Chapter 40 Revelation of Shanaya’s Identity
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The next day, I found myself being spooned by a woman next to me. The sheets were wrapped around us, and I could feel a strong slender hand cuddling me while one of her legs gripped the lower region. I slowly opened my eyes and reached out to touch the person behind me, but all I got was a "Ley… You naughty boy, hehe.” 

Soon, the colours drained from my face as I recognized Stephanie's voice. I had a premonition, ‘Why is she sleeping with me? Huh, what am I even thinking about? She's my sister, after all? So there's nothing wrong with sleeping.’ 

As I tried to turn, her raspy voice filled my ears, "Let me cuddle you." Languidly she parted her eye lids, as she drew me closer and continued to stroke my head. I was lying down next to her like a baby, being cared for by his mother. Stephy exuded a sweet odour as I wrapped my hand around her slender waist. Then I asked her, “Stephy, how come I'm sleeping with you?” 

“Why? Now that you have a lover by your side, did you forget about your older sister, hmm? When you had Nyctophobia, you would snuggle onto me and refuse to leave the bed until the darkness faded away. At that time who was there beside you? Me or Nashy?” She shot at me angrily, pricking my ears. To which I chuckled and said, “Stephy you know, how much you mean to me, right? You are my top priority, and the rest lies beneath you. I just asked you since I clearly remember that I slept on your lap, so how did I land here?” 

To which she snorted, “Yesterday you slept on my lap, and I tried to wake you up, but you didn't let me budge, thus I had no choice but to let you sleep with me. Anyway, I miss the days when I would cuddle you, and you could only comply with my requests, hehe." 

I was moved as I thought, 'Stephy is not mad at me; she is so sweet, lovely, and caring.' Immediately a thought crossed my mind, as I asked her, “Stephy, did you convince Nashy?” 

“Hmm? Stupid boy, is she your fiancée or mine? She's your lover, and it's your responsibility to placate her.” Her gorgeous eyes stared at me as if I had fallen into an abyss. "Wake up, it's already half past six," she said, planting a peck on my cheek. 

I asked hesitantly, "Stephy...," as I noticed a bruise just above her chest as she yawned. “Stephy, what's that bruise there?” My face flushed red as I asked her because I felt embarrassed about it. Given that she is my older sister, I never had any malice towards her nor did I sneak peek at her body. That was something sinful. As such, I lowered my head. Not because of any ill thoughts, but out of the pure respect I have for her. Stephanie knew that and just brushed away, “Ohh, it's nothing. At war these are common wounds, and it doesn't make any difference. Anyway, go freshen up yourself; breakfast will be ready." 

I heard a voice roaring in my mind at that precise moment, ‘Ryan Ley comprehends her words, despite experiencing excruciating pain from the deep bruise caused by bullets, she fought valiantly. Imagine the anguish, darkness, and struggles she endured those years. What about you, though? Grow up! Show the world whose blood runs in you. You're David Ley’s son. Come on, get your ass off from that comfort zone.’

Rage was coursing through my veins as tears streamed down my cheeks, which I slowly wiped away. Stephanie, who was preparing the bed, frowned and approached me instantly. She cupped my face and asked, "Baby, are you crying? Did you have any nightmares last night?” To be honest, Stephanie was overly concerned about her brother because she could not bear the sight of a small cut on his pinky. That was the nature of her love for him.

I shook my head and hugged her tightly, saying, "Stephy, in the bygone days, I usually thought I had lost you when I was passing each day like a lifeless dead man. At times, I just wished god, that nothing unfortunate befall on you. And descrying your wound made me realize how much you have been through to get to where you are now. Sporadically, I even felt like the most dreadful and unlucky guy, but when I saw you and your hopes for life, my struggles paled in comparison. Your braveness, really made me proud to be your brother, Stephy. I love you, Stephy, and I promise to work harder until you are proud of me.” 

Stephanie, a bold and beautiful woman, was stunned and mulled, ‘Huh? What happened to him? How did his blood boil while he was just playing around with me? In any case, I am glad he is becoming more responsible; that’s all I want.' 

Looking into his own reflection in the mirror, Ryan's expression fell. "Stephy, am I still myself?" he asked, his eyes turning bloodshot red.

“What do you mean, Ley?” Stephanie was perplexed. 

"Stephy, prior to my marriage with Shanaya, I lived care freely; even though I had to wander around the streets for part-time jobs, I had a smile on my face. Indeed, I was poor and only had a few pennies in my pocket, but I was also at peace with myself. But now I feel like I let you and dad down. Dad was not involved with women; he remarried Victoria because of us, and you are aware of this, right? He never looked at other women or got married again after being betrayed, though. What an incredible man he was. But how come I, his blood, am easily getting distracted by women around me? Stephy, believe me, I never craved a girlfriend or wife in my school days as I solely believed that time would pave the way for my love in my life, but now that I look back, there is a stark contrast between my previous self. I really lost myself, Stephy.” 

Stephy experienced emotional outbursts as she felt her brother was sinking into depression and being the older sister, getting him into the track was her responsibility. Thus, she ruffled his hair and said gravely, "Ley, I know your thoughts, but trust me, everything will be healed in due course, baby. Don't force yourself. Just give it some time and try not to dwell on the past too much because it’s only a memory at this point. Look, Nashy genuinely adores you and is incredibly devoted to you. Despite having many suitors during her time in the military, she remained unfazed, since you were in her heart. And you should cherish her too, trust me she's worth being your wife, Ley. I love how gullible and kind you are, but not everyone does. Some stealthily launch covert assaults. Thus, be more vigilant in the future. I previously informed you that Shanaya is merely attempting to drive a rift between Nashy and you right?”

"Stephy, to be honest, I am not sure why she is doing that? It's something beyond my thoughts. Although I am aware of her intense possessiveness, why would she re-intervene in my life now that we are divorced?” 

“Because of your naivety, Ley. She is a yandere; and you are unaware of that.” Glancing at him, she told her. 

“Yandere? And what does that imply?” Puzzled, I inquired. 

“A yandere is a woman who will stop at nothing to win over the person she truly loves. She could ruin, kidnap, or kill anyone in your vicinity. Thus, Shanaya is a yandere and a dominant woman who desires to have you at her fingertips. Speaking of Shanaya, do you have any knowledge of her background?" Eyeing curiously, she asked him. 

“Negative. I have tried to ask her multiple times, but all I ever got was a severe warning. But… Hold on, are you aware of her family history? Because I feel there's something mysterious about her identity.”

Stephanie smirked and asked, "Have you heard of Shanaya Jonas, who rules Nivea City?" 

"Yes, I have heard of her from my friends, but I am not sure how she looks. Rumours also state that she's too dangerous and dominant. Wait, do you mean that she... She is Nivea City's most powerful gangster?” He was horrified at the end of the sentence and his vision clouded with fear.

“Affirmative.” She smiled. 

“What the fuck? How… How can she be the top gangster?” As he tried to rack his brain, all of his memories of Shanaya began to flood in like a tsunami. Consequently, he understood why she didn't want him to learn her identity when being asked. How was Kelly apprehended in under ten minutes, and why were there so many goons at the police station? Every answer was right before him, but he couldn't grasp them. Slowly, he raised his head and quivered, “Stephy… what should I do now?” 

“Don't fret, my baby. She may be Nivea's top gangster, but your sister is a Lt. General in the military; would she dare to provoke me? Also, why are you afraid when I am with you? It is imperative that you realize she is not a good fit for you. She is far inferior to Nashy in terms of being your wife.” 

“It's not like that, Stephy. I am not scared; it’s just that we live in a female-dominated society. My colleagues told me that because of Shanaya, women tend to control men because they abuse the power of women's empowerment. That’s what bothers me. And, as her ex-husband, would she ever leave me? To top it off, she is a yandere. What if she finds out I am about to marry Nashy?"

Stephanie was infuriated by his juvenile words and yelled at him, "Ley, you are being a coward. You are a man; how could you possibly fear her? Did dad teach you to be a wimp all your life? Or do you enjoy being dominated by her? Tell me. What exactly are you afraid of? You are my brother, my baby, so how could you be scared of a woman who is only a gangster?" 

Again, the voice within enunciated and shot me: ‘Oy Ryan Ley, do you really want to be dominated by the woman who wants you to be her slave, huh? Or be the man dad desired? Where has your backbone gone? You, milksop, grasp Stephy's words more deeply. She expects the best from you, and would you let her down? Getting entangled with the surrounding women? Also, where is your sense of masculinity? Don't you feel a bit of shame, if not, then you will drown yourself, sooner or later? Don’t disappoint Nashy by being a fucking playboy. Seek out your inner self and life goals. If you're feeling the blood burning inside you, then go workout like hell. Respect for men is due to their sweat from toils, not for their sexual prowess. Wake Up! Brave up and not a Toy-Boy.' 

My eyes went back to a deep scarlet, and I could feel the rage surging through my veins. Those brief seconds shattered every emotion I had for Shanaya. As I spoke to Stephy, my fingers clenched into fists. “Stephy I swear to you, I will not let you and dad downhearted again. Heck, why should I just be afraid of a gangster whom everyone fears? Stephy starting today, teach me everything you learned in the army. I may not be on par with you, but I can strive for success and happiness. Shanaya tried to subjugate me for all this time, but she won't longer be able to do so. I would give her what she truly deserves this time.”

Stephanie was ecstatic seeing her brother changing for his better self. Her main motive was to eradicate the fear and instil courage in his heart. As a result, she smiled and pecked his forehead, saying, "Ley, I am glad you are looking for your purpose. I am not sure what pushed you out of your comfort zone, but deep down, I am pleased for you. But all I have to say is that you must possess sheer self-discipline. Also, never take things negatively because you are a man and can be more ambitious. Remember only iron willpower can overcome obstacles in this world of malice and temptations. Secondly, treat people with virtue who need you and show your wrath to the ignorant. Rest assured, for I am willing to kill anyone who dares to touch my Ley dear. Best of luck with your training, Ley, after this mess is cleaned up. Keep in mind that the training will last for six months.”


Abruptly, a rumble resounded from the exterior of their villa. Stephanie realized that it was Joseph's troop sent to wreak havoc in their lives. Thus, she patted his shoulders and said, “The lambs are here baby, let's kill properly this time.” To which I nodded as I murmured, “Joseph, death awaits you.”