S2 Chapter 9
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Covering her face with her hand as she looked up at the sky, blinded by the sun, she smiled. ‘Today is going to be a good day.’

Walking up to the reception desk, she placed her hands down, smiling, “Good afternoon.”

The matron looked up at Kiara from under her glasses. “Yes, can I help you?”

“I hope you can. I was told that a Mrs Song works here. She should be about fifty something.”

“That’s me,” she said as she stood up. “How can I be of assistance?”

Kiara beamed. “That’s great! I’m Kiara Judge. You may not know me, but I’m sure you have met my mother. I was told that you helped give birth to me. My brother came not too long around to meet you about information on her?”

The matron’s eyes brightened, recalling the man that came to see her two days ago. “Oh yes. He said you’d be coming by to see me. Can I ask what this is about?”

“Do you have time to speak?”

She nodded her head. “Yes, the hospital isn’t busy right now.”

They went to the cafeteria to get coffee and muffins, then headed to the garden and sat on a bench.

Kiara admired the garden. It wasn’t as beautiful as the one her brother started and she HAD to maintain, but the blossoms were pretty.

“Well, the thing is, I don’t know who my mother is. My father told me she just left not long after I was born and, apart from all that, I know nothing.”

The matron looked at her, confused. Thinking it through, she said, “I don’t have a personal relationship with your mother. After your brother paid me a visit, I checked the patient log file. The night of your birth, there were three other women. Maybe you could start there? But I don’t understand. Doesn’t your father know where she is, even her name?”

Kiara sighed, holding the cup in her hands. She said, “He died when I was young. I can only remember bits and pieces, so that’s why I am looking for her now.”

Matron Song nodded her head. She handed Kiara a piece of paper with four names on it.

“You can start there.”

Kiara stared at the list, memorising the names. She couldn’t take it with her, or what would happen if her father found it and recognised the name on it?

Sighing as she stood up, she squashed the page and made her way back to the hospital. Immediately, she heard screaming, followed by wailing.

“Oh, my child. My poor baby.”

Interested in the commotion, she followed the sound and saw in the casualty ward a girl around her age being tied to the bed as she screamed while crying.

Her gaze turned to the woman who was on her knees outside the door talking to a policeman. Walking towards them, she stood to the side, listening in.

“It’s that boyfriend of hers, officer. He locked me up and raped my child. Please, please, you need to arrest him. First, he beat her up and now look what he did to my child!”

“I understand, madam. The doctors will gather the evidence and we’ll process it.”

“You have to go get him now! Before it’s too late.” She begged.

When the officer finished questioning her, he went to the doctor to ask what they found and when he could get the results, Kiara made her way to the woman. Helping her up from the floor, she placed her on the chair, saying, “I’ll get you something to drink.”

When she returned, she gave her a glass of water and rubbed her back.

It didn’t register with the woman that Kiara wasn’t a nurse. It was only when she calmed her thoughts and looked at Kiara did she notice she had on dark blue baggy jeans and a white crop top and sneakers.

“Oh child, what are you doing helping an old woman like me?”

Kiara smiled. Brushing the hair behind her ear, she took off one of the hoops and hung it in the other hoop. Looking at the lady, she smiled. “Well, I just couldn’t leave you. It was hard seeing you like that.”

The lady started crying again. “You should go home where it’s safe.”
Kiara took in a deep breath as she took the lady’s hand in hers. Rubbing her hand over the woman’s, she said, “I can help you.”

Confused, she asked, “Wi, with what?”

“The police won’t arrest him. They never do.”

“What do you mean? They are gathering the evidence.”

Nodding her head slowly, “I’ve seen it before. The police are corrupt and we should take matters into our own hands. All I need is a name.”

The woman yanked her hand away from Kiara and stood up. Looking at her, she said, “Leave, just leave!”

Kiara stood up with a smile. Waving her hand, she placed a piece of paper on the chair she was sitting on and walked away, leaving the words, “All I need is a name.”