Chapter: 11 Swollow Island-I
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It's been 2 month since Zach set sail. Currently Zach didn't raise a Pirate Flag so not much Marine trouble is there. In this duration of 2 month they visited several islands for restocking supplies.

They also hunted several small pirate crew for their bounties; as such in this short time Zach also became a little famous Bounty Hunter.

There was also time when 'Venus' went to Baratie. Honestly Zach was really amused when he saw Sanji; the cook of the Straw Hats Pirates. Even though the guy is only about 13 years in age similar to Zach but he has already developed his 'Quirk' of being a Lady Lover. When he saw Oceana; who is a really beautiful; he had his eyes turned into hearts and twirled all around Oceana. But for him it's a pity that he couldn't impress Oceana at all especially with his Quirky personality.

The rest of the journey wasn't anything much; Zach also avoided any other possible encounter with rest of the Future Straw Hats.

Zach didn't search for any capable crew members in the East Blue as that might affect Ace or Luffy's future crew.

After 2 months of travel and journey Zach and friends finally arrived at 'Swallow Island'. It's shape is that of a flying swallow bird when viewed from above; henceforth it's called Swallow Island. It's the last stop of Venus before reaching Log Town.

Venus docked at the under a cliff in the waters of Swollow Island. 

After docking Zach and Oceana went to the inland of the island; according to the information previously known; there are no more than 3 villages on this small island. one located at the head part of the swallow while the other two at the wings of the swallow; and rest of body of the swallow is a mountainous forest.

When Zach and Oceana went to the Village at the head part of the island; they realized that something is wrong with this island. Every house on the Village is closed; there are no people on the streets; it's still day time but it's a complete silence.

"Isn't the situation weird? I can feel the presence of Villagers; but why do they shut themselves?" Zach asked Oceana.

"Yeah! Villagers shouldn't be shut themselves this way." Oceana

"Well let's knock on the house to better understand the situation." Zach said as  he walked towards a house and knocked on the door. 

'knock... knock... knock...' "Is anyone there!!?.... Hello!.... Can you tell us what's going on in this Village!" Zach knocked several times on the door but no reply came; he can feel that people in the house appears to be too scared to open the door, he didn't push more but knocked on the door of other houses. But no mater how many doors he would knock; nobody answered the call.

Finally when Zach was going to knock on the 20th door; somebody's voice called to him.

"It's pointless boy! No matter how much you knock; they are too afraid to interact with outsiders!" sounded a voice from behind.

Zach and Oceana turned to look at the source of voice! It was a man maybe around 45 years or so with black hair tied in a pony tail and bandage wrapped over his chest; he appears to be slightly tall; about 185 cm in height.

"Old man are you a resident of this village!" ZAch asked the man; Zach wasn't much vary as he couldn't feel any ill intentions from the other party.

"Ya! I'm a villager; used to be sea traveler back in the days! name's Odian!" answered the old man.

"Well, I'm Zach and this is Oceana! Can you tell us what's the deal with this village being so quiet'n'all? And why do the people here don't answer the call of outsiders?" Zach asked while introducing himself and Oceana.

Odian took a deep look at me and Oceana then said, "Come over! It's inappropriate to talk here!" while turning to walk towards a shabby house.

Zach and Oceana exchanged glances and followed Odian to his shabby hut.

"So Odian now would you like to tell us what's the deal with this village here?" Zach asked after entering Odian's hut.

"Before that shouldn't you introduce yourselves!" Odian.

"Hmm? yeah you are right I guess!As I said before; I'm Zach and this is Oceana! We're adventurers! We came to this island to stock up on the supplies only to find the strange anomaly here!" Zach

"Adventurers? Haven't heard that term in quite some time! But aren't you too young to go out to the sea, kid?" Odian said while giving both me and Oceana some water.

"Well; it's true that I'm quite young but strength wise there shouldn't be much problem in East Blue! but let's not talk about these details; tell us old man what's up with the village?" Zach asked curiously.

"Well what else can there be? it's a bunch of pirates bastards! They demand resources from us; as for village being this quiet? These people have put a curfew, only 2 days a week can a person go out of his/her house. If you don't follow they would either take away your children as hostage, rape you wife or daughter or just simply kill you. Today happens to be the day of curfew. People of the village are quite used to this as it's been the case for past 1 year." Odian explained.

"It figures! But if that's so; then why didn't you guys call in the Marines? The could've helped you! With Log Town very near to Swallow Island; pirates taking over here shouldn't be possible!" Zach asked in surprise.

"We did call Marines for help but that bit our own back! It turned out that the Marine Lieutenant Commander that we called out for was partner of these pirates; so help didn't come but rather made our situation more difficult. Since then nobody is even allowed to go out of this island while internal communication between the 3 villages has also been forbidden and there is curfew for most of the days!" Odian explained in a helpless tone.

"It's difficult for you guys huh!" Oceana nodded in understanding tone.

"Well these things are nothing new and we are pretty much used to it now!" Odian said in a sad tone.

While Odian, Zach and Oceana were talking suddenly a panting voice came from the door. "D-dad, Rusef and his man are again beating brother! Please do something!"

Odian, Zach and Oceana turned to the source of the voice; and it turns out that a girl about 14 year old girl with similar black hair as that of Odian.

"Calm down Elle! Take a deep breath and than tell me what happened!" Odian said to the girl whose name happens to be Elle.

"W-wait what are you two doing here?" Elle said while pointing at Zach and Oceana with her eyes almost popping out of sockets.

"Elle! Do you know these two kids?" questioned Odian with a surprised tone.

"Y-yeah we met the two of them near the cliff; they killed two of Rusef's men who shot at them; but they couldn't harm them while brother also..... Wait now's not the time for this!... D-dad; brother and I were... were training... in the forest while Reme-san was watching; then suddenly Rusef's 3 men came over... to kidnap Reme-san as they were interested h-her powers; but brother... he interfered; so they ganged up on brother; as brother was fighting 3 of them Reme-san and I... we tried to help b-b-but then ...2... 2 more men of Rusef arrived and they took Reme-san hostage; seeing that brother asked me to run home as fast as possible to escape from those pirates; while they started to beat him up; and brother couldn't do anything as Reme-san is taken hostage; a-a-and one of those pirate shot a bullet at brother's right eye and he was injured and bleeding! We've to do something or else... or else." Elle said while crying.

"Fucking bastards! I'll definitely kill them this time!" Odian said as he picked up a metal rod and stormed out of his house and Elle also went after her father.

Zach and Oceana glanced at each other and followed after the two.


In the forest,

"You fucking weakling! Dare to rebel against Boss Rusef! Worms like you should just be grateful for being alive; and here is one of those who wants to fucking interfere with our job!" a rough looking man with a horizontal scar on his right cheek said while kicking at the head of a young man.

The young man is completely beat up; he has several injuries; various cut bruises over his shoulder and back; and large amount of blood was coming off of his right eye.

"I'll... I'll... fuck...fucking... kill..... you... all" was all the young man could say while the rough looking man kept stomping on his stomach.

"What did ya say you bastard? Speak a little louder cuz I couldn't hear ya?" said the rough looking man with a kick on head of the young man.

"Pl-please I beg you! Let Jackson go! I'll do anything! You people wanted me didn't you? So please let Jackson go; I'll come with you. Please I beg you!" begged Reme while struggling in the hands of a fat looking dude.

The rough looking man listened to Reme and walked towards her with an evil smile.

Seeing this guy's smile Reme couldn't help but gulp in fear.

"Did ya hear that correctly? You'll do anything to let us spare this son of a bitch." Said the man while he put his hands over Reme's breast and started to squeeze them. He ignored the girl's crying and Jackson's cursing who was severely wounded while he ripped off Reme's upper clothes that exposed her breasts in front of other men too.

"I-I promise, I'll do anything, I'll even become slave to Rufes; please just let Jackson go! Don't harm him!" begged Reme with tears flowing while the rough looking guy was also tear her skirt and panties which exposed her complete naked body and started to touch her vagina with one hand and also squeeze her breast with other while laughing evilly.

"You all heard her! Don't kill that bastard; this Vixen here is offering herself to be our slave; I think boss will be quite pleased; today we will be having a party and we all get to fuck this whore!" said the rough looking man with a scar.

"Oh man! it's been days when I last had the taste of a beauty!" Pirate A

"You got that right! But it's a pity that we can taste her only after Captain; while Deputy Captain here get to taste her together with captain!" Pirate B

"You have a problem with that!" asked the rough man with scar who turned out to be Deputy Captain of Rusef's Pirate Crew.

"N-No Deputy captain! No problem at all!" Pirate B, C and D shook their head in fear for they was afraid that deputy captain would get angry and they definitely don't want to face the consequences of that.

"Is that right? Well let's go! We got what we came here for! No use staying any more! Besides I heard Boss mention that today Lieutenent Commander will be coming too. We better not be late!" said Deputy captain as they started walking away while carrying the naked Reme and leaving almost dying Jackson.

10 minutes later

Odian, Elle, Zach and Oceana arrived at the scene only to find that Jackson was severely injured while there was no sign of this Reme girl around.

Seeing the fragments of clothing lying around in tatters they understood that Reme was captured; Odian was boiling in anger when he saw dying Jackson and missing Reme.

"Elle! Take Jackson home and treat his injury! I'll be going to bring back Reme!" Odian said; didn't wait for Elle's answer and simply ran in some direction.

Elle didn't have the courage to do stop Odian; she was just crying nonstop; seeing Odian went away; Elle went towards Jackson.

"Oceana; go after Odian! Don't interfere with what he does; just make sure that he and this Reme girl stay alive; also investigate the strength of these pirates." Zach commanded Oceana and went towards Elle to help her carry Jackson back.

"Alright!" Oceana simply nodded and disappeared.

Meanwhile Elle brought Jackson back to their house with Zach's help.

Coming back to the village; some people seems to have heard of Rufes and his men's attack on Jackson and Reme.

"My god! Odian's kid is seriously wounded! Call Watabe or else the kid might die!" said an elder lady.

Zach found it strange that even though the pirates have imposed a curfew but the villagers have now gathered at the plaza and were somewhat worried.

Although Zach was confused but he didn't immediately asked or investigate. 

Elle and Zach brought Jackson to a house of some guy named Watabe who seems to be a doctor.

After dropping off Jackson; Zach asked Elle to follow him outside and ask everything.

Elle told that her father Odian is the Village Chief and also the strongest of all in the Village! Although Rufes and his men have imposed curfew but because such a thing happened to his son; they can't just sit and watch! Which is why even though afraid but the villagers have to do something.

Listening to Elle's reasoning Zach nodded and thought about the situaiton.


In the evening Jackson finally gained consciousness; he asked Elle for the situation; who explained everything while crying.

Jackson finally took a deep breath and got up from the bed despite Elle and Dr. Watabe stopping him. Coming out of the house Jackson searched and finally found Zach sitting under a tree with his eyes closed; he seems to be dozing off.

As Jackson found Zach he walked towards him with painful step; and kneel in front off Zach with his head.

"Pl-Please help me rescue Reme!" said the guy while crying.

"And Why would I do that? You don't think that I would just help you because you beg me to do you? Oh and I'll tell you that I don't need any payment in return as I'm not much interested in that!" Zach said with uninterested expression.

"I know! Which is why I'll agree to what you asked me for in the morning when I met you at the cliff." Jackson said with a determined expression.

Hearing Jackson's words Zach opened his eyes as he finally found something that would make him interested.


Let's go few hours back; when 'Venus' was just docked under a cliff at Swallow Island.

Suddenly, 2 bullets were fired; one at Zach and other at Oceana. The bullet firing was useless as both of them dodged it easily and looked at the direction from where they were fired.

"What in the hell!?" shocked voice of a man who shot at Zach and Oceana.

"Fire it again! That might have been a fluke! I don't believe that a kid and a girl can dodge bullets! Even Boss Rusef won't be able to do something like that." said another man.

Then there was a firing session from one end but this time bullets didn't reach Zach and Ocean but for some strange reason retraced back the path they came upon with a faster speed and pierced through the two men who were firing at them.

Obviously, the person behind this strange reason for bullets to go back was Zach using high Repulsive Magnetic Force on the bullets.

The two men were shot and died while somewhere not far away Jackson and Elle who were hiding behind the bushes saw all this happen with incredible eyes.

Both of them were scared and ran away after noticing that both Zach and Oceana were looking at their direction.

"The two of them ran away! Maybe they were not part of these two guys who shot at us!" Oceana commented

"Maybe So!" Zach agreed.

"So what do plan to do?" Oceana

"Well I guess we will check out the situation to see why did we receive such friendly greetings, 'Venus' dock here and make sure that no strange people some on the ship! If they do you are allowed to beat'em up! Meanwhile me and Oceana will go to check out the situation and by the way buy our supplies! As for Wendy! You are allowed to do whatever you like in the mean time." Zach gave instructions to everone

"Got it Captain!" Venus nodded and started a self defense mechanism that they have trained for in the past 2 months.

Wendy also nodded and took off on her own while Zach and Oceana used Moon Walk to go to the cliff.

Yes now Zach is able to use both Shave and Moon Walk! Although not as perfectly integrated into combat but simply using isn't much of a problem.

Jumping on the Island both Zach and Oceana used Shave to chase after Jackson and Elle and caught up with the two with in 30 sec.

Jackson noticed the two arrive so fast; he hastily fired a rubber bullet from a make shift gun; therefore rubber bullet didn't have much speed so not a threat to Zach but it's accuracy was amazingly at the forehead of Zach.

Zach easily dodged it and appeared at another place; at that place again another rubber bullet was fired by Jackson to the same forehead position of Zach!

This time Zach was quite surprised; he dodged again and reappeared at another place; but the same thing repeated itself;  which kept going again and again until Jackson's the rubber bullets ran out.

Seeing the guy ran out of rubber bullets; Zach didn't hurry to attack the two but thought somethings. He was really amazed by the guy's shooting skills.

"Dude your gun skills are quite good! Would you like to join my crew!" Zach gave an invitation to the Jackson.

"Join your crew? Who are you in the first place?" asked the boy warily while hiding the young girl behind his back.

"Well I'm Louis D. Zach! And I'm the captain of Morning Star Pirates! This is Oceana the Navigator of my crew!" Zach introduced himself and Oceana nodded.

"So you two are pirates!?" asked the boy more warily.

Zach didn't care about the wary of the opposite guy, "How about it!? Would you like to join my crew?" Zach said while presenting his hands.

"NO! I'm not gonna join your pirate crew or any other pirate crew!?" Immediately rejected the guy.

"Well that's so!? Well don't be so hasty! With your skills I think you can be quite a good sniper so don't immediately refuse! We will be on this island for some time! Think about my offer and then reply!" Zach.

"No matter how many times you ask! My answers gonna be the same!" said the guy in a determined tone.

"Well don't be so rash and think for some time! By the way would you mind telling; who were the two guys from before who shot at us!?" Zach asked nonchalantly as if the two men were just some road trash and mot much of a concern.

"They are Rusef's Men! They are responsible for killing any'n'all people who come to this island! As for more detail you investigate yourself. I'll give you a warning! Don't engage with Rusef he is a Devil Fruit User; you may be strong but may not be a match for him! We're leaving! Come on Elle!" said the guy and turned around to walk away with the girl.

The girl named Elle nodded and the two soon disappeared. 

"Are you just going to let them go!?" Asked Oceana curiously.

Zach just shrugged, "Well not like I can force the guy to join now can I? Let's go to the town/Village; maybe there is a story here! I think coming to Swollow Island won't be that boring!"

And then Zach and Oceana went to the Village and the story went as they then noticed the strangeness of the village and understood in more detailed after Odian's explanation. 


Coming Back to the Present!  

"You sure!?" Zach asked Jackson in confirmation.

"Yeah! I promise to join your crew as a sniper if you help me rescue Reme and father while also Killing Rusef and his men." Jackson said with serious expression

"You got a deal! Make sure not to back out on you words man!" Zach nodded happily while also warning Jackson.

"I promise! I swear it on my life!" Jackson said again.

Hearing Jackson's reassurance Zach got up  stretched his body a little and walked in a direction with Jackson and Elle following closely behind him.