111 – The United Kingdom of Ruins?
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Bastian spent some time inside the Godly Abode with his women, giving all the love and care they deserved as much as he could, as he planned to get back to the real world very soon to continue his adventure, his mind was focused on looking for something that deeply in his soul, called for him.

As he teleported out from the Godly Abode he appeared inside some stone ruins, which appeared as an old and abandoned building, it took no time to situate himself with the help of AI, and he decided to play safe retrieving his loyal pet, the Shadow Panther from the Godly Abode.

Bastian noticed he was inside some sort of church in ruins, curious, he looked around, realizing that it was nestled deep within the embrace of what appeared to be an ancient forest, shrouded in the whispering of leaves and the dance of sunlight filtering through the dense canopy, where there was a forgotten remnant of a once-hallowed sanctuary.

This abandoned church was a relic of bygone faith, which stood as a haunting testament to the inexorable passage of time. Bastian looked around, carefully venturing deeper in small and silent steps, he could observe that the beautiful silhouette of the church emerged like a spectral apparition, its weathered stone walls were adorned with patches of moss and tendrils of ivy, weaving a tapestry of nature's reclaiming grasp.

The facade now in shabbles, was once adorned with intricate carvings and ornate stained-glass windows, but now bore the scars of neglect, the glass long shattered and the broken stone was all eroded by the elements.

As he walked slowly along the ancient path of the faithful, he could observe the silent work of time, Bastian was enveloped by deep feelings of loneliness and desolation, and delving deeper into the house of the false prophets, he could observe more details, how the interior was bathed in the dappled light filtered through the skeletal remains of the roof, presenting a sad picture of decay and abandonment, proof that God never lived inside the churches.

The few rotten pews were overturned, their once polished wooden surfaces now coated with a thick layer of debris, in front were the remains of the altar, once a focal point of reverence and devotion, now lying in ruins, its marble surface cracked and broken, invaded by nature's invasive tendrils.

However, amidst the decay, Bastian felt the pure energy remaining in the place, and there was a strange beauty to be found, as rays of sunlight permeated through the holes in the ceiling, a misty ambiance of ethereal patterns formed on the crumbling walls.

Bastian could hear the echoes of the surrounding forest drifting through the broken windows, mixing with the soft rustling of leaves and the distant call of wildlife.

Outside, nature wove its tapestry of renewal and rebirth around the ruined building, where vines snaked up the crumbling walls, and verdant moss claimed the stones as their own. Wildflowers bloomed between the cracks in the flagstones and walls, and their vibrant hues contrasted sharply with the muted tones of decay and destruction.

Bastian could feel goose bumps on his skin that in this forgotten sanctuary time stood still and the boundary between the natural world and the realm of the divine became blurred and tenuous, for it was a place where the spirits of the past remained, whispering their secrets to those who dared to listen to, and where the relentless march of nature served as a true reminder of the impermanence of all things.

Leaving the nostalgic environment of the ruined church, Bastian began to pay attention to his surroundings, expanding his senses to the maximum to be able to have more awareness of the environment around him, not even a minute had passed, and Bastian began to hear strange sounds, sounding like voices of characters from his previous life, where Television was a pastime.

Bastian frowned, trying to refine his sense of positioning and find the origin of the noises and voices he heard, Bastian also paid attention to his companion, who probably had better senses than his. Not disappointing, the Shadow Panther began to move its ears and pointed in a certain direction, Bastian mounted his companion's back and directed him to go toward the noise.

The Shadow Panther moved as nimbly and silently as possible, avoiding attracting any unwanted attention, and Bastian could see the abundant light coming from a clearing not far ahead, clearly hearing screams and grunts.

Still hidden under the green curtain of the forest, Bastian noticed that there were some big animals ahead, about five wild boars were running as if they were surrounded, and by straining his vision Bastian was able to see those who were surrounding them, inhaling a large breath of fresh air, releasing a sigh of relief, after all they were not big monsters, but rather small beings, which when observed more closely looked like little elves, what stood out most were their wings, transparent as if they were cicada wings.

Bastian decided to observe a little more, as he did not know whether they were peaceful people or not. Bastian was able to observe that those little winged beings had funny voices, but they spoke in a language that he understood, just as he also spoke, good old English, observing a little more would not hurt, and he also observed that they did not fly very high, they used their little bows and arrows, which took a long time before they could take care of them all, killing every last one.

Among them, the one that seemed to be the tallest was no more than one hundred and twenty centimeters tall, and in a low, almost inaudible voice, Bastian murmured:

"Fairies!" It was strange, but the lowest murmur that escaped from Bastian was enough for them to hear and also take a fighting stance to face the unknown.

Bastian did not want to be misunderstood and swiftly teleported his pet into the Godly Abode, and then slowly stepped out from behind the cover of green foliage, with his hands up, using the English he spoke fluently, he said in a low voice:

"I am not your enemy!" The Fairies, still with their weapons in hand, approached Bastian, surrounding him with distrust written on their small faces. Bastian had a smile on his face that could even melt a glacier in the middle of winter, and from among the Fairies a female voice, in a tone still like something out of a cartoon, asked:

"Who are you? What do you do here?" Bastian, with his smile that could make the sun blush at noon, replied without hesitating for a second:

"I was summoned by the Lady of the Lake! Vivian, the priestess of Avalon." The Fairies looked at each other, obviously they knew who it was.

A little more than six months ago, before the beginning of this reconnaissance trip, Bastian held a spiritual session not only to clear some of his doubts but also to gather more information and strength to face this journey. In that session in special, after some time wondering about what he had heard when suddenly a faint gracious female voice called for his attention at his right side, and suddenly another portal appeared out of nowhere, from where a dreamy silhouette dressed in pure white came through from afar and strong spiritual energy emerged, Bastian felt dizzy at the moment, and the more he tried to look at the person, less he could see, as if he view was covered by clouds, the single thing he could observe clearly was a blinding tissue covering the eyes of the female figure, and a sweet and mellow voice came from the female figure saying:

“I am The Lady of the Lake, my name is Vivian, I am the priestess of Avalon, come to see me to receive your deserved inheritance!” and suddenly all was gone like a dream. Bastian faced his spiritual mentor, but it appeared that he held no idea of what had happened to Bastian as he stood still with a lost wondering glance, but he commented:

“If you received a message from anyone, the message is destined to you, and for you only!”  Bastian frowned at his spiritual mentor but he did not probe further about the issue. As an intelligent person, undoubtedly, he knew the legends of Avalon, he also knew it came from the United Kingdom as well, tagging it as one of his destinations.

The little one who seemed to be the leader of the group made a small gesture lifting her tiny hands in the air, and everyone lowered their weapons, walking in Bastian’s direction she said in a funny voice:

“Since you are summoned by the Lady of the Lake, you surely deserve to be here. From now on, you are a guest of our Fairy tribe!” As soon as she finished her words, everyone cheered loudly with funny cartoon voices, making Bastian open his smile even wider.

Internally Bastian should be saying:

“What the fuuuck! Where is Peter Pan?” The female leader took flight and came near Bastian’s face to say in her funny voice:

“My name is Wendy! I am the leader of this hunting group!” Bastian barely could hold his laugh in front of Wendy, showing his famous smile, making Wendy go heated just looking at him, as she had never seen so a handsome male, nor she had seen other races.

Bastian did not know that the girl in front of him was getting aroused just by looking at him, and after some smiles and greetings, all the Fairies joined to clean all the boars, also tying them to large wood sticks to carry them, Bastian frowned, as they did not have space rings nor anything alike.

Helpfully smiling, Bastian helped them to carry the heavy weight through the forest until they reached a large green pasture, where tall trees could be seen not far from each other.

Bastian observed and noticed tiny houses built on the tree branches and even engraved on the trees. The trees were surrounded by three-meter-tall stone walls, where some guards could be easily spotted.

After a short walk they soon arrived at their tribe, and hundreds of Fairies came to surround Bastian, Bastian quickly observed there were almost no male Fairies among them, his mind started to wonder what the male word for the male, and she remembered the Celtic word "Fei", but his wondering face made some Fairies go nuts surrounding like a swarm of bees, quickly Wendy came on time to avoid further misunderstandings, explaining the situation to another female Fairy who gazed Bastian with a funny face. Bastian could not hear their conversation but kept his hands up and a big smile to ease the situation. Soon the other female Fairy approached sided by Wendy and with a mellow voice she said:

“Summoned elf named Bastian, my name is Morgana, and I am the Leader of this tribe of Fairies. As Wendy already said, you are a guest in our tribe! Welcome!” Bastian left a heavy sight of relief and lowered his arms, soon Morgana took flight and came closer to his face, observing him as close as she could, but Bastian lost the scene where Wendy went red on seeing the scene, and stuttering said:

“Ba-Bastian, I invite you to stay in my house! Ple-please accompany me to rest, you must be tired of carrying so much weight!” Bastian frowned his forehead, as he noticed some nervousness from Wendy, who grabbed his hands and pulled him in the direction of her house, under the staring gazes of all Fairies on the site.

Music, laughing, and chatting could be heard all around the Fairy’s tribe, and soon both reached her house, which was built higher on a tree. Bastian looked up to see Wendy making a gesture for him to come up, and with a glance, Bastian observed she wore nothing under her green dress. Calming his heart, he used some branches as support to climb the tree, he reached the entrance to Wendy's house, which opened the door inviting him in with a large smile spread over her face.

Bastian noticed that it was not a high-ceiling house and he barely could stand on foot, but large and comfortable enough, for Wendy’s size, of course. Bastian did not care for it, and lowering his head he accompanied Wendy, who eagerly welcomed him in her house, showing him all the accommodation rooms of her cozy house. Bastian was tired, and unceremoniously sat on the floor asking Wendy where was her bathroom, as he wanted to take a bath and rest.

Wendy was excited to have him at her house, going to the door of the restroom and showing him the way, Bastian entered the small bathroom noticing there was no bathtub or anything to shower. Bastian frowned and asked her how to shower and giggling she covered her tiny mouth.

“Take off your clothes!” Wendy said in her typical voice. Bastian looked at Wendy directly in her eyes, immediately noticing she was already naked. Bastian tried hard, but his eyes glanced over her tiny body ogling it all along, making her a tone redder in shame.

“In Rome, follow what Romans do!” Bastian muttered as low as he could, already taking off his clothes in front of the amazed Wendy, who almost blew up in red when she saw Bastian’s nude body, looking down she realized the size of the voracious dragon, gulping hard as she looked back at his face, which held a smirk on his handsome face.

Now Bastian understood half of Wendy’s intention but played along so as not to leave her in a bad situation, he looked aside, and swaying her little body, Wendy came near Bastian holding a bucket filled with water and a sponge, to clean his body, she stuttered and with the meekest voice she said:

“In our tribe, it is usual for us to clean our guest’s body before anything.” Bastian nodded his head, leaving the issue aside, not to raise any problem. Wendy took a long time to clean Bastian’s body, as her hands were too tiny to accomplish the task faster