Ch. 30 – Travel in Traffic
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After talking to Roselle, retrieving the putrid Yeti meat, and leaving the guild. I checked my map for the location of Twin Stone Peak. The map was quite elaborate even showing the best routes to key places.

“Twin Stone Peak is on the northern side of the map. Here we go..”

Before going to my horse I went to the crafting area to sharpen my sword, and it turned out alright.


Name: Gunne’s Surprise

Sharpness: D+ —> C
Durability: A+
Enchantments: Sword Skill Up, Relentless


“In all honesty I may need a new sword.”

Shaking off such thoughts I returned my focus to riding towards Twin Stone. After the 4 hour ride to reach the northern gates of Maso City I spent another 40 minutes in a terribly long line.

“Hahaha Paleo’s finally requesting adventurers, the land of the unknown.”

“If you’re so excited to get killed off by behemoths you’re a fucking fool.”

Some random people were talking about the same situation in Paleo.

‘To hell with Paleo, look at this damn traffic!’

Not only did it take me around 4 hours to get here, but now I have to worry about these clustered roads. The road to Twin Stone Peak was on the same road to the northern docks. To nobles, access to teleportation was easy or ‘trivial’ in Eiichi words. But the cost for one was about 3k crests. For an adventurer a one time use item for 3k crests isn’t really a good investment.


Yawning with boredom I could tell I was finally getting close to the docks. The sound of the sea covered the entire area and you could see sails the closer you got to the top of the hill.

Upon reaching the top you could sea the ocean, closer to the shore were crystal clear blue waters and the further you looked out the darker the sea got. The ships were much larger than I thought, looking to be the same size as old battleships.

“One helluva view”

The moonlight pierced straight through the crystal like blue water while the sails fluttered with the cool breeze. A mixture of torches, pit fires, and mana stones lit up the docking area.

The road started to split off one way towards the docks and the other towards Twin Stone. Surprisingly the road there was completely uneventful, to the point where it was worrying.

“I guess since I’m placing bait here this may be an actual dragons territory. No wonder why everyone was looking at me like that on the road.”

When I turned on the road I could feel everyone’s eyes turn onto my back.

“Maybe he knows?”
“He’s dead, damn he was a good looking man too.”

I could hear what a chunk of them were saying due to my heightened senses. That woman tried talking to me the entire time everyone was traveling.

Nearing Twin Stone Peak I started to feel a ridiculously hot and stanky ass breeze. Coming around a bend the breeze got stronger and my horse got skittish, damn near knocking my inexperienced ass off.

“Ohhhhhh snap.”

The dragon was asleep, it looked similar to the maniacal dragon from the trial but much smaller. Still as big as a building, with a head the size of semi truck. It’s hot breath escaping from its nostrils left an atrocious stench in the air. Underneath his red scales on his neck you could see a red glow. The swaying grass moved underneath him with each breath.

I returned my horse back to the side of the road well hidden and tied him to a tree. I quickly came back and past by the dragon as quietly as possible. Once I made it I decided to do a quick climb around towards the open area I saw on the peak.

“Clack, clack, clack.......”

A loose rock came out from under my feet making me freeze while hanging..


Continuing on i came to a plateau on the top and near the edge were two enormous stones that laid horizontally. The rocky grass like area looked insanely lush under the dual moons bright moonlight.

“Alright, I just lay this here and mission complete... hopefully”