Lore Entry 1: Imwean Calendar
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The most popular measurement of dates on Solam is the Classic Imwean Calendar, used in every part of the world to some extent. A year is split into 401 days—ten 40-day months and 40 ten-day weeks, with one leap-day. This matches the time it takes for Solam to complete a full revolution around its sun.


Months (in chronological order):

-Ice (1)

-Want (2)

-Spirit (3)

-Seed (4)

-Song (5)

-Grace (6)

-Harvest (7)

-Dusk (8)

-Raven (9)

-Storm (10)


Weekdays (in chronological order):

-Orsday (1) - Named after the Imwean god Ordynion, patron of love and fertility. Being born on this day used to be considered a sign of good fortune in northern Eurinos.

-Tiesday (2)

-Giesday (3) - Named after the Imwean god Gisa, patron of war.

-Brisday (4)

-Arsday (5) - Named after the Imwedan god Ardin, patron of mortality and bravery.

-Amsday (6) - Named after the Imwean god Amara, patron of peace and healing.

-Fensday (7)

-Leddisday (8) - Named after the Imwean god Letho, patron of death. Letho was believed to conduct his business in the mortal realm on or after Leddisday. As such, most funerals in northern Eurinos were held in the latter part of the week, often accompanied by a hefty donation to the God of Death.

-Welsday (9)

-Imsday (10) Named after the head of the Imwean pantheon, Imwe, patron of knowledge and arcana. Children born on this day in northern Eurinos were believed to have futures as natural leaders.

-Stepday (leap-day) - This day is used only on the last day of the year, as the eleventh day of that week. This day was dedicated to all gods in the Imwean pantheon. It holds a special place even in the modern, secular Concord.

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