Chapter 100.1: Hiatus (revision)
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Hello, all. 


After 100 chapters, I decided it was time to take a step back and go through to revise some things. It’s been a long journey, but I am so grateful to see this story grow and thrive. 


Obviously, that isn’t to say that this story isn’t without its faults– I know some of you have your issues with this story ;_;


The Overpowered Scholar is still being written even through this revision period, so this hiatus will only be temporary. I’d like to thank all my readers for sticking with this story so far, and even the readers who dropped this story and left what they thought. As a novice writer, it really helps me understand my skill level and where my writing may fall flat. 


Please, feel free to offer up any constructive criticism, thoughts, or other comments if you wish, so that I can get an idea of what parts of the story are lacking, done well, etc. Any questions are also welcome, though I can’t guarantee I can answer some without spoiling. 


In the meantime, I’ve uploaded another story, ‘Dying to Level Up!’, a (hopefully) fun take on the LitRPG genre. It’s a story I’ve had in my mind for a while, and some of you may have caught the easter egg in Chapter 73 :3 The story is already available on both ScribbleHub and RoyalRoad!


I expect the revisions and return of The Overpowered Scholar to take no longer than 2 weeks (?), but that is subject to change. For sure, The Overpowered Scholar will be completed, whether it still has support or not. I can’t reveal too much, but I can say that the world I have envisioned for the story is massive, more than what I think can fit in a single series…


Anyway, thank you to my readers for the continued support of this story, and I hope I’ll be able to come back better than ever. This hiatus chapter will be taken down after revisions, but if there are enough comments/questions/grievances that I may address in another piece, I’ll leave that up. 

