Chapter 71
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The Devil hastily retreats at the sight of young Julius June.

Look, grandfather. That’s me!

Indeed, it is, grandson. It has been ages since you have graced Amelia’s memories. You have matured considerably since then.

Emm... I beg your pardon, Duke Ambrose, but it had been less than two years since the Devil—correction, Lady Amelia—entrusted young Julius to the boarding school. It’s just that, in that span, events had cascaded one after the other: Princess Grace’s rescue, the assault on Prince Gael’s estate, Eleanor’s long episodes in Ivory City, the Tower, the Dungeon, and the cult. Many events piled on top of one another, with Lady Amelia’s many personas at the epicenter of the chaos.

And now, her arrival at Merino Stronghold has opened another can of worms.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! What the hell is that brat doing here?!”

“What is it, Ms. Eleanor? What happened?” Donna says.

“I should never have come here. No, more importantly, why is he here?!”

From a safe vantage point, the Devil observes the young man. Julius June, now around nine, has grown slightly taller and sported an ill-fitting bowl haircut that doesn’t suit him at all.


My apologies, Knight Julius. But I believe the truth is self-evident.

“Damn, that’s an ugly haircut,” the Devil in the memory agrees.

Yup, still ugly, the Devil outside the memory echoes.

Even Knight Julius’s fan club, who typically supported him unconditionally, silently acknowledges that the hair is an eyesore.

Okay! Okay, I get it! You don’t have to pound it in. Geez. It’s not like I chose that hairstyle anyway.

Young Julius’s hair and uniform display his status as a page boy. His small hands grip a mop that’s twice his size. His yearning eyes follow the squires’ swordplay in the courtyard. Mimicking their movements, Julius sweeps his mop in time with their strikes, his mop of platinum blonde hair bobbing with the motion.

The Devil observes his action closely, but he isn’t the only one …

A lanky girl squire with sandy skin and spiky black hair approaches the boy.

“Well, well, what do we have here? Our little janitor appears to be slacking on the job again.” She looks down at Julius.

“What do you want, Raelyn?” Julius says sharply.

“Is that any way to address your superior, page boy? Especially when I caught you slacking.”

“I’m not slacking! I’m cleaning this entire corridor thoroughly!”

“Then why is the floor still dirty?” Raelyn says and deliberately soils the floor with her muddy boots.

“What are you doing?!”

“Go on, clean it. Get down on your hands and knees and scrub. Or maybe you’re too good to soil your hands, pretty boy? Scared of chipping a nail?”

Julius clenches his fists.

“What are you waiting for, page boy? That’s a direct order from your superior. Or do you want me to report you for insubordination again?”

Julius swallows his complaints and kneels on the floor, Raelyn’s mocking gaze bearing down on him.

The Devil watches them from behind a pillar.

“That girl is horrible! Shouldn’t we step in to help, Ms. Eleanor?”

The Devil taps his chin. “From the look of things, that brat is trying to become a knight. Tch! How cliche. And that girl … I don’t sense hatred coming from her … I sense … Hmm …”

“Ms. Eleanor?”

“Tell me, freckles, is being a knight a dangerous career choice around here?”

“Being a knight? I wouldn’t know, Ms. Eleanor. But from what I heard the sisters say, becoming a knight for the church—a Palatine—can be a long arduous journey where the candidates are tested in mind, body, and faith. They must endure a torturous training regime that will push their body past the breaking point before they are remodeled into the church’s royal shield. And once someone becomes a Palatine, they must take on any mission they’re given by the church, no matter the risk and without doubt or question.”

“So the short answer is ‘yes.’”


“Okay. Let me think … I’m sure that brat doesn’t have what it takes to make the cut, but it may take years before he realizes that. I need to somehow speed up the process … A way to make him give up this corny-ass dream … A way to make him drop out … Hmm … Maybe … Yes. Yes, I can use her.”

The Devil’s eyes gleam as he watches Squire Raelyn bullying Julius.

Oh, poor Knight Julius, how awful!

He was such a darling child. I want to pinch those little cheeks!

How could the Devil merely spectate as her son suffered such indignities? Were I in her stead, I’d have taught that brat a lesson!

Dammit, Raelyn! I nearly forgot how much of a nightmare she was … and still is.

Knight Julius scowls as the memories rush back to him.

I swear, if she was here right now I’ll—

What will you do to me exactly, handsome?

A sweet voice like poison apples comes from the courtroom entrance, and Knight Julius feels a sudden chill running up his spine.

The eyes of the court turn, and there she is: the girl squire in the memory, all grown up. Her once lanky body has filled out with delicious curves, and her raven hair falls down to her back, smooth and silky. Her beautiful sun-kissed face smiles viper-like at Knight Julius.

Hello, Julius.

R-Raelyn?! W-what are you doing here? I thought you accompanied His Majesty to the Eastern continent.

Oh, I was, and now I’m back. Do you miss me?

She approaches Knight Julius and brushes her hand against his chest. Where her graceful fingers touch, he gets goosebumps. She leans close to his ear.

So tell me, Julius, what were you going to do to me now that I’m here?

Her warm breath turns Knight Julius into a statue.

Are you going to punish me for picking on you all those years ago? Are you going to spank me for being a bad, bad girl—my darling?

I … I, ah … W-wait, Raelyn … Don’t …

Raelyn wraps her shapely arms around Julius. Her luscious lips lean close to his.

The entire courtroom stops breathing as their lips nearly touch.

But then—bam!—the Devil slams the table.

Get a room, you two!

Knight Julius breaks out of his stupor and tears himself away from the woman. His face flushes red.

Raelyn smiles at his reaction, then she turns toward the Devil.

Hello, it’s been a while—mother-in-law.


The squire from the memory is all grown up. Her name is Raelyn Reed, one of the six surviving Sword Saints, and Knight Julius June’s lawful fiancée.