Chapter 37 Joyous News Spreads
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He followed the instructions and employed the "Soul Projection" technique, which resulted in an invisible mini-Wukong hovering in the air, watching the earthly Wukong standing motionless below. Silently reciting another incantation, he then used the "Embryonic Transformation" technique, causing the earthly Wukong to transform into a form that resembled ventilation, incapable of walking or speaking, yet still standing there dumbfounded.


The TongFeng said, "This isn't right. If your soul completely exits your body, leaving no essence to command it, how can it move? You need to use the 'Soul Division' technique and try again!"


Wukong, puzzled, asked, "What is the 'Soul Division' technique?"


Tongtian was also surprised, "You don't know the 'Soul Division' technique?"


Wukong shook his head, "My master never taught me."


Tongtian laughed heartily, "Your master is indeed interesting. He taught you so many profound techniques, yet he didn't teach you the most basic 'Soul Division' technique."


Wukong, feeling somewhat embarrassed, said, "Perhaps it was too simple, and my master deemed it unworthy of teaching."


Tongtian then imparted the incantation for the 'Soul Division' technique to Wukong, saying, "In this world, nine out of ten divine powers are driven by incantations. The origins of these incantations, who created them, remain a mystery. However, they are universally effective for all beings. Give it a try."


Wukong tried again and, as expected, the earthly Wukong could now speak and move, wielding divine powers just like him, albeit with slightly lesser abilities.


Tongtian added, "If you master these three techniques and augment them with your magic power, your clone could even undertake cultivation on your behalf."


Wukong found the divine power fascinating after a few trials. Watching another version of himself was a peculiar experience he had never encountered before.


Suddenly, Wukong had an idea. He plucked a hair, shouted "Change!" and blew on it. Instantly, hundreds of little monkeys appeared on the ground, jumping and frolicking vividly.


The TongFeng's eyes lit up, praising, "What a brilliant integration technique!"


Wukong thought to himself that without having read "Journey to the West," one wouldn't know this was the signature ability of the Monkey King. It then occurred to him that in "Journey to the West," when Wukong wreaked havoc in the Heavenly Palace, he could spread his hairs to create a troop of monkeys. Who taught him the 'Soul Division' technique? Perhaps it was included in the seventy-two transformations but not in the thirty-six transformations.


Wukong exclaimed joyfully, "With this ability, it's now possible to rescue Wuzhiqi."


However, the TongFeng immediately shook his head, saying, "There's no rush."


Wukong felt suspicious. The TongFeng was quite happy to hear that Wuzhiqi was still alive, so why not rescue him?


The TongFeng explained, "You think I'm not in a hurry, but to destroy the 'Ruyi Demon Locking Chain,' merely having the blood of Yu's descendants is not enough. We also need the method to melt the chain. I've been pondering over this for days without any clue."


Wukong replied, "All metals in the world are smelted with fire. What's so difficult about that?" He extended his palm, and a blue flame burst forth, "Can't the Samadhi True Fire melt that broken chain?"


The TongFeng shook his head, "You haven't grasped the meaning of 'Ruyi'. While the Samadhi True Fire is powerful, it might only make the chain thinner or softer. If there's even a slight connection, it would immediately return to its original state. That's the power of 'Ruyi'."


Wukong scratched his head, "Yu really made it difficult, creating such a 'Ruyi'—". Suddenly, he realized that his Golden Hoop Stick, also made by Yu, was referred to as the 'Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick'. Could it be that both were made using the same method?


He then took out the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick, which extended to several meters in length with a flick in the air. Seeing the Stick, the TongFeng couldn't take his eyes off it and asked, "Is this... the exploratory needle turned Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick by Yu, for real?"


Wukong replied, "Didn't you see it the other day? Why ask again?"


The TongFeng said, "I didn't see it clearly last time and thought it was just an ordinary Stick. Where did you get this Golden Hoop Stick?"


Wukong explained the entire backstory, and the TongFeng sighed, "It's unknown what good karma you've accumulated. Do you think the Dragon Kings were really afraid of you? They govern the seas with countless strong soldiers under their command. If they truly didn't want to, not just you, even if you, I, and the Bull Demon King joined forces, we probably couldn't have taken this Stick."


Wukong was surprised, "The Dragon Kings are that powerful? Why then do they act so humbly and weakly?"


The TongFeng replied, "I don't know the exact reasons, but don't underestimate them."


Wukong agreed, "Of course. Look at this Golden Hoop Stick, is it made of the same material as the Ruyi Demon Locking Chain?"


The TongFeng said, "Even if it is, it's just a rare treasure. Without the method to smelt it, we still can't dissolve the Demon Locking Chain. If you have the method to forge this Stick, then we can talk about success."


Wukong laughed, "Who says I don't have the method?"


He took out the "Qi Tian Stick Technique" manual, saying, "If you can read, take a look at this book."


The TongFeng, overjoyed upon reviewing the book, exclaimed, "Though the script is ancient, it's not beyond my comprehension. The first chapter describes the smelting method for Ruyi iron. It's as if heaven is aiding us. Wuzhiqi can be saved!"


Wukong also expressed joy, "In that case, let's proceed without delay, shall we?"


The TongFeng agreed, "Of course, but if it's just the two of us, we might not be prepared for any powerful counterattacks from that Bodhisattva. This matter is secretive, how should we proceed without informing others?"


Wukong inquired, "How many people do we need to be secure?"


The TongFeng answered, "With our level of cultivation, one more would suffice."


Wukong smiled slightly, "There is someone in mind, but not right now. We need to wait another six or seven years."


The TongFeng, puzzled, asked, "This person sounds mysterious. Are they a trusted ally of yours?"


Wukong chuckled and said, "Not exactly. He's from my tribe, the Golden Line Monkeys, presumably closer to me than the Bull Demon King. Have you ever heard of the Yuè King?"


Upon hearing the name "Yuè King," the TongFeng shivered with excitement, stuttering as a tuft of white fur on his forehead stood on end, "What... what did you say? Yuè... Yuè King!"


Wukong found the reaction curious. The Yuè King was a notable figure among the Seven Great Sages, and he wondered why the TongFeng reacted so strongly. Suddenly, it dawned on him, leading to a reasonable guess.


"Yes, the Yuè King. What about him?"


The TongFeng inquired, "Do you know the Yuè King is said to appear once every ten thousand years?" Wukong nodded.


The TongFeng continued, "It's not just ten thousand years. In fact, the first Yuè King appeared thirty thousand years ago. Since then, there have only been Yuè Monkeys, no Yuè Kings."


Wukong asked, "Why is that? Have they gone extinct?"


Finally regaining his composure, the TongFeng revealed, "The Yuè King from thirty thousand years ago was the—Divine Ape who Expels Gods!"


Wukong was astounded, "The Divine Ape who Expels Gods?"


The TongFeng nodded, "Correct. The Divine Ape appeared in the world as a Yuè Monkey, founding the Yuè lineage. Later, he was scattered in form and spirit after a great battle and was never heard from again. It's admirable that he has reappeared in the world as the Yuè King."


Wukong inquired, "It's said that the Divine Ape had extraordinary abilities. Why was he called the Divine Ape who Expels Gods?"


The TongFeng explained, "His innate power was to seize others' magical treasures. Mastered to perfection, even their life-bound magical treasures could not escape his grasp. Impressive, isn't it?"


Wukong stuck out his tongue and said, "That's a heaven-defying power indeed!"


The TongFeng added, "If he truly is the Divine Ape, our success is guaranteed. Haha, the revival of our Monkey Tribe is in sight."


Wukong wondered, "But if our tribe's power grows strong, wouldn't that attract the attention of gods and demons alike, leading to another siege? What then?"


The TongFeng observed, "I see the powers in the heavenly realm are numerous and divided. The Seven Divine Monkeys are not as they once were. Fighting alone in the past, now each has powers to rely on. To attempt another extermination as before would likely plunge the world into chaos."


Wukong was confused, "Powers to rely on? What do you mean?"


The TongFeng glanced at Wukong, "Let's not talk about others. Just consider your master. Is he an ordinary immortal? If you're in trouble, would he just stand by and watch?"


Wukong smirked silently, thinking to himself: You're quite right. When I was trapped under the Five Elements Mountain, he didn't come to rescue me. My master is different from others; he taught me martial arts and let me make my own mistakes, but he's not the type to take responsibility for them.


Wukong mockingly thought about his master, sensing there was more to the TongFeng's words. What did he mean by "each of the Seven Divine Monkeys now has powers to rely on"? Could it be that he himself had also found a powerful backer?


Wukong tentatively asked, "How do you know each of the Seven Divine Monkeys has a backer? Have you stayed in contact all these years?"


The TongFeng replied, "I'm not sure about the others, but I know the Intelligent Divine Monkey has yet to make his debut, while the Yin-Yang and Arm-Extending Divine Monkeys, according to my master, each have their own fortunes. As for the details, I'm unaware."


Wukong was astonished. Who could the TongFeng's master be, to have such detailed knowledge of the whereabouts and fate of the Four Great Divine Monkeys? If this person meant harm to the Divine Monkeys, wouldn't they be a formidable enemy?






Soul Projection and Embryonic Transformation: These techniques refer to advanced Taoist practices believed to allow an individual