Chapter 35 You Have Not Awakened
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The Bull Demon King said, "Before the year's end, I ventured to the coastal regions of the Southern Continent and encountered a peculiar demon. Its movements were erratic, and its powers were strange. We fought for half a year, ending in a stalemate. Now that we have some free time, how about we pay it another visit?"


Sun Wukong replied, "That sounds great; I have nothing better to do anyway."


The Bull Demon King was overjoyed, "There's no time like the present, let's go!"


Without bidding farewell to the others in the mountains, they rode the clouds for thousands of miles as if strolling in their own courtyard, arriving at the Southern Continent.


The Bull Demon King carefully identified the location, stopping now and then, searching for the place they had encountered the demon. Wukong laughed and asked, "Brother, have you grown so old that your memory fails you? How can you not remember the way?"


The Bull Demon King explained, "Little did you know, that creature is adept at transformation, often moving mountains and seas, erasing its traces completely. Most of our time was spent searching for it."


Arriving at a chaotic stone peak, the Bull Demon King's eyes lit up, "This is the place!" With a loud shout, "Ei!" he stomped his feet, causing the thousand peaks to crumble to dust, leveling the ground in no time.


A figure leaped from the rubble, and upon seeing it, Wukong was shocked!


Wukong was shocked because the demon in front of him looked exactly like him, except for the clothes and the golden cudgel in his hand, there was no difference.


Seeing Wukong, the creature smirked and then vanished. A voice that seemed to come from ancient times whispered in Wukong's ear, "Follow me!" Then, a calling and guidance emerged from deep within his heart, compelling Wukong to follow.


The Bull Demon King, noticing Wukong's distraction, shouted, "Brother, calm your mind. This demon's enchantment is powerful!"


Wukong, feeling ashamed, realized that despite his high cultivation, his experience in battle and his spiritual stability were far less than the Bull Demon King's.


The mysterious voice then said, "You do not know who I am, but I know you are the Enlightened Monkey. Conceal this from the old bull. How can those of the same clan harm each other?"


Wukong was startled. Since it mentioned the Enlightened Monkey and claimed kinship, could it be one of the Seven Great Primordial Monkeys? Regardless of the truth, he had to find out. Ever since learning about the Seven Great Primordial Monkeys, he couldn't stop thinking about them. Now that he had the chance, how could he miss it?


Confident in his skills, Wukong believed he could escape even if he faced a strong enemy. The question was how to deceive the Bull Demon King.


Wukong then said to the Bull Demon King, "Thank you for the reminder. This place is vast; let's split up and search. If either of us finds the demon, we'll signal for help. What do you think?"


After pondering, the Bull Demon King agreed, "That sounds good, but be very careful."


Wukong reassured him, "Don't worry, brother. Even if I can't defeat the demon, it won't be able to capture me easily."


Nodding, the Bull Demon King leaped away to search for the demon.


The voice then guided, "Five hundred miles northwest, there's a valley with an illusionary formation. Follow these instructions to find me inside." After that, there was silence.


Following the instructions, Wukong found the valley, shrouded in mist and mystery. Inside, he navigated according to the demon's directions, and soon, the scenery opened up to reveal a breathtaking view of lush trees, a small bridge, and flowing water.


The demon sat on the bridge, smiling at Wukong.


Wukong, cautious, did not approach. The demon changed its appearance, now about four feet tall, with a tuft of white fur on its forehead, and a dignified and solemn demeanor.


"I am called Tongfeng. Do you know of me?" it said.


Wukong was surprised. The Bull Demon King had described a demon with elusive movements, similar to the Wind Spirit Monkey mentioned by the Elder Bull. However, why didn't he feel the same mysterious kinship as before?


After a moment of contemplation, Wukong replied, "Words alone are not proof."


Tongfeng sighed deeply, "You have yet to open your spiritual wisdom; I can't blame you. The Seven Great Primordial Monkeys were scattered, often separated by life and death. The fault lies with me!"


Wukong, having heard about the Seven Great Primordial Monkeys but not knowing the events of tens of thousands of years ago, asked, "If you are indeed who you claim, what then?"


Tongfeng looked lost in thought, reminiscing about the past, then looked to the sky, weeping, "What difference would it make? What difference!"


Wukong, seeing his genuine emotion, believed him and approached, patting his back, "Time flies, a dream lasts a thousand years. We, being indestructible beings, why dwell on the past? Why not look to the present and find a way forward together?"


Tongfeng stopped crying and stood up, shocked, "You... you remember that phrase?"


Wukong was puzzled, "Remember what?"


Tongfeng explained, "When the Seven Great Primordial Monkeys were besieged and captured or killed by the celestial demons, leaving only the two of us, you said those exact words. You remember, you've awakened! Ah, heaven has shown mercy, our clan's revival is hopeful!"


Wukong thought to himself that he had merely spoken fittingly to the situation, not recalling a past life. He clarified, "What I said was in the moment, not from memory. As brethren, how could I deceive you?"


Tongfeng was startled by Wukong's response but couldn't deny its truth, muttering to himself, "So, you still haven't awakened... haven't awakened..."


Wukong inquired, "What does it mean to awaken?"


Tongfeng explained, "When creation is sufficient, one naturally awakens."


"And what happens upon awakening?" Wukong asked.


"You become like me, understanding everything," Tongfeng replied.


Wukong laughed, "If awakening means living in regret, hating the past, losing ambition, and dissolving the spirit, then I'd rather not awaken. I'd prefer to live boldly and freely, like the blazing sun, with unbridled spirit!"


As he spoke, Wukong felt a surge within him, a chaotic creation stirring as if turning a circle, then quieting down.


Tongfeng fell into deep thought, and Wukong did not disturb him. They sat in silence, which could have lasted hours, months, or even years. Wukong suddenly felt a warm flow through his heart, reminiscent of his time with Wu Zhiji, experiencing a similar moment here. At this instant, Wukong truly recognized that the one beside him was indeed the Wind Spirit Monkey. This feeling, transcending physical and spiritual realms, was undeniably genuine.


"You don't know me, but I know you because I haven't slept, and you haven't awakened. The feeling just now was the alignment of creation," Tongfeng said.


Wukong nodded, "I've met the Water Spirit Monkey before, but only now do I understand this to be the alignment of creation."


Tongfeng leaped up, joyously shouting in midair, "Wu Zhiji! He's actually alive! Haha, haha..."


Remembering Wu Zhiji, a sorrowful feeling rose within Wukong. Seeing Tongfeng's joy, Wukong coldly said, "Although he lives, he's trapped in a cage, devoid of freedom. Such an existence is worse than death."


Tongfeng's joy ceased abruptly, "Is that so? Our clan's magical powers were born before the heavens and earth; killing us is easy, but trapping us is much harder."


Wukong shared, "When I met him, I hadn't begun my cultivation and couldn't rescue him. The chain that binds him was made by Great Yu. A rescue must succeed on the first try; failure would lead to increased vigilance, making a second attempt nearly impossible."


Tongfeng calmed down, murmuring, "Great Yu's chain... Great Yu's chain... How could he leave behind such a chain after his death?"


Suddenly, he looked up, "I remember now, there is indeed such a chain, called the 'Ruyi Locking Demon Chain.' It can change size and is specifically designed to seal divine powers. The solution isn't difficult; finding a descendant of Great Yu and using their blood can break the chain."


Wukong was pleased to hear there was a way to unlock the chain but then pondered, "The Great Sage, National Teacher Wang Bodhisattva, is a descendant of Great Yu. Are we to use his blood?"


Tongfeng chuckled, "It doesn't matter who it is; we won't use yours, will we? You're correct. Wu Zhiji must have told you that only a descendant of Great Yu can control the 'Ruyi Locking Demon Chain.' The one who imprisoned Wu ZhiQi must indeed be a descendant of Great Yu."






Seven Great Primordial Monkeys: A fictional addition, possibly referring to a group of powerful, ancient beings with unique abilities and connections to Sun Wukong.


Great Yu: A legendary ruler and hero in ancient Chinese mythology, known for controlling floods and establishing order.


Ruyi Locking Demon Chain: A mythical chain with the ability to alter its size and specifically designed to seal away divine powers.


Descendant of Great Yu: Refers to individuals who inherit the legacy and powers of Great Yu, highlighting themes of heritage and responsibility in wielding such power.


Tongfeng (Wind Spirit Monkey): A character introduced in this narrative,He also changes in all kinds of ways, appears and disappears, and his whereabouts are relatively erratic. He is the most mysterious one among the seven great apes..