Terminology and Supplementary Information
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Azaad (Az-aad) = The Haraan (Ha-raan) and Sudhist (Soodh-ist) word for sub-continent. Also known as Ajaad by the Kashaari-speaking peoples (Kash-aar-ee), or by the prevailing name from the continent of Keodropone, Avia (Aa-vee-aa).

Lohaan (Low-haan) = Land in the North-West of Azaad that is home to a martial people who call themselves Lohaani (Low-haan-ee). It also acts as a main entry into the rest of the Northern Azaadi plain. Borders Bauka to the north, a mountain range to the west, Sundra to the South-West and Afraar to the South and East.

Sundra (Soon-dra) = A region of Azaad south of Lohaan and west of Afraar and is adjacent to the Bay of Asmaan. Considered the second land entry point to Azaad from the West, after Lohaan.

Asmaan (Az-maan) = A region of Azaad situated in the Bay of Asmaan. Borders Sundra to the East and Afraar to the North, with many free and company cities nestled on the coast.

Sudhism (Soodh-ism)

Kashaarism (Kash-aar-ism)

Haraanism (Har-aan-ism)


The currency continues to be the standard mint issued by the former Jayenendran Dynasty that had presided over Northern Azaad before its downfall.

1 gold = 15 silver

1 silver = 20 copper

In Lohaan:

The average farmer makes 2 gold in a year from the sale of wheat and rice. Due to the abundance of food produced in Lohaan, prices of wheat derivatives found in the marketplace were relatively stable.

1 bag of grain costed ~4 silver