inside she giggled, 'Aww! He is so adorable when he is afraid of me. Silly boy, I know you better than anyone else, and would I ever be angry with you over a simple misconception? I couldn't, my dear, because you are very special to me.’

Ryan then laid on her lap, apologizing, "Please Stephy, forgive me once, and I won’t disappoint you again. I swear I'll take care of everyone with my life, even if it means by sacrificing myself.” 

“Shut Up! Who taught you to swear, huh? I'll be furious if you dare say those words again. Also, it's alright, I have forgiven you.” She patted his head and kissed his cheeks, saying, "You know how much you mean to me, right? So don't do something that hurts me, alright, baby?”

As he was slowly drifting off to his sleep he murmured, “I swear I won't. Stephy, please let me sleep for a while, I'm a little exhausted.” Stephanie whispered to Leona, who was seated next to her, "My poor Ley, must be going through a lot," feeling bad for him in his current state. She let out a sigh. 

Given how much Leona loves him and treats him like her own little brother, she was also a little disappointed. So she grasped his hand and started massaging him tenderly. While upstairs, Natasha couldn't find peace as she laid on the bed and murmured, “Why isn't he showing up himself? Does he think I'll go and forgive him? No way. He needs to understand how to soothe his wife when she's vexed. If he doesn't comfort me, I won't talk to him, hmm.” Cuddling the teddy, she too slept as she was tired from the weeping session.