Chapter 4 [On Going]
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It took him a while to process everything. Although the blue screen was in front of him showing the text message he hard a childish friendly voice in his head.

But the sensation of feelings and spectation like an actual person was in front of him was disturbing.

"Who is there?"

He didn't look around because he had a feeling.

<<It's me your guide 😊. Nice to meet you.>>

"My what?" He was taken back by the reply, it seems this system was more prepared after all.

<<You summoned me by chance?😱
Never thought it would be possible...>>

"I don't understand,Β  summoned you? But how..."

<<Well we have time, you are in the middle of an integration process as I can see...
Well spend the rest of your points in .>>

"In what?"

<<Well... it seems your civilization doesn't have the required concept... interesting,  just think on this message and I'll help you choose. I'm your guide after all🀩>>
He was a little worried but decided to test it out, there was no clues anywhere about anything so the guide guess was so good as anyother.

Focusing on the message the system seemed to react just fine and the strange skill appeared out there.

<<Let's use the skills you already have to make you understand better how to work with the system.

Call the effect help screen.>>

"Help screen?"

Something moved inside him, the feeling had some similarities he could not grasp in the moment. Like a distant memory lost in the ages.

As it finished another screen hovered on the frist and the strange symbols filled everything.

<<Hum... it seems this won't help much, there is a limit to what the system can do if you guys are so far behind the rest of the multiverse. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«>>

Each time this guide spoke he was even more shocked and surprised. Miltiverse? Wow, we didn't even found life outside the planet and now there is a multiverse civilization?

<<Yep! You're right! 😁>>

He just read my thoughts!

<<Yes I did, if you want more privacy you need to intent it, take some time to get used. But choose the skill, will help you in the integration. >>

Things are getting more weird each time, maybe that blue light was helping him don't panic. With a big sigh he choose the skills and all his points were sucked by it.

You choosed β˜†β—β—‹β™€β™‘β—‡β™§γ€‹.
You are the only member of this planet to do so.
Issuing long quest.>>

"The what now?"

Quest generated:

Teacher from the stars.
Find 5 people you trust and train them in the arts of multiverse.
They need to get at level 25 in β˜†β—β—‹β™€β™‘β—‡β™§γ€‹.
You need to get level 25 in β˜†β—β—‹β™€β™‘β—‡β™§γ€‹.
Level in β˜†β—β—‹β™€β™‘β—‡β™§γ€‹1/25
People with level 25 in β˜†β—β—‹β™€β™‘β—‡β™§γ€‹0/5

The quest screen dissolved in millions of particles that envelop the Generalist for a moment before they were absorbed by his body. A sensation of power cursed through his veins and passed like it was never there.

<<What kind of world is this?🀨 No one else choosed it? Who is integrating you?>>

Briefing a little and checking his body to see if there was any kind of change over his body he replied in a distant and distracted tone.


He ketp checking everything and now reply came, after a full strange minute of silence he started to worry.

"Are you there?"

<<I don't want to worry you.🫣

But if you like the world you live in, you must complete this quest and the others.

Or everything will be lost😰>>