13 Reasoning and Realization
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Back at camp... 


"Are you mad tiny friend or are you just trying to attract everything within the jungle to come and eat us" Berry says as he smacks Tokito across his back, hitting him into the stream. 


Coughing and sputtering up water, Tokito quickly rises out of the stream, moves his wet hair out of his eyes to see Berry's trunk right in front of his face. 

'He'll probably hit me again if I scream anymore,' Toktio thought, then felt a blast of cold water hit his head. 'Or he's just helping me bathe.'


While scrubbing to get rid as much sweat and dirt off as Tokito could (since he had no soap), Calamity tells him why they're leaving.

".....Tokito.... you have to understand, you were not meant to and cannot stay in one place for very long. With you emitting chaos energy, stagnating in one area for a long time is dangerous. The regular animals and magic creatures nearby would begin changing into ferocious monsters.  And any creatures that rely on chaos energy to survive will easily be able to find you, as you shine like a beacon. If caught, you'll become in your worlds term, 'a battery to suck dry'. With that being said, we are not leaving immediately, but in a week. In that time frame, you should learn basic mana manipulation, earth, and fire magic." As Calamity says this, I finish cleaning myself up and leave the water. 


Berry helps by giving me my clothes to change, then lays down by the fire.

"Don't worry tiny friend. I will help teach the basics of earth to you. It shouldn't be too difficult. And if done correctly you may even be able to learn how to crystallize sand to create jewels for yourself. I think I remember seeing Djinns wearing that or was that genies" Berry mumbles trying with mediocre effort to cheer me up.


Hearing this, Tokito sighs with a forlorn look on his face, stare into the camp fire.

'Maaan, this just sucks. I have yet to get acclimated to the area and I already have to leave.... at least I have a little time to get some stuff prepared before going, but its still not fair.' Toktio thinks this as he starts eating the cooked snake meat. 


Never one for caring how his food tasted, Toktio didn't really feel dissatisfied for not having salt or pepper, simply ate the snake in silence. While eating he begins prepping the next task, using one hand to make sure his food doesn't fall, while using the other to prepare another leaf for butchering. This times butchering will be the three dust lizards that Berry brought earlier..


Bored from watching Tokito, Berry stands, leaving the comfort of the fire, heads towards to the opposite side of the stream. He goes on to says that he'll be back soon with a furry plant he found not too long ago.


Seeing him off Tokito finishes eating the snake meat, comes to terms that what Calamity says is to both of their benefits.


 'Besides staying here might not be the best choice as of right now. I don't have the power to protect myself and if Berry is not around and I am put into a defensive position I may not be as lucky when making another wish. I need to go to an area where I can properly gain survival skills so I won't have to rely on others as much I have with Calamity and Berry.' Tokito resolves himself.


He quickly goes to work on taking apart the dust lizards. 


'Although Berry called them dust lizards they look more like huge dust gators.' Tokito thinks, as he feels the back of the dust lizard. He places his hand firmly down on the head to keep it steady. However, as soon as he puts the knife to the body he quickly found the specimen before him was more rock than lizard. The skin was so tough he nearly chipped his knife when cutting the head off. Picking up the head, he spots that inside the neck, the meat was too dry and tough to be edible. The guts seemed as if they would turn to sand any minute.


Confused, Tokito speculates why Berry brought him this. Calamity then starts to explain what parts of the body could be used for.


 " Nothing can be eaten from this Lizard earth elemental, but the skin can be used to create tough endurable armor and the bones shapes into weapons or accessories. Look in the correct places, and there may be a mana stone or two that can be usefull. Since the Blue Vine Cobras could use magic, there may also be a mana stone in its head. However, I doubt there's a mana stone in the Balba corpse, since they are a more hands on race.." Calamity mutters in a neutral tone. 

Calamity then instructs Tokito how to cut the dust lizard with one of the snakes sharp fangs instead of his knife, so as to not break it.


 Tokito goes back to cutting the rock gator, beginning from the neck to the tip of its tail. Finding it much easier then before now with using the snake fang, but it's still taking a while to cut. He then remembered from a documentary of someone using a super heated knife, cutting into things with ease, and thought to do the same here. Since he has heat resistance Tokito didn't think about the consequences, stuck his hand holding the fang into the fire pit.


Ding! [Heat resistance level up ^4- Heat resistance level 8]


He nearly screamed at the pain but held it in, biting his lip until he drew blood. After a few seconds of pain, he took out his hand still clenching the fang from the fire, only to find it ashen and smoking fumes. Perplexed, Tokito wondered why he didn't have 9 degree burns and flesh wounds. It then hit him, his body was no longer human. 

The emotions that's bottled till now, surfaces. Toktio eyes begin to water, cries in silent anguish as it all finally hits him at once.


 I don't cry from pain or fear of the unknown in the jungle or even the fact that part of a god is literally living on my neck. No, I cry at the fact I'm no longer on earth, that I can never visit my parents graves, and that I've lost one of the few things that they have ever given me. I cry in finding that the only thing I still have from them and my past life, is my memories and my name.

Can you figure out what he lost?
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