Chapter 46: Blue
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The soft orange glow of dawn crept through Natalia’s window, painting streaks of warmth across the room. Melissa knocked softly, the silence inside broken only by the rhythmic tick of a grandfather clock. An unsettling silence, actually. Natalia's roommate, the perpetually grumpy human Astra, was usually the first one awake, and her absence hung heavy in the air.

Natalia’s voice, laced with sleep, drifted across the room. “Come in!”

The door creaked open, revealing Melissa with a playful glint in her blue eyes. "Ready for breakfast, sleepyhead?" 

Natalia stretched, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “As always. Any chance you could charm the cooks into making pancakes today?”

“Sure,” Stepping closer, Melissa leaned down, brushing a soft kiss against Natalia's temple. "By the way, about Saturday, 6:00pm, what do you say?"

Natalia's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "Dress code?" she murmured.

"You look good in anything," Melissa admitted with a wink.

Natalia's heart fluttered. "Smooth. We owe Astra a thank you," she mumbled, the warmth of Melissa's nearness spreading through her.

Melissa's sapphire eyes softened. "Maybe," she agreed, her voice a husky rasp. She lingered a moment longer, savouring the touch. “Had she gotten back from… whatever it was?”

Natalia straighten her black skirts before looping an arm around Melissa’s elbow. “Yes, hiding in the library I think? Promise me you’ll talk to her?”

Melissa nodded, though, there were more pressing matters for her to worry about rather than the walking embodiment of ‘look at me and I’ll bite’.

Today's diplomatic mission involved a special kind of negotiation - securing the fluffiest souffle pancakes Natalia had ever seen. Blackmail or bribery? Those were just details. This was a mission of the utmost importance.


The stifling heat clung to Callista like a second skin, but it was nothing compared to the burning frustration in her gut. Fanning herself with her shirt, she unbuttoned another, revealing a sliver of annoyance and a discarded book on the table — another dead end in her search for the Royal Decree.

A restless week had passed since Callista's return from London. Every controlled burst of Celestial power fueled her determination to unravel the academy's secrets. 

A smug voice shattered the silence. "Hoarding knowledge already, Astra? Didn't know you were such a bookworm." Melissa slid into the seat opposite her, her turquoise summer dress shimmering like a mermaid's tail.

Callista slammed the book shut, the sound echoing her own frustration. "Melissa."

Melissa eyed the discarded book with amusement. "Sudden interest in Vampire Royalty? Don't tell me you have a secret crush on a fanged prince?"

Callista scoffed, a flicker of warmth creeping up her cheeks. Close. "Funny. I thought you were jealous of Natalia and me."

"Maybe a little. Who wouldn't be charmed by her? Despite all the blackmail, I still couldn't secure that roommate spot, but you..."

Callista traced the worn gold lettering on the book, Melissa's words echoing her own embarrassing confession to Indigo. "Foolish," she muttered under her breath.

Melissa blinked, then surprised Callista with a soft chuckle. "Yeah, maybe. But hey, at least you got Red to loosen up a bit."

"Good job, Nat," Callista mumbled, a flicker of something akin to envy twisting in her gut as she saw the lovestruck glint in Melissa's eyes. She needed to refocus. 

"Speaking of friends, you're close with Amelia, right?"

Melissa's smile faltered, replaced by a guarded look. "Why?"

Callista adopted a nonchalant tone. "Just curious. Haven't seen her around lately."

"Heard about with her," Melissa smirked. "Thought you were straight." 

Callista's silence spoke volumes. Melissa's eyes widened. "Don't tell me..."

Their conversation was cut short by a glint of gold flashing through the window. It was Athena, gliding through the throng of students like a vision in a knee-high royal blue dress. The fabric skimmed her figure, revealing a flash of toned leg with each graceful stride. A cool white opal necklace adorned her neck, catching the afternoon light and sending a faint shimmer across her collarbone.

Callista's traitorous eyes locked on Athena's features. It had been almost a month since their last encounter, not that she was keeping track.

This time, however, the loyal werewolf wasn't by Athena's side. Instead, the princess walked arm-in-arm with another woman, Orion. The shapeshifter's hand rested possessively on Athena's shoulder, while the princess leaned into the touch, a gesture that sent a jolt through Callista. Despite the summer heat, Orion remained clad in long sleeves and dark pants, an unsettling detail that snagged on Callista's attention..

A low growl erupted from Callista's throat, a sound so raw and primal it startled even Melissa.

"Another?" Callista muttered, the word a viper's hiss laced with venom.

Following the hunter’s gaze, Melissa's eyes widened a fraction before snapping back to Callista's face. "They are complicated," she offered cryptically.

"The list, it just keeps growing," Callista whispered, the words scraping against her throat like broken glass. 

This wasn't a jealous pang, a fleeting envy. No, this was a white-hot rage that pulsed through her veins, each beat echoing the unanswered questions that roared in her mind.

How many? Just how many people did Athena hold close? 

Was there… could there ever be a place for her, Callista, within that circle?

The world narrowed to the frantic beat of her heart, the sound of hope dying in her mind. Gripping the book tighter, she squeezed her eyes shut, willing the unwanted emotions away.

Give up.

There was no future in this.

Give. Up.

Melissa's worried gaze flicked between Callista and the window. Then, realisation dawned on her face. Callista followed her line of sight. Her breath caught entirely.

Frozen amidst the bustling garden stood Athena, their eyes locked. An unreadable emotion flickered across the princess's face before her gaze darted between Melissa, who was undeniably close to Callista, and the raw vulnerability etched on the hunter's face.

Callista's heart plummeted. Had Athena seen everything? Her pathetic feelings laid bare? Shame burned hot, and she longed to disappear.

The princess's expression hardened into a mask of icy composure. With determined strides, she began to walk towards the library. Orion, surprised by the shift, watched her go with a frown.

Sensing the impending storm, Melissa placed a gentle hand on Callista's arm, a surprising counterpoint to the turmoil raging within. "She doesn't have lovers," she whispered, offering a sliver of hope.

Yet doubt, her ever-present shield, remained firmly in place. A humourless laugh escaped Callista, laced with disbelief. "And I'm supposed to believe that?"

Melissa's jaw clenched, frustration battling with her empathy.  "Believe it or not, Astra," she said, her voice low and firm, "the… Princess isn't promiscuous. If that's what you're implying. I've been her healer for a very long time. I know."

Callista's anger sputtered out, replaced by a surge of concern that overshadowed the lingering anger. "Healer? Does she get injured often?"

The weight of unspoken secrets seemed to press down on Melissa. The nymph's gaze softened with a sudden understanding. Then, a flicker of movement in the periphery caught her eye. 

By the towering shelves stood a figure — Eydis, no, Athena, she reminded herself —her regal posture hinting at controlled fury. One sharp eyebrow arched in silent question.

A mischievous glint sparked in Melissa's eyes. Leaning forward with surprising boldness, she brushed a quick kiss across the corner of Callista's lips.

"Consider the favour repaid," she whispered. Before Athena could react, Melissa slipped past her at the doorway, their shoulders brushing ever so slightly, a silent challenge.

A barely audible sigh escaped Melissa's lips as she stole a final glance back at Athena's face. It was a mask of warring emotions —surprise, anger, and something deeper — jealousy? 

Melissa desperately hoped her gamble would pay off, for her own sake as much as Callista's.

Callista, left speechless by the unexpected kiss, could only stare after Melissa as she sauntered away. She flinched as she met Athena’s eyes once more. A storm of emotions swirled within those golden depths. It mirrored the tempest raging in Callista's own heart, leaving her breathless and bewildered. But before Callista could even process the whirlwind of emotions, Athena spoke, her voice laced with icy control.

"Astra," she said, each word a deliberate step closer, "we need to talk."