Chapter 38 Layers of Clouds
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Tongfeng seemed to understand what was on Wukong's mind and chuckled, "My master is a top figure in the celestial realm. He too believes that the divine monkey race, being creations of the cosmos, are eternal and indestructible. To forcibly annihilate them would incur divine retribution. That clever divine monkey was saved by my master and then introduced to another eminent being. With my master's cultivation and reputation, he believes he has no equal and never speaks falsely."


Wukong nodded, saying, "To have such enlightened individuals in the celestial realm is truly a fortune for all beings."


Tongfeng spoke of his master with great respect, adding, "Without my master, I fear I would still be lost, wandering aimlessly and struggling to survive."


"If what you say is true, we can act with fewer reservations," Wukong replied.


Tongfeng nodded, "Even so, the mission to rescue Wuzhiqi is of great importance and must not be taken lightly." He grabbed a fresh peach from a dish on the table and ate it, saying, "What has kept the Yurong King so delayed, requiring six or seven years?"


"He is beneath the Flower Fruit Mountain, using the earth's fire to forge a magical treasure, which will take six or seven years to complete," Wukong said, unable to suppress a laugh at Tongfeng's voracious eating.


"Six or seven years is not too long," Tongfeng remarked, tossing the peach pit away. "Consider, without guidance from a superior being, how would the Yurong King know how to forge a magical treasure? With our cultivation as Taiyi Golden Immortals and our tribe's robust physical bodies, ordinary treasures are not worth forging. If this treasure is successfully forged, it will astonish the heavens and earth. Haha, our tribe's revival is just around the corner."


"If that's the case, then we'll wait for the Yurong King to complete the treasure. The three of us brothers will go rescue Wuzhiqi together. I've been looking forward to this day for a long time," Wukong said.


Tongfeng laughed heartily, "A mere few decades are like fleeting clouds and dogs; they pass in the blink of an eye. You've only lived for a few years, and yet you speak of long anticipation?"


Wukong realized that he had only been in this world for a few years. Due to being reborn as a spiritually enlightened divine monkey, he had achieved the status of a Taiyi Golden Immortal, a feat unprecedented.


"With nothing pressing, I might as well retreat for cultivation. The art of transformation is unfathomable. Learning one more could be the difference between life and death," Tongfeng said.


Wukong thought to himself that he had never fully dedicated himself to cultivation. After many battles with the Bull Demon King, he had gained much insight. Now, with time on his hands, it was the perfect opportunity to reflect and improve, which would be beneficial in the future.


He returned to the Water Curtain Cave, instructing his followers to manage the cave entrance carefully during his retreat, not allowing any disturbances.


Retreat is an essential practice in the path of cultivation. As one wanders the vast world, it's easy to become distracted and tarnish one's spiritual cultivation. A retreat aims to discard such distractions and focus solely on the path of cultivation, thereby achieving immortality.


Wukong was unaware of the various methods of retreat, such as controlling breath through the Four Great Passages, utilizing light in the White, Red, and Black Passages, selecting protectors, and other necessary preparations.


He simply thought retreating meant quietly improving one's divine powers to a higher realm, not realizing that his focused and undistracted state was in perfect harmony with the natural laws of Dao.


Through his conversation with Tongfeng, Wukong resolved many doubts. He had always found the Thirty-Six Transformations of Tiangang to be rough and simplistic, missing the subtleties. He thought memorizing the incantations was sufficient, not realizing the interconnectedness and infinite mysteries of the transformations. If used properly, they were indeed miraculous in combat.


He explored each transformation he could perform, becoming engrossed in their study and forgetting the passage of time.


The technique of momentary bloom, for instance, was a minor celestial art of manipulating time, albeit with limited power and scope. If he could control a larger area, could he not reverse the flow of time?


The transmutation of elements, turning stone to gold or wood to iron, was not illusion but actual transformation. This allowed for endless possibilities in manipulating the five elements, though it was very draining on one's spiritual power.


The art of transformation was ideal for changing appearances, dependent on the practitioner's intention. Transforming into an ordinary monkey or inanimate objects like stones or trees could fool almost anyone. However, impersonating strangers required careful attention to details like clothing and behavior.


The technique of reversing wind and fire could counter various forms of attack, turning an opponent's power against them. However, success depended on the practitioner's own spiritual power.


Wukong delved deep into these techniques, feeling as though he was unlocking a door to true knowledge. He sensed that the Tiangang Transformations had even greater potential, limited only by his own spiritual power.


How, then, could he increase his spiritual power?


Cultivation is the key, transforming knowledge into capability, which in turn strengthens spiritual power. Ultimately, it's about delving deeper into the mysteries of creation.


Wukong ceased his exploration of the transformations to focus on the essence of creation within him. He understood his own innate potentials but found the concept of creation to be like a fog, a floating cloud within his dantian, elusive even to his spiritual sense.


Wukong pondered deeply and decided to seek further advice from Tongfeng, recognizing his broader knowledge and understanding. Leaving the Water Curtain Cave, he made his way to Tongfeng's dwelling, not worrying about potentially disturbing his cultivation and entered directly.


Upon arrival, he found Tongfeng enjoying the mountain spring water, surrounded by various delicacies on a stone table. Tongfeng greeted him with a smile, "Couldn't stay put, huh? Out after only five years?"


Wukong was shocked to realize that what felt like a brief period of cultivation had spanned five years. He had forgotten the passage of time while diligently practicing the thirty-six transformations tens of thousands of times, interspersed with moments of contemplation, which made the years fly by unnoticed.


Wukong explained, "It's not impatience. I'm here to seek your wisdom on the matter of enhancing my spiritual power, as there are many aspects of 'creation' that remain unclear to me."


The mention of "creation" prompted Tongfeng to sit up straight, putting aside his cup and the peach he was eating, and said seriously, "The topic of creation is profound and vast, beyond the grasp of most. Feel free to ask, and I'll share all I know."


Wukong asked directly, "How can I increase my spiritual power?"


Tongfeng responded, "Every cultivator asks this question. With weak spiritual power, even great supernatural abilities are hard to wield, like trying to steer a giant ship by hand. But with strong spiritual power, even a simple technique can be overwhelmingly powerful. Do you understand why?"


Wukong recalled Zhen Yuanzi's effortless "Sleeve Universe" technique, which he couldn't counter, and nodded in agreement.


Tongfeng continued, "Accumulating spiritual power is straightforward, but advancing one's cultivation level is the real challenge. Your capacity for spiritual power is limited by your level of cultivation. The question isn't just about increasing spiritual power; it's about advancing your cultivation."


Wukong acknowledged, thinking he understood.


But Tongfeng corrected him, "You do not understand."


Wukong looked puzzled.


Tongfeng explained, "Ordinary cultivators rejoice upon encountering creation and diligently meditate to assimilate it, integrating it into their cultivation through breath control and meditation. Despite the quality of their techniques or their cultivation level, there's always some loss. However, our divine monkey race is inherently a part of creation, giving us a significant advantage in cultivation."


Wukong eagerly asked, "What advantage?"


"Creation itself enhances our cultivation," Tongfeng revealed, highlighting the exceptional nature of their lineage.


Wukong marveled at this revelation, recognizing the immense benefit of reduced effort and increased cultivation speed.


Tongfeng emphasized, "This is our tribe's greatest secret, remember it well."


Wukong then questioned, "But if creation naturally enhances our cultivation, why does Wuzhiqi have his creation extracted by the Great Sage, Guoshi Wang Bodhisattva, every few years?"


Tongfeng was surprised, admitting ignorance of such matters, suggesting that the technique used might prevent the natural assimilation of creation.


Wukong contemplated, finding this explanation plausible.


Tongfeng shared another unique ability of their race: seeing creation itself.


Wukong recalled seeing white strands emanating from a corpse, invisible to the heavenly generals, realizing now that they couldn't see what he could.


Tongfeng demonstrated this by withering a green grass, from which a fine white strand emerged, explaining, "This is creation," before letting it dissipate into the environment.


Wukong was astounded, realizing the simplicity of accumulating creation, which could significantly expedite their cultivation progress.


Tongfeng, with a rare expression of sadness, reflected on the nature of creation, lamenting the necessity of harming another being for one's benefit, which resonated with Wukong. He recognized the inherent value of all life and the injustice of the strong dominating the weak, resolving to clear the celestial realm of its dark clouds and restore clarity and justice.







Tongfeng: A character presumably knowledgeable in the ways of the celestial realm and the cultivation practices therein, representing a bridge between Wukong and higher understanding of cultivation arts.


Wuzhiqi: A mythological figure, often depicted as a powerful water deity or demon in Chinese mythology, known for his immense strength and control over waters.


Taiyi Golden Immortals: A high rank of immortality in Daoist mythology, indicating a being of significant spiritual and magical prowess.


Thirty-Six Transformations of Tiangang: A set of transformation techniques attributed to advanced Daoist cultivation, allowing the practitioner to change form and manipulate the elements. This reflects the deep connection between Daoist practices and the natural world, emphasizing the practitioner's harmony with the Dao.


Dantian: A term from Chinese medicine and martial arts, referring to the energy centers in the body where one cultivates and stores qi (vital energy).