The Familiar of Fate: Chapter 123 – Blood on the River(3)
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On this almost moonless night, a monstrous creature, alien to the forest, was carving its path of destruction through the trembling woods. It seemed to aimlessly crash through the trees, tearing through the forest’s children, as it pierced through them with its almost metallic-like tusks.

However, strangely, despite the apparently maddened state of the monstrous boar, its actions weren’t simply motivated by the urge for mindless destruction...


Another victim of the boar’s berserk rampage crashed to the ground, with many of its branches and leaves sent flying through the air, as if attempting to flee their dying parent, only to face a similar fate when met with the hard floor of the forest.

 The boar then began to repeat the actions that it had taken with every one of its felled ‘foes,’ once again falling into the cycle that was a source of continued frustration for it…

[Smack!][Rustle Rustle Rustle!][Smack!]...

The boar smacked at the trunk of the felled tree, and dug into the shedding canopy of leaves, combing over every inch of the tree, searching for its prey…

[Rustle Rustle Rustle!][Rustle Rustle Rustle!][Rustle Rustle Rustle!]

However, after tearing through the leaves for a few minutes, the boar was, again, enraged to find that its prey had, once again, eluded it. It had searched for what it hoped would be, and had before considered easy prey, for what seemed like hours, but despite its thorough destruction and careful observation, it had not been able to locate its target, after his escape, earlier…


It angrily roared, unleashing its malicious miasma, which had become noticeably darker since before, around its body, as its furious cry echoed throughout the night! The furious, primal urge to rip and tear apart flesh continued to dig further into its primitive mind, hounding it with its cries and bouts of intense pain that only served to worsen its control. The beast desperately battled against these instincts, trying to push them out long enough so that it could utilize its limited intelligence to discover their mutual foe’s whereabouts…


It heaved its snorts, as it attempted to focus its thoughts. However, the boar’s instincts hadn’t given up their assault on its mind for the entire duration of its search, and they weren’t about to ease up now. The boar couldn’t understand this sudden change inside of its body and mind…


It angrily kicked at the ground, stamping the earth below with its powerful legs and hooves, as it writhed in agony! With the two forces within the boar having been battling for control of its body for so long, it raised the question as to how its consciousness had held on.

[Rustle rustle…]

Suddenly, the boar’s attention was dragged away from its internal struggle, towards a spot in the pile of torn-apart leaves, which now had begun to mysteriously shift…

It locked its eyes on the leaf pile, watching with anticipation as a figure now poked through to the surface. The creature that emerged from the remains of the tree was a small, baby owl, which was covered in grey feathers and possesed a pair of large, black, beady eyes. It froze in place, as it now felt the depraved gaze of the monstrous boar run over it…

The boar’s blackened-red miasma grew more intense, and it slowly opened its mouth, revealing to the horrified, baby owl a gaping maw, filled with blood-covered fangs and the remains of various other animals. Even as the boar approached, the blackened miasma around it continued to spread, engulfing its malicious figure in an even more malicious black coat of violent energy...


Unable to utter a single repelling hiss or flap its wings to retreat from the horror in front of it, the small creature could only tremble in terror, as the boar’s vicious jaws grew closer, with its bloody breath and fangs, subsequent, repulsive stench, and plague-like aura proceeding it by a wide margin…


And soon...


The owl cried out into the night, for the final time in its life...

Soon, the boar was continuing its search for Fate, with the malicious, blackened miasma that swarmed around it previously had somewhat reverted in size, decreasing to the point where it didn’t completely cloud the beast’s figure, as it ran its tongue across its bloodied fangs, savoring the flavor of its newest victim...

This was the solution it had used to placate its primal, murderous instincts, as it hunted down any creature that dared to cross its path during its search for its true prey. It was truly horrifying…


The boar’s senses suddenly detected the traces of a very pungent odor, much stronger than the faint residue that had led it to assault so many trees, in its search for the child. It sneered, even as its instincts began to, once again, dig into its slowly dwindling thoughts. 

It was because the nightmarish boar was only thinking of one thing at that moment, focusing its entire attention on that single thought, as it dug its hooves into the ground…

It’s eyes, mind, instincts...every fibre of its being was screaming one thing…

‘Prey!!! Kill!!!’

It charged off, into the barely lit forest and into the night, imagining the taste of its next victim...Fate...
