Turning around? Maybe
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Sorry about no chapter yesterday, I had to pick up drafting since I hadn't expected that I'd continue this story for so long, so I hadn't planned for this. I had no idea where to go from the last chapter. Chapter might not be as good as the last few chapters since I hate planning, It's also the first time I've ever planned a chapter. So excuse me if it's shit. I think I've decided to make this fanfic to just be about Ira conquering woman, hoarding power for himself and just be a selfish asshole. I also decided to try a third person and first person narration in this chapter, let me know what you think.

Over the past 28 days I have been training relentlessly, the forest was hard and demanding, but boy was it worth it. I won't show you my status screen just yet, instead I'll demonstrate how much power I've amassed over the month. I've also enrolled in Kuoh academy since it was the easiest way to get closer to Rias and Sona, and thereby the supernatural. I have no idea how to get to hell or heaven, and I have no idea where the grigory faction HQ is. So it's really my only option, fucking rias is also a small motivator for going to the school. Passing the entrance exam was ridiculously easy, barely took any effort. Anyways, demonstration time.

"ID create: Death dragons" Yes, that's right. I'm fighting the world famous death dragons, and they're actually not made out of bones, they're just black and have really bad breath. Some people call them 'apocalypse incarnate' and the 'reverse messiah' but they're really not that bad, they're kinda cute to be honest.

The ID envelopes my body and it's actually not Kuoh town anymore, the entire landscape goes to a silent hum and changes to an entirely new place. It looks like grassy flatlands from Konosuba, except without the grass… And with a few bones here and there… And black fire everywhere… I mean it's flat? So it's pretty much the same. Death dragons are very very rare in the DXD world, mainly because they get banished from their families upon birth if one is born, and then they either can't survive in the wild or they get attacked by pretty much everyone, no one likes cute baby death dragons apparently. Weird.

Everyone thinks that it's just a random chance that a normal dragon couple have a death dragon baby, but that's actually not it, I assume some people figured it out before me but it's actually the amount of death that's in the air, death perverts mana and therefore makes it death mana. Which the mother dragon then breathes in and influences the fetus inside, thereby causing a death dragon. It's all pretty interesting stuff.

Anyways, I'm walking around and looking for dragons, they're not all that rare around here but the smaller and medium ones can somehow tell that I'm here, they've learned to instinctively fear me somehow, if that's even possible. But that doesn't stop bigger dragons from attacking me, their pride won't let them.

*ROAR* The ground trembles as a massive roar is heard. A dragon plummets to the ground and lands on the 'grassy' plains. Creating a large crater below the beast.

The dragon instantly tries to assault me with smelly breath, but before it can even open its mouth I use telekinesis and make a form fitting suit around the dragon. And I crush it with telekinesis. The dragon puts up a moment of resistance before it's entire body gets crushed to the ground. I can't kill these dragons with the pure force of crushing alone, their bones are too strong for that.

I look at the struggling dragon and I find it oddly cute, must be my rape fetish. But I'm not into dragons, especially ones who can suck my life out of me along with my cum. This one's also male. "Inspect", Information is tasty.

Name; Deotos, The Evil One

Level; 291

Class; Death warrior

Race; Death dragon

Alignment; Chaotic-Evil

Hp;12915 REGEN = 1435 Every 5minutes

Mana;1380 REGEN = 265 Every 5minutes

SP; 14350 REGEN = 2870 every 60seconds

STR; 242

END; 287

DEX; 144

INT; 92

Wis; 53

CHA; 1

LCK; 10

[HP=END X 45]

[HP REGEN=END X 5] Every 5 minutes


[MANA REGEN=WIS X 5] Every 5 minutes

[SP=END X 50]

[SP REGEN= END X 10] Every 60seconds

*Dragons have natural defense. Therefore end value worth more. However ID created dragons cannot compare to real ones.*

Quite a strong one, one of the strongest I've met in this ID so far. But far too weak when compared to the current me. It's stronger physically since stats simply add onto what's already there, and it has massive fucking muscles, so even if I had 4 times the strength it had, it would still only about match his strength. It's intelligent enough to know that it's going to die, but it's instincts and pride won't let it take it lying down, but that's alright.

I smile at the dragon and cast "Flight" on my self, which is just telekinesis given skill form. I fly 600m's away from the dragon and it thinks it's safe, but I'm still holding it down. I smile once more and cast "Vacuum Implosion" All the air 400m's around the dragon gets violently sucked out, and the dragon's eyes bulge. All of a sudden all of the air rush's explosively back into the vacuum, all at once. Everything gets destroyed, the dragon is an unrecognisable mess of meat and bone, and the ground in the area is utterly ruined. It's also raining blood, cool huh? +129900XP!

What I just cast is just one of my many original spells using telekinesis. It's probably one of my medium level spells, not too strong but not weak either. Enough to kill a death dragon.

*Vacuum implosion*

*Using telekinesis you rip all of the air molecules out of a certain area. All the air wants to rush back in, so you let it, but you also assist it using telekinesis. Thereby doubling the speed of the air, doubling the damage dealt from a massive change in atmospheric pressure. Destruction and mana cost based on how big the area is for your implosion.*

This one just works on basic principles of physics. Everything has a weight, even air, so if you take it all and leave nothing, more air wants to fill that space, all you're doing is assisting that process. It's really simple but effective, also I'm probably the only one who can use telekinesis at this level. I can easily grab molecules at this point but atoms are still beyond my reach. Literally.

I also have other cool spells using telekinesis but you'll have to wait for those. For now I want to experiment with something. I exit the ID but don't bother entering an empty ID, The only thing that poses a threat against me right now are beings like sirzechs, azazel, arch angels, etc, other than that I can deal with anything weaker than them, and even if I did encounter an ultimate class being, I have 90% confidence that I can escape.

I cast flight on myself and take off into the air, I'm not worried about normal people seeing me since it's dark as fuck, and I'm wearing black clothes. I'm flying to a very poor part of Kuoh because I'm going to be kidnapping some people, thugs mainly to experiment on. And I'm hoping that the devil's don't notice some people going missing. Police are unlikely to be called out to these areas, so there's a smaller chance for the devils to even know about people missing. I'm also going to only kidnap thugs, hopefully they don't have anyone who'll miss them.

I land on the ground after a minute of flying and stalk around the streets, stretching my senses to as far as possible to pick up any signs of rape or conflict.

"Help! Someone please help!" A female voice screams, target acquired. Time to kidnap some people and do inhumane experiments on them. Yay!

I cast flight and speed over to the alleyway where the screaming is coming from.

-third person pov-

A group of thugs is surrounding a singular female, they were originally planning to just mug her but then it was revealed that she was hot as fuck, so they decided to rape her instead.

"Stop fucking around and hold her down for fucks sake!" Commanded one of the thugs. He's the leader of this small band of dimwits.

"We're trying boss! She's squirming around, can I go after your turn boss?" Asks one of the lackeys. The boss sighs and curses his underlings stupidity, what if she had a gun? If you're not paying attention to the woman than you could get killed pretty easily, underestimation is the worst crime a thug can commit.

"Stop looking at me and hold her down you shitty bastard!" Said the leader once again.

"Yes boss!"

The leader suddenly looked around suspiciously, all the crickets in the area had gone silent. The sudden lack of ambient sound was extremely unsettling.

*thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* Footsteps. A single person was walking down the alleyway with heavy steps. The leader's heartbeat quickened and he had a terrible omen.

"It's a great night to be raping someone, ain't it gentlemen?" Asked the mysterious stranger

"Who the fuck are you cunt? You ain't getting a piece of this pussy! You got any fucking money you bastard?" One of the thugs shot off. The leader paled. The stranger hasn't even done anything yet, so why the fuck was he so scared!?

"HELP PLEASE! WHOEVER YOU ARE PLEASE HELP ME IM BEGGING YOU. I DON'T WANT TO BE RAPED!" Screamed the woman, In a weird tone. The leader paled even more, damn it. Shut the fuck up you bitch, he thought to himself. Does he have a gun under that jacket? The leader had a gun but didn't bring it today since he expected a defenceless normal citizen, which they had found, but then this jackass stumbled upon them.

"Ah, money, it's an interesting thing. Pieces of paper and small, round coins that dictate our lives. Exchanging it for goods that are worth far more than something you can get off of a tree. It's truly interesting, Sure, I have money. Here, catch." The stranger said, and flung something towards the thug that asked for his money.

That thing happens to be a 100 yen coin. However, the stranger flung the coin so hard and fast that the thug who exclaimed towards him had no chance to catch it. Hitting him in the head and knocking him unconscious immediately.

This was all the leader needed, and he tried to bolt out of there, but to his dismay he found that he couldn't move. No matter how hard he tried.

-Ira's pov-

Ah, the leader tried to flee. I think he can somehow sense that I'm dangerous. Some people's instinct is just sharper than others, y'know?

But I can't let him leave, I need human subjects. What I don't need however is human subjects that can escape.

And with that, I cripple all of the thugs. They all scream and drop to the ground in agony, but I can't care less. I knock them unconscious for now and walk up to the lady trembling in fright. All her clothes are ripped and her breasts are exposed, her skirt is down to her ankles and her panties were torn to the side, exposing her shaved virgin pussy. I contemplate raping her before deciding that experimentation is more important. She's just a background character anyway.

I use telekinesis to levitate the thugs off the ground and prepare to leave.

"Wait! Who the hell are you? And how did you do that?" Huh? What the fuck? Wasn't she just about to get raped? How can she go from frightened little girl to questioning her "saviour"? Does the universe WANT me to fucking rape her and murder her violently?

"Why would I answer that question? Also, how can you go from frightened damsel in distress to a swearing bitch in a second?" I ask incredulously, perhaps she's not just a background character? I didn't bother to use inspect since she has very little mana, above average for a human but compared to me it's very little.

"Because those guys were going to be my meals, and you fucking interrupted me! Now I'm hungry AND pissed. Perhaps I should take you as my next meal? You've got some thrifty tricks but they won't help against my power, huehehe" Oh, I get it. So she's a succubus, oh she certainly could be a stray devil but I really doubt that, here's why.


*User has been attacked with a mind attack: Lust incarceration. Effect: Increases a person's Lust and affection towards the caster. Increased submissive attitude towards caster.*

*Gamers mind has nullified effects of lust incarceration.*

Did… She just try to shiro me? Seriously? I mean, I wouldn't be totally against it, except for the fact that my power is well, mine. And I'm not giving it to anyone, I'm not sure what kind of succubus she is, there's 2 types that I know of, mana feeders and life force feeders. It's pretty self explanatory, and I've got plenty of mana and life force, but I'm still not giving it to a succubus, literally a race that whores itself out to live. It's kind of pitiful really. Finding out which type she is rather easy. "Inspect"

Name; Xylielle Levodden

Level; 31

Class; Charmer

Race; Mana succubus

Alignment; Chaotic-Neutral

Hp; 650 REGEN = 52 every 5minutes

Mana; 360 REGEN = 360 every 5 minutes

SP;780 REGEN = 390 every 60 seconds

STR; 34

END; 26

DEX; 49

INT; 24

Wis; 24

CHA; 55

LCK; 10

[HP=END X 25]

[HP REGEN=END X 2] Every 5 minutes


[MANA REGEN=WIS X 15] Every 5 minutes

[SP=END X 30]

[SP REGEN= END X 15] Every 60seconds

*Succubus have a naturally resilient body made to endure a rough fucking.*

Ah, a mostly non-deadly succubus, that's nice. I don't really feel like getting raped today however, and she may be in contact with the devils in Kuoh, damn I'm unlucky. I don't really want to kill her, mainly because she's a cute girl, but I will if I have to.

"Ah, so you're a stray devil? Are you sure you can eat me? Also, your spell won't work on me. Whatever it is." She looks really surprised, and then gets angry.

"What the fuck? How can you compare me to a fucking stray devil you piece of shit, I'm obviously a succubus, way better than a shitty devil! Why wont my fucking spell work on you? You're supposed to be at my pussy lapping like a dog trying to please it's owner by now, get on your fucking knees and stick your tongue out you fucker!" Holy fucking shit she's vulgar, I think she might be even worse than me. Damn, that's an achievement. Also, she seems to have bad blood with devils since she called them shitty, but that could just be how vulgar she is...

"While that's an enticing offer, I'll have to refuse I'm afraid. I only have one question for you, are you affiliated with any of the devils in this town? And don't try to lie to me, I'll know" I said that last part with a tiny bit of mana in my vocal cords, It doesn't compel people to follow my orders or anything but it's a coolness factor. It also shakes the walls of the alley and causes a mini earthquake, I only put a tiny amount of mana into my voice but the results are still extreme, damn.

"No I'm not affiliated with those shitty devils, they probably don't even know I exist. Why the fuck are you still even here if you're not gonna fuck me? Fuck off cunt." Shes telling the truth, her heart beat was erratic from my voice but it's following a steady pattern of erratic. It makes sense, dont worry about it. She's scared now, but is still vulgar, very interesting.

"Well then, I must be off, good luck with finding… food." I bid her a goodbye, turn around and fly off into the sunse- moonset. Yeah. Totally. Shut up.

I obviously took the thugs as well. I need them for experimentation.

*An hour later*

-thug leader pov-

"It's about time you woke up, why don't you introduce yourself?" Said a commanding voice.

Wha- what's going on? All I remember is… Oh, Oh god no please, we've been captured… or at least I have, I'm blindfolded and taped to a .. table? I knew becoming a thug was a bad idea, but my mother.. I can't pay her medical bills without robbing people, I-It's not my fault damn it! The hospital is practically robbing people! SO WHY CAN'T I?

"I said fucking introduce yourself." Said the commanding voice again, this time bringing a pain of agony throughout my entire body. My knees jerk and buckle against the restraints, which only causes more agony… oh, that's right, he somehow broke my knee before I went unconscious. I forgot about that, tears of agony roll down my face and I can't even blink them away.

"M-My name is Jack ingof, please, I didn't want to become a criminal, I swear! Please let me go I'll change my ways!" I can't do anything but plead with this monster, he broke all of our legs at the same time, seemingly without even moving.

"Jack ingof? Are you fucking kidding me right now? HAHAHAH" Yes, that's really my name, laugh all you want but my mother wasn't exactly in her right state of mind when naming me. A wave of fury courses through me but I know it's useless. Being angry won't help me escape.

"Alright Mr. Ingof hehehe, I'm going to be prodding at your brain a few times with these very sharp tools, and I'd like you to tell me what you feel when I ask you, understood? If your performance is satisfactory I'll let you go, and even pay you for your performance." Fucking what? Is my skull cut open right now? I try to check but remember that I'm still restrained, I can't feel anything weird up there? Shouldn't I feel a bit of an exposed feeling on the surface of my brain if my skull was cut open? Some pain maybe?

I go to nod and realise it's probably not a wise thing to do, I don't know if I should believe him when he says he has my skull cut open, but it's better to be cautious than brave. "Yes, Please don't hurt me."

Silence ensues, and just when I think that this might all just be a prank, everything goes purple, I remember when my dad left me at the age of 4, when my mother's cancer developed past stage 3 at the age of 6, when I lost both of my testicles at the age of 13, when I got raped by my babysitter and she laughed at my tiny penis. The humiliation, the sadness, the depression,all of it. "Shame. That's what I feel right now, can I go now? Please." It's obvious, he's actually using me as a human experiment right now.

"I did not ask, but thank you for your input. Next. This time do not speak until I finish prodding, understood?"

"Yes." I reply. Slightly worried at what's coming next.

Next comes an unfamiliar emotion. It feels very foreign and yet the memories that come afterwards explains it all. The first time I met my friends, true friends, forming a gang with them, our first successful robbery, the money that we got from that one business guy. It's happiness, an emotion I haven't felt ever since my mother went past stage 4 of cancer. An emotion that is so distant that I can't even remember what it feels like.

"What emotion do you feel currently?" Asks the voice, I contemplate lying to him, since I'm fairly certain I won't be getting out of here alive. But… Is this really so bad? I get to feel happiness for once in my life… Perhaps, just maybe I can convince him to somehow make this permanent?

"Happiness, a very high amount of it." I say with as much sincerity as I can muster, I should try to get on his good side. Even if these are my last few hours on earth, I'll at least be able to live them without any pain.

"Interesting, Next." A feeling of pure agony courses through my veins, It's such a deep agony that it rattles my bones and it feels like my skeleton came alive all of a sudden, and it wants to be set free. All the beatings that my dad gave me before he left come flooding back to me, walled off memories that I don't even want to think about all reveal themselves, Like deadly poison, it all seeps into my body, my skin, It mangles my entire soul into an unrecognizable mess, one that even a god couldn't repair. And as suddenly as it came, it disappeared. I'm left a panting mess with tears in my eyes that overflow with blood.

"Hmm, I suppose that's pain? Or perhaps fear? Care to comment?" Asks the voice of the devil himself, I was wrong, I was so utterly wrong, he definitely wouldn't do something so kind for me, I'm definitely going to die, "Yes." I say with an emotionless voice. There's no point in resisting anymore, no point in even hoping for a rescue… Wait a second, is he the one making me be this hopeless or is it my true feeling? I muster up all of my willpower that I can get and ask "Are you doing this?" Then the feeling instantly vanishes, completely erased off the face of my brain.

"Yes, very impressive for you to realise. How did you feel for the last 2 touches?"

"Agony, complete unbridled agony. And hopelessness that is so extreme that I felt suicidal, as if nothing I did could ever make a difference to the outcome of this experiment." I say with honesty, I revel in the feeling of the complement and wish that I was free so I could please my new master, I wish I could stick my ass into the air like my babysitter forced me to and let him plunder my ass, I wish he would spit on me and call me a used whore so- W-What the fuck is wrong with me? jesus fucking christ. I nearly vomit my guts out at that line of thought and realise that that was him, I never knew that the human brain had SO much power over a person's own thoughts, I am as straight as a man can be but my own brain turned me into a hungry cumslut, it's truly frightening.

"What did you feel?" Asks the voice laced in amusement, I realise that pre-cum is dripping out of my penis at an astonishing rate. He can probably see a wet patch on my groin, I feel utter shame and embarrassment at having a wet dream, while I was awake, especially because I'm not gay.

"Lust… And submission. I'm feeling embarrassment right now, before you ask." I say. I feel blood rushing to my cheeks in a blush.

"That last part wasnt me, but good to know. Last experiment." He says, and then mutters something else that I can't quite catch.

After almost a minute of anticipation everything goes dark… Even darker than it was before from the blindfold… Did I.. Die? I can't feel the cold metal table anymore, I can't feel the wet cumstain in my underpants, I'm just, free floating inside a void. Panic rises inside my chest, but it cools as if it was doused by sand.

Minutes go by, and when he doesn't ask what I'm feeling I try to tell him to stop doing whatever he's doing, even if it would be useless. Only to realise I can't talk. I can't move. I can't even blink….

Minutes go by without anything happening, and then hours, and then days, and then months. I hold out for a year or so. I can't tell how much time passes, but I think it's about a year. I don't know anymore…. -

Hi! I'm… well. I don't know who I am honestly, and I don't know what I am either, but I've lived here my entire life! And you're actually just a random thought that I'm having, I enjoy talking to myself since there's really no one else around! I tried creating some company a while back but I can't do anything! Sometimes I like to imagine talking to someone in my own head for fun! But those thoughts just kinda disappear after a while, and I go back to waiting! Waiting for what you ask? I don't know, all I know is that I must wait for something, or maybe someone! I'm really excited for the day that that something arrives. It'll be super fun!

-Ira's pov-

I look at the drooling mess of a thug babbling to himself and realise that I might have overdone it. I'm not sure what exactly I did, but it's evidently left him unfunctioning as a human being. Time to dispose of him I guess. Using my sacred gear I summon a flame that is 1600 celsius degrees hot and burn the thug to ashes almost instantly. He doesn't even realise that he's being burned alive. I think I broke him, just like the rest of the thugs, but he held onto his sanity for longer than the other 3.

It seems that a certain part of the brain drives people to insanity if stimulated, I can only look on the surface of the brain with my xray since it's not a fucking mri, obviously, so I can only experiment a certain amount. Using the 4 thugs I've pretty much mapped out the entire surface of the brain. Not every single part of it, but 90% of it is covered, I haven't tried the nooks and crannies yet but I'll do that some other time, when I have more subjects.

The reason I did this is so I can influence people and maybe even some low-level supernatural beings in subtle ways. They can't feel my telekinesis on their brain since the brain has no nerves, they might feel a small pressure inside their skull but that could just be a headache, do supernatural beings even get headaches actually? I do…

Anyways, I can offer a deal, or ask them for something and subtly increase their submissiveness and happiness to get them to accept the deal, this technique uses a bit of mana so it probably won't work on any supernatural beings that are good at sensing mana. Which is most of them. I can also only increase happiness to a certain extent, or they'd get suspicious.

The first time I did this I accidently used so much happiness that it became like a drug, and the thug overdosed on it. Which makes sense since happiness is just a chemical reaction in the brain. I drove him to insanity with happiness. Ironic.

Anyways, not important. I got the skill on the last thug, which is why it was improved so much in such little time. I can choose whether the target only feels emotions, or if they see memories and the emotion. It's more powerful the second way but someone might find it suspicious if they're alert.


*Mind manipulation skill has been assessed and accepted.*

*Allows the user to use telekinesis to influence a person's thoughts greatly by using emotions against them. E.g A person is more likely to accept a bad deal if you increase their happiness at having such a deal made. But there are limits. Mana usage negligible.*

So that's pretty cool. Can only be used on weak things but cool nonetheless. I use a bit of telekinesis to scatter the ashes and left the warehouse. There's one more thing that I want to do. At this point I can control molecules, and can use 1265 KG of telekinetic weight. But I really want to be able to at least touch atoms, I have a few trump cards but another two wouldn't hurt.

And with that I summon a clone as a failsafe. He nods at me and I nod at him, epic bro moment.

I activate Widen neural channels and the world grinds to a halt, it literally looks as if the entire world has stopped. This is a very, very mana intensive spell, even for me, so I only have about 30minutes. I activate hyper-focus as well and the entire world blooms with detail. My eyesight is enhanced by several orders of magnitude and I can see each individual air molecule in the air. This is as far as I got so far. But it's not enough, I need to Zoom even further. The reason I sped up my perception of time is because I can only activate hyper focus for 5minutes, but like this I can activate it for 35 minutes. I'm not sure how exactly it works, but the sped up perception somehow negates the SP cost of hyper focus. So it gives me 30minutes and then the usual 5 minutes of hyper focus. Exploits.

I focus on one particular molecule and will my eyes to look deeper inside. I can feel my eyes starting to strain from effort but I keep going, my entire head pounds and my vision starts to blur but I can see my vision starting to get magnified, just a few more seconds! I push through the ungodly pain and fight my brain trying to shut down, until one final push and its done! I can see the atom for a split second before everything shuts down.

-Clone pov-

I got summoned as a failsafe, he does this every time, how bothersome.

I look into his eyes and he looks into mine, epic bro moment. A second later he collapses and I catch him. This also happens most of the time, but this time he's actually bleeding from his eyes, hope he doesn't go blind… mainly because then I'd go blind too.

I carry him out of the warehouse, I can't create an ID so I just carry him with telekinesis to a secluded area in kuoh park. Now the wait for him to wake up, I can't wake him up and I won't even dare to try, the last time a clone woke him up… *Shivers*

He usually "sleep" for a few days whenever he "Breaks his limits", fucking weeb. I feel insulted by myself but I'm actually not him, and he's not me. We are but we aren't, it's weird. Sigh. I have enough mana to last me months before I dispel, so I've gotta stay here and keep guard until he wakes up.

*9 Days later. 4 days before the start of school.*

-Ira POV-

I wake up to the smell of rotten eggs, I look around but find myself in a forest, with a clone staring at me before dispelling itself, the memories come flooding back to me and I smile with a crooked smile. I did it! I saw the atom, I'll have to refine the technique later, but for now I'm going to find out where the fuck this shitty smell is coming from, obviously not eggs, It's the smell of mana. Foul. Mana.

Flying to its source I find a normal 2 story house, the small gate is wide open and the door looks broken down, I walk into the house realise that we're in a different space. It's hard to explain but it's used to prevent normal people from coming upon a scene, it encourages people with weak wills that nothing interesting is going on in this house. But there certainly is something interesting in this house, I come upon a scene that would make most people vomit their guts out. Me? It kinda turns me on.

The entire floor is covered in blood, probably more blood than a human has, so like wtf? And In the corner is a corpse, chopped up into itsy bitsy pieces.

I think I know what's going on, and my thoughts are confirmed when I look over to one of the couches. Sitting in it, with white hair is the one and only, Freed sellzen. Ah, this guy might've been trying to summon a devil or something. It reminds me awfully of when Issei was summoned in canon, but it's not canon time yet so I guess it's just a coincidence. Probably.

"Punish the wicked. Words to live by! Yes, wise advice to heed from a holy man." He stands up, And starts to walk towards. He starts talking again before I have a chance to talk back.

"Well well, you just walked into the wrong house my friend" He starts doing a weird fuckin dance, this is exactly like the scene from dxd… Does he practise this little introduction and use it every time?! Jesus christ. "Freed sellzen at your service" He bows "and you must be the scared little devil pussy who's ass I'm gonna exercise" Literally word for word… Sigh.

"Uh, No, I'm actually human… You do this to the guy in the corner?" I ask with a small smile tugging at my lips.

"Huh? The fuck? You're a human? How the fuck did you get past my barrier? Well then, if you're a human, you wouldn't mind If I were to test this light sword blessed by an EXORCIST on your body, RIGHT?!" He asks with a wicked look in his eyes, I kinda like this guy. He pulls out a freaking light saber and starts walking towards me, I think he's trying to scare me.

"Uh, I mean, You could… Or you could FUCK OFF!" I roar and rush at him, He tries to dodge my charge but he's way too slow. "TOO SLOW FUCKER!" And I punch him. A shockwave passes through the house and his body flies into the wall. He coughs up blood and looks at me in distress. He realised that he's outmatched.

"*Cough* What the fuck you fucker? You ARE a devil! Filthy devil shitscum! I'll chop off your head and skull fuck you! CUNT!" He stands up and pretends to rush at me, but at the last second drops a flash grenade on the ground and tries to escape.

Too bad that flash grenades don't fucking work on me.


"I find your lack of faith… Disturbing." I slowly increase the force of my choke and watch as he helplessly grabs at his throat. Upping the pressure even more his neck begins to crack, I shatter his esophagus and he slumps lifelessly in my grip. I crush even harder and his eyes widen from their originally closed state, No use in playing possum you retard. I crush his neck entirely in my grip and throw him off to the side. +5920xp!

Another problem removed from canon. Kokabell might strike sooner than he would've normally, but that's what I'm aiming for. Once I kill him there won't be any more obstructions in my way. Starting a war is fun and all, but not very profitable for any of the sides. I'd eventually get dragged into the war as well. I simply can't have that.

I would incinerate his body, but this household is obviously known by the devils, since the guy in here was trying to summon one. If I leave the priest here they'll at least know who killed the guy, they'll also know a third party was involved but it doesn't matter too much. I'll open all the windows and my scent should get erased entirely by the time the devils arrive. I smell a lot like the forest as well, since I've been sleeping in one for the past 9 days, so that'll throw off any scent tracers even more. My mana is completely housed within me, I don't leak any. There might be some kind of magic scrying spell for finding out who was involved in a crime scene, but that doesn't matter too much. It's only a few days until canon and I'm going to be revealing myself anyway.

I've been preparing for the first school day for 2 months now, I can only hope that I've prepared enough. I have multiple trump cards, and I'm as strong as I can be within such a limited time frame. I don't want to be too strong though, that'd just make things boring. I smirk and fly out of the house. Heading into the forest to do any last minute preparations.

*4 days later.*

AN: The end, Next chapter cannon starts, at this point in time it doesn't matter if he's discovered, since he's going to be revealing himself in the next chapter anyway. The trump cards are being kept secret as a surprise for when he'll use them. His main goal in life right now is to scheme and amass power and fuck hot bitches. Let me know if different povs are good or bad.

Ira doesn't like to share his power, which is why the hot succubus bitch didn't get fucked, he'd be expected to give some mana as compensation, since obviously the succubus can't force it out of him. Even if he can regenerate it in seconds, he still doesn't want to give it to her. That's just how greedy he is.