SSS 03 – Surprise, Startled Six!
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S.S.S. Skyskraper! Transform and Stand Up!

Where there was a Phoenix, now there was only Empty air. The machine was struck by what looked to be an entire building.

Below, one of the largest of the structures was missing, a giant figure with blocky armour standing in its place.

“Angel, consider this a personal favour from me on behalf of a mutual friend.”

Saved by a human. Pride would fall, but Eurytion’s mission would be complete. He nodded thanks to his savior and completed his escape.

“Good.” The Behemoth turned to face the Phoenix. “Now that the wet towel is gone, let’s get to it.”

“You think you can defeat us!?”

“Now that the Angel has escaped, we only have one means to save face.”

“How did he steal an S.S.S. anyway?”

“You will answer to our lord for your crimes!”

With a flash of light, the Phoenix clashed blade to body with Skyscraper. It was a vicious attack, but Yuri’s stolen machine was more powerful by far. He caught the smaller robot in his hands and nearly crushed it before the fiery bird escaped.

“Really, there’s only one way to deal with demons like you. EMPIRE BLADE!

A truly massive sword fell down from the heavens and landed blade-first in front of Skyscraper.

“With this 102 story blade...”

The Phoenix tried desperately to cripple the larger machine. It’s sword bounced off the gray armour. Its flames washed off like water over a rock.


Skyscraper picked up the oversized sword and readied to swing. Phoenix tried to escape its reach but there was no way to leave the blade’s massive radius.


With a single swing the Phoenix, along with a substantial part of the city, was cleaved in two. The city would quickly repaired itself, as it always did. The bird was not so fortunate. Its flame extinguished, it’s ashes scattered on the wind.


The sky split open, revealing vibrant nebula on a dark blue quilt as sibling moons shone brightly in the sky. One held a steady radiance, while the other was undecided, shifting from one colour to the next.

“You have ruined my game board, human!”

The phoenix’s ashes shimmered in the moonlight and started to spin and shift as if trapped by a dust devil in the sky.

“Now it’s time to ruin yours.”

The Ashes came together to create a new form. One much larger and more menacing. A Lion crest. Massive drill shoulders. Huge demonic wings and a helmet that could only be described as a crown. It was a patchwork of all the best pieces of all the defeated S.S.S. machines.

“I, Hostamicus, shall knock you down!”

The chimera machine. No, the Demon Lord, raised its arm and from nothing the sky opened into hundreds of portals. From each portal emerged a spaceship of sorts. A massive, mobile turret.


The Demon Lord completely leveled his city and everything in it. A graceful loser, he was not.

* * *

Yuri escaped through his own portal just before Host began to glass his city. He had bailed from the large machine the moment the Demon Lord appeared, but even so had just barely managed to escape.

“Note to self: Probably not welcome in Angel Grove any more.”

“Perhaps not, but you have done us a great kindness today Yuri Smirnov.”

Another Angel stepped into view. Like Eurytion, this angel was genderless. Like Eurytion, they were an amalgamation of souls who spoke in concert rather than one taking dominance over the rest. Fortunately, that’s where the similarities ended. This angel was actually pleasant to be around.

“Well you know, it isn’t every day you can say an Angel owes you a favour. Besides, I’m pretty sure Hostamicus doesn’t have anything I’m interested in anyway.”

“Indeed, it seems unlikely that you will find what you seek in a land of constant destruction and rebirth. Yet, you have come to this Makai to search for it.”

Yuri adjusted the collar to his coat and whistled in reply.

“Where next are you going, Yuri Smirnov?” The angel let out a hesitant smile. “We should like to accompany you a little while yet.”