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The next afternoon, 'Flappy bird ' was successfully launched. After discussing various ideas they finally lauched it.

After seeing the game going online, Sister Ai pushed Su Liang out of the apartment.

"Su, after this , I will do the rest. You don't have to worry. Also, I will say this now , in our family, you are the power , I am the money and Xiaoyou is the developer . So , from now on,  you just have to put forth your ideas , I will complete it. Well then, go out and come back only in evening . Get some fresh air. Bye bye."

And Su Liang was pushed out of the house.

While walking on the street, Su Liang began to think of what Sister Ai said.

Power..Money...Development.  That means Sister Ai will make money. Xiaoyou will provide technology for development. And I  will...power. What do you mean by that ?...Military...Politics...Pure Strength...or a Nation. Well, creating nation is meaningless. It will just bring more chaos. Rather than a nation , I would create a paradise only for my family and live happily.

Su Liang saw many people while walking. While walking , he arrived at a park. Rather, a deserted park. No one was there . Su Liang looked around . It seems like he had arrived in a rather isolated area. There were no people around. No, there were , but they were beasts in human skin. Criminals!

Well, they will not come in daylight. If they come, they will be unlucky.

Su Liang sat on a bench and commanded:" System, my sixth command is give me the power 'appraisal '."

System:" Command received and completed. The host now has the power 'appraisal'. The host can use the power on a target to identify his powers. If the host knows the target's name, other information like weakness , sins , virtues, etc. But this causes permanent reduction in mental power. This reduction can lead to coma or death if the host is not superior in physical power compared to the target."

Su Liang felt warm all over his eyes. When he opened his eyes and looked at some people in the distance, such lines appeared in front of his eyes over the heads of the people.

'Power- water propulsion

Power- air cutter, etc.'

While Su Liang was looking at the people, some people noticed him.

"Hey!!where are you looking ?!hah!?"

Many criminals came to surround him. As Su Liang was wearing branded clothes, he was an easy target for kidnappers. Su Liang quickly solved them and walked out to return. On the way, he said to the system, "System, my seventh command is seeing the future."

System:" Please remind the host that due to insufficient commands and incomplete synchronisation,  the host can only get access to the basic level . 'Foresight'- able to predict the major crisis of the host or a person authorised by the host a night before. Permission to proceed."

Su Liang sighed and said:" Well,  proceed."

System:" Congratulations to the host for using the gift pack. From now on, the host will get a command once a month till the synchronisation reaches 25%."

After returning home , Su Liang quickly ate dinner and slept. The two were busy with business related work , so Su Liang had to sleep alone.

A huge earthquake occurred. The sky became red.  The city was on fire. Su Liang felt an irresistible force attracting him. He wanted to resist but looking at the force , he was afraid to be ripped apart.

The city was in ruins. The buildings collapsed.  The rubble was also attracted towards the force. While Su Liang was on the way , he saw a figure floating in the air. The figure had silver hair and tanned skin with big upper heaven and an ideal lower back. She seemed to unaffected by the force. Su Liang quickly used appraisal on her.

Power- Neutralize. -  Appraisal.


As Su Liang reached towards the source , he saw many corpses. Many of them were missing some parts like heads, legs , torso, hands , etc. The missing parts looked like they were ripped apart. It seems that while these people resisted the force , this has been the result. Also , these corpses were also moving towards the source. So, Su Liang simply let go of the resistance.

At the source of the force was a tall rotating storm. At the centre of it was a small head of a five year old kid with mouth open.  Only head. It seems that the force was coming from this head .

At this time Su Liang saw many corpses and debris revolving in the storm. He gaze seems to be stuck at two things. There was Sister Ai's head and Xiaoyou's upper body revolving in the storm.

Su Liang's mind went black. He shouted loudly:" Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!"

Su Liang woke with a start . He was heavily gasping for air.  He looked at the surroundings and was relieved.

It was a dream! Haaa...

At this time, Sister Ai and Xiaoyou quickly entered the room and looked at him.  Apparently,  they were worried about him , after hearing his shout.

Su Liang sighed with a relief and tightly hugged them.:" Nothing. It was a dream.  Sorry for worrying you. The dream was just so...real...System,  was it foresight?"

System :" Yes"

Su Liang's breath quickened. Sister Ai looked at him and said," Su, first sit down."

Xiaoyou:" Brother Su,  calm down. Here , water."

Su Liang sat down and drank the water. After calming down , he looked at them and said:" Today , I used my remaining commands . One of which is foresight. I saw it. Tommorow,  this city is going to turn into a ruin and we are going to die."

Sister Ai and Xiaoyou were shocked:""What the !?!@#!$^?!!""

APPRAISAL - The user can see other person's information. It requires a strong mental strength. When using , the user can see the target's power. If the user knows the target's name, he can detect the target's personality, but this requires the target's direct or indirect agreement. The user can know a target's full informed along with it's weakness, likes,dislikes,etc.But this requires the user to be superior in physical strength compared to the target.

FORESIGHT (BASIC) - This allows the user to see a critical crisis in advance. The user gets to see the vision of the crisis a night before the incident. At the basic level, the foresight can only predict the death of its user and the authorised people. NOTE: If the crisis coming is weaker than the previous crisis and does not cause any death of the user or the authorised people,  then it is not detected.  Even if the coming crisis will cause serious injuries or emotional damage , it is undetected.

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