Chapter 3: Coruscant
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Coruscant (Jedi Temple)

There was a sombre mood in the chamber of the Jedi high council. It had been a few weeks since the battle of the Geonosis, the official start of the clone wars. and the last in a long line of funeral ceremonies had just concluded. A few weeks prior, it would have been a rare sight to see the entire council physically present in this chamber but due to recent events, the sight had become commonplace.

Grandmaster Yoda spoke up, "Clouded our view into the force has become, foresee this war we did not." Master Yoda paused giving the other members of the council a chance to refute his statement. Nods of agreement spread throughout the council. "Peacekeepers we are, but generals we must become. A dark time ahead for the Jedi I sense." A grim silence took over the chamber.

By now most of the Jedi in the order had noticed the disturbance in the force and felt the same anxiety as master Yoda.

"Master Yoda if I could have the floor?" Mace Windu broke the silence drawing the attention of those present. Yoda gave Windu a nod of permission before he continued "Like most of you, I too have noticed the veil of darkness surrounding the force. I have reason to believe that veil has weakened recently."

The rest of the council now sat at attention, paying careful attention to Mace Windu's words, Yodas' ears stand at full tilt as he eyes the Jedi master inquisitively. This was due to the unique force ability used by mace windu, Shatterpoint. Shatterpoint allows its user to see the weaknesses of something. Organic or machine, physical or intangible, Mace could know nothing of a business organization but be able to point out the most important thing to it, be it a person or a machine that keeps it operating. In short, he knew how to break things. So when he said the veil of darkness grew weaker, those words held weight.

Windu continued, "During my meditations, I've noticed an increase in the veil's weaknesses." Windu paused. "Before, when I tried to gaze into the force I was met with what felt like a fogged over glass window obscuring my view, until recently this glass was smooth and unblemished, with no weaknesses to speak of. But now it's as if a web of stress cracks have formed all over its surface waiting for a hammer to smash it to smithereens."

This was hopeful news to the Jedi. if they could regain the ability to communicate with the force ending this war wouldn't be much of a problem.

"Is it possible for us to take advantage of this newfound weakness?" Jedi Master Plo Koon questioned, echoing the thoughts of his fellow council members.

"Unfortunately not," Windu replied intertwining his fingers and resting his elbows on his thighs. "I'll be returning to my meditations, try to find the origin of this change, if one among you uncover anything in regards to this, I'll be in the meditation garden. if I can find it's the point of origin we might be able to turn this situation in our favour."

At this point, Yoda stood up from his seat drawing the attention of the room. "Concluded this meeting is. Master windu, speak with you and master Billaba I would."

As the council stood up and started to leave Windu approached master Yoda. Master Billaba followed slightly behind him head lowered in respect.
"You know we have the same standing now don't you?" Windu questioned the disciplined young woman behind him.

"Apologies master Windu, old habits die hard I suppose." Depa Billaba answered, stepping forward and raising her head.

As the duo reached master Yoda he was in the process of scurrying up the hoverchair located behind his council seat. Windu watched on, seriously doubting the grand master's need for a hoverchair when he could move so quickly. Ignoring his thoughts, Windu spoke first. "Is there anything you need from us grandmaster?"

Yoda replies, "A Jedi master for the mission on Haruun Kal is needed, your homeworld, is it not?"

"I may have been born on Haruun Kal, but the Jedi temple is my home," Windu stated as a matter of fact. "But yes, I believe we agreed that I would be the one to pay them a visit to train the local resistance and possibly recruit them into the republics ranks."

"Of great importance, I sense your meditations will be, longer than you expect will they last, yes." Yoda leaned in closer to windu his large eyes almost sparkling as he looked at the Jedi master. "Your old apprentice we will send."Yoda looked toward Depa. "More than capable she has become"

Coruscant (An undisclosed location)

Darth Sidious looked at the kneeling figure of his apprentice Darth Tyrannus displayed on the holoprojector before him and spoke, "Our plans might have progressed splendidly, but I sense a new party at play in our little theatre."

"Do we know who it is master?" Tyranus asked his master without lifting his head.

"Not yet, send scouts to lotho minor, make sure my last apprentice hasn't stumbled onto an ancient sith temple without my knowledge."

"I'll allocate my best assets to the task, master." Tyranus replied before Sidious cut the transmission