Venus Cloacina – Night 1
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Dear Diary,

Dear Jour…

Look, I’m just going to start.

I’m writing this as a sort of dream journal because I just had the WEIRDEST dream and I remember hearing someone that writing this sort of thing down is supposed to help you process it or something.

Anyway, it started with me in this weird fog. I don’t really remember where I was, just this really oppressive fog all around me. It felt like everything I did would be really important, but at the same time I had absolutely no way of telling if something was a good choice or a bad one.

I wandered around like that for what seemed like ages until eventually I found myself on a street. The fog was still so thick that I could barely see a thing, but the ground felt different and I could just barely make out the cobblestone. I still couldn’t see any buildings or even any plants, but eventually there were these blue lights that started to appear. I’m not even sure how I saw them through the fog,but they were there. Whenever I tried to get closer to one it would always move away so that it was the same distance from me, but they wouldn’t really move if I just walked past them.

It was almost like the lights were trying to lead me somewhere, only they were incredibly passive aggressive about it and also maybe a little bit shy? By the way, despite being sort of creeped out by all this I never really ended up turning around. I’m not sure why but it never really felt like an option in the dream.

So between the lights and the road, I ended up with the distinct feeling of being led, but I still had that important choice feeling in the back of my head. It was a particularly unsettling feeling, that I was making an important decision and at the same time being led towards a particular choice without knowing what it was.

And then it turned out I was being led to my new school. Go figure. Between one step and then next I went from practically blind to perfect vision. It was like there was this huge bubble of clear space around the school that the fog couldn’t penetrate.It was night time - with 2 moons in the sky! - but the gate was open, so I ended up walking inside. Now that I was here, the important choice feeling...well, it wasn’t really gone. It was more like it was muted if that makes sense? It was still there but less urgent than before.

If there was one thing my dream got right by the way, it was this school. The place is HUGE. I’m sure there are places that are bigger, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Universities that are smaller than this place. At least before you count all the extra bits of land Universities tend to collect over time. Anyway, now that I’m in the school, I feel like I have a better idea where I’m going, even though I don’t actually know where that is. I still wander around for-freaking-ever just because the place is so big, but I eventually end up in a classroom. As far as I know it’s just a completely random room, but it feels like where I’m supposed to be in the dream.

Then I see HER. I’d almost call her an angel, but that doesn’t feel quite right. She had this long, rose red hair that seemed to blow in a wind I didn’t feel and ruby red eyes to match. She wore white armour that looked a lot like pieces from electrics and revealed enough that I had suspicions as to its actual effectiveness. Really her whole body just burnt itself right into my brain. Even now I can close my eyes and see her like I did in the dream. But her most eye catching feature was her wings. They had little bits of armour and I’m not sure whether they were actually attached to her back, but the actual wings were like these huge beautiful feathery things. Only they weren’t feathers. They glowed and shifted with colour and light in patterns like a rainbow, only about 100 times more complex than a rainbow and also 3D. I THINK the feathers were carbon fibers.

Err, Nano Tubes?

Anyway, they were something like that where they carried light from a hidden spot on the wing right to the very edge of the feather. And each feather was like that.

So this angelic figure is just sort of floating there in this classroom. She notices me almost right away she wait before she turns to look at me. I don’t think she was even doing anything. In hindsight, I think she was waiting so that I would get a little longer to look at her. But once she did look, things started to click into place really quickly in that bizarre dream sort of way that makes perfect sense when it happens but none at all afterwards.

Case and point, I was suddenly extremely aware that I was wearing my school Uniform. I have no idea what I was wearing before that point, but I was definitely in the school’s skirt and blazer afterwards. In not quite enough time to get used to suddenly wearing my uniform, my hair changed. Then my skin. And so on and so forth with me getting a little bit more disoriented every time. There was never quite quite enough time between each change to recover from the last. Eventually so many things have changed so many times that I have no idea what what.

Then the figure speaks.

She only said one word. She said it in a voice I can’t even really remember, but I remember what she said. It was my name.


Only it didn’t really feel like my name until the moment when she said it.