Chapter 7.
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As everyone gathered before the grand door, a heavy, suffocating tension hung in the air, thick and almost tangible.

Reinhold stood tall, his massive axe held firmly in his hand, a look of determination etched on his face. Beside him, Thorin gripped his gun tightly, his eyes scanning the intricate carvings on the grand door. The rest of the group looked on, their faces a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Beyond this threshold, danger lurked in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment. However, they remained unwavering, showing determination in their gaze, and with weapons held tight in their hands, they were ready to confront any evil entity that dared to challenge them.

With a nod from Reinhold, the knights advanced towards the imposing doors, their hearts pounding in their chests. Slowly, they extended their trembling hands until they made contact with the icy metal, feeling a surge of anticipation shoot through their veins.

"Are you ready?" Reinhold asked, glancing behind him. "Once these doors open, there's no turning back."

Thorin met his gaze and nodded solemnly, gripping his weapon tighter.

With a deep breath, the knights summoned their courage and pressed their palms firmly against the unyielding surface, knowing that their fate would be decided in the moments that followed.

As the heavy metal door ominously groaned open, a bone-chilling gust of icy air pierced through the entrance, causing goosebumps to rise on their arms.

With a nervous glance exchanged between them, they steeled their nerves and bravely ventured further into the abyss that awaited beyond. Every step they took reverberated through the vast hall, amplifying the sense of dread that clung to the air like a suffocating shroud.

The musty stench of neglect hung heavily in the stale atmosphere, a grim reminder of the desolation that enveloped the room. Dampness clung to the walls like a sinister whisper, casting a haunting pall over the scene before them.

With bated breath and hearts pounding, they advanced through the shadowy corridor in a close-knit formation. Every nerve was on edge, their eyes darting frantically as they meticulously scanned every crevice and corner, wary of any lurking danger that may be waiting in the darkness.

Suddenly, a loud screech pierced the air, causing everyone to freeze in place.

It sounded like something large had moved nearby, though they weren't sure exactly what.

The noise faded away quickly, leaving behind silence so deafening that it seemed to reverberate throughout their bodies.

A few seconds later, a faint clicking sound echoed through the hall, growing steadily louder. The rustle of wings flapping rapidly against stone accompanied the sound, making the hair on the back of their neck stand up.

The clicking became louder with each passing minute, eventually turning into a thundering crescendo as thousands upon thousands of tiny legs skittered closer.

The knights swiftly assumed their battle stances, holding their shields firmly and brandishing their spears with readiness. The dwarves instinctively lifted their weapons, preparing themselves for the imminent threat.

"Get ready, men!" Reinhold shouted, gripping his axe tightly as the horde drew closer.

And then, in a sudden and terrifying spectacle, the spiders emerged. They descended upon them in a massive horde, skittering across the floor, ceiling, and walls in a grotesque display of their power. Their many eyes sparkled malevolently in the flickering torchlight as they realized they were surrounded by these nightmarish creatures.

They fell from above like rain, descending from the rafters in a torrential downpour. As their feet touched the ground below, the floor vibrated violently, sending tremors throughout their entire being. Their mandibles clattered loudly as they advanced forward relentlessly.

Reinhold raised his weapon and charged forward, roaring ferociously as he cleaved a path through the swarm of arachnids.

With a wide arc, his axe slashed through the air, decimating dozens of monsters in a single blow.

"Forward, soldiers!" Thorin cried out amidst the fray. The knights roared with vigor as they charged into battle behind Reinhold.

The spiders hissed and clicked angrily as they were cut down by the dozens, their bodies littering the stone floor in a macabre display.

But, despite their best efforts, the tide began to turn against them as the spiders continued their relentless attack.

They swarmed around the knights, trapping them in place as their razor-sharp fangs snapped at their exposed flesh with terrifying speed and precision.

"Arghhhhhhhhh!" A bite on one unfortunate dwarf's leg caused him to collapse to the ground in pain, desperately clutching at the wound as profuse blood poured out.

Reinhold quickly dispatched his foes, rushing forward to help the fallen comrade as he feebly tried to crawl away from the advancing horde.

"Hold your ground!" Reinhold shouted a fierce battle cry. He raised his axe high above his head, a glint of steel reflecting in his eyes. With all his might, he brought the weapon down in a thunderous strike, slicing deep into the creature's flesh in a single stroke that resonated through the air. The sound of metal meeting flesh echoed through the battlefield.

The spider writhed in agony, its legs thrashing wildly before finally going still, surrendering to Reinhold's mighty grasp. With a look of disdain, he effortlessly discarded the lifeless creature as if it were nothing more than a piece of trash.

A monstrous arachnid mercilessly brought another brave knight to his knees, causing him to thrash in vain as another bloodcurdling scream pierced the air. Its razor-sharp fangs are relentlessly piercing into his chest, each strike more excruciating than the last.

Reinhold sprinted to the knight's aid, but a swarm of spiders in his way forced him back. The knight's screams grew weaker by the second, while the spiders continued their frenzied feast upon him.

"Don't give up, brother; fight back!!" he shouted while swinging his ax violently.

He felt a surge of fear and helplessness as he watched the gruesome scene unfold before him, knowing that time was running out for the knight. Desperation fueled him.

'Again? Did my blindness lead to my brothers' deaths once more? Pathetic.' His head went blank as the spiders gradually covered his body. How strange. The ax he was holding suddenly became heavier than ever, and the armor he was wearing seemed to become much larger. It was as if his body was shrinking and hiding inside his armor.

Meanwhile, with their guns, Thorin and the dwarves had vanquished numerous spiders. But when faced with an endless swarm, he shouted to other dwarves as he reached deep into his arsenal and unleashed a fiery inferno upon his enemies.

"Eat this, ye damn bollock." The ground trembled as the fireball erupted, consuming the creatures in a blaze of destruction.

"Retreat, men! Fall back! Git back 'ere, Rein!!" Thorin bellowed, signaling for the remaining soldiers to retreat into the safety of their fortified position.

Thorin's voice seemed to pull Reinhold straight back to reality. Either that or the cursed heat of the fire behind him. However, his mind felt as if someone had taken it away from him. He swung his ax and pushed away the spiders that were clinging to his body.

As the flames danced and cracked, they devoured everything in their path. The heat was so intense that it seemed to warp the very air around it, creating a shimmering haze of destruction.

The vile arachnids, with their grotesque forms and wicked intentions, stood no chance against the onslaught of the inferno. Their cries of agony and terror were drowned out by the roar of the flames, their twisted bodies quickly melting into nothing but ash and smoke.

It was as if the very essence of the dragons themselves had been unleashed in that moment, their wrath and power unleashed upon the destructive forces that had dared to threaten their domain. The inferno's relentless fury knew no bounds, consuming everything in its path with a voracious hunger that seemed insatiable.

The dwarves quickly sought refuge behind the knight's shieldwall as the spiders were vanquished. The hall fell into silence, with only the crackling of embers and the waning warmth of the dying fire breaking the silence. The inferno had done its work, leaving behind nothing but a scorched path and a testament to the power of the legendary dragons.

The knights gasped heavily in relief and exhaustion as the last of their adversaries crumbled to ashes. They felt the soreness in their muscles from the fight.

"Hahaha, now that's what ye call 'Dragons' Breath', eh Thorin?" The young lad, Kovalt, jested.

"Shut yah damn mouth, boy, or I'll give ya a right good smackin!"

The old dwarf's threat was half-hearted at best. He was too worn out and relieved at his survival to care about anything else.

"Alright alright, I'm only kiddin'," the lad responded, raising his arms in surrender.

Kovalt then looked at the charred remains of the spiders in awe. It was truly a terrifying display of power and destruction.

"By Drurin's beard, that was amazing! I ain't ever seen anythin' like it before," the youth exclaimed in wonderment, his eyes filled with admiration as he glanced over at Thorin.

"Well, I don't want to see anything like that anytime soon," said the dwarf, shaking his head with a sigh. "Those beasts were bloody terrifyin', I tell ya! And the smell! Mahal, I think I'm gonna hurl if we stay down here much longer," he added, pinching his bearded nose.

The remaining dwarves chuckled at the dwarf's reaction, then nodded in agreement. The stench of burnt flesh and hair permeated the air, filling the chamber with a putrid odor that was nearly unbearable.

Reinhold turned to Thorin, who was busy reloading his gun, and gave him a weary smile.

"What must I do to be worthy of you, Thorin?" he inquired, patting the dwarf on the shoulder.

Thorin grunted, looking back up at his king. "Ya look like a lost soul today. Somethin' wrong wi' breakfast? Or yer weren't comfy last night? Sorry, mah voice lik' dis when a'm angry."

Reinhold replied with a sigh and a tired smile, "It's okay; I was just a little distracted." After finishing his speech, he immediately turned to the soldiers, who were sitting motionless on the ground.

"Attention, everyone. Please prepare to proceed. Gawain, please double-check our men for any casualties and tend to the injured person," Reinhold called out.

"Righto sir." Gawain replied. The man quickly walked around checking on the knights, giving them a quick inspection for injuries.

The knights and dwarves checked their weapons and armor, securing them tightly against their bodies. The atmosphere was tense as they readied themselves to face the unknown dangers ahead in the dark corridors, mingled with a sense of excitement.

After Gawain completed his task, Reinhold questioned him.

"How is everyone doing?"

Gawain looked at Reinhold with concern and sighed deeply.

"We lost two of our comrades during the attack, and there are several more that need medical attention immediately." He paused, looking over his shoulder at the hall's entrance. Then he whispered quietly to himself, shaking his head sadly as he muttered under his breath.

"This place will be our tomb..."

Thorin and Reinhold looked over the group, taking stock of who was still standing and who wasn't.

There were only 50 dwarves remaining, including Thorin. Of those 50, three of them had been severely injured by the spiders' venom and were in need of urgent treatment.

"Whut should we do?" Thorin inquired.

He knew they couldn't continue without treating the wounded. Yet he also understood that if they stayed where they were, they might attract more spiders.

He glanced at Reinhold, wondering how he would decide.

"Let's keep moving forward, then." We cannot afford to waste any time; we must act swiftly. Thorin, please lead the way! We must follow the map our scout acquired last night." Reinhold commanded.

The knights, their hearts filled with loyalty and valor, swiftly heeded his command, encircling the fallen comrades in a show of solidarity and carrying them while Thorin took the lead and guided the group towards the exit with Reinhold by his side.

They moved cautiously through the narrow corridor, the darkness pressing in around them as they ventured further into the unknown. Step by step, they navigated the twists and turns, their only guide being the faint glimmer of light in the distance. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they emerged from the shadows into a massive, cavernous space.

The sheer scale of the chamber before Reinhold and Gawain astounded them; it was easily ten times larger than any room they had ever encountered. The dome-shaped ceiling soared above them, vanishing into the obscurity of darkness.

A couple of torches flickered along the walls, casting eerie shadows that danced in the flickering glow. There appeared to be several passageways branching off in different directions from this main room, and each one led further into darkness.

The air was thick and musty, filled with an ancient stench reminiscent of rotting flesh.

The knights stood motionless at the center of this massive cavern, listening intently for any sign of activity. The silence weighed heavily upon their minds, making their skin crawl with unease as they waited patiently for something—anything—to occur.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, there came a faint whisper carried by the stale breeze.

"You shouldn't be here... Leave... while you still can."

Thorin jumped back in surprise, instinctively reaching for his gun and holding it tightly against his chest. Reinhold raised his hand, motioning for him not to fire, and the group fell silent once more, straining their ears in hopes of hearing the voice again.

Deep within this labyrinthine maze, the echo of footsteps broke the silence. The sound grew louder until it became apparent that, whoever it was, they were headed straight toward them.

Thorin aimed his weapon towards the source of the noise, ready to unleash the fury of his toy upon any potential enemy.

"Show yarselves!" He yelled out boldly.

A few moments passed, and there stood before them a young man with long white hair and dark brown eyes dressed in black leather pants and a jacket. His features seemed oddly familiar to Reinhold, yet there was something strange about his aura. Something sinister.

"Who goes there? Identify yourself!" he demanded once again.

The stranger simply stared at them blankly, his face expressionless.

The knights tensed as their weapons remained trained on him. They waited anxiously for his next action, preparing to attack if needed.

Suddenly, a low chuckle escaped from the young man's lips. His laughter quickly escalated into a manic cacophony echoing through the hollow halls, reverberating off the walls, and causing chills to race up their spines.

"I've been waiting for you... my precious guests."