Ch 79 Asterie Money
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While Bubuga did spend $100,000 on a heavenly soft bed for me and Sarya to enjoy ourselves in. She spent the rest of the money, which was $4,236,860, on Kei’s toys and snacks. It would have been pointless keeping all of that money with Lumi’s unlimited funding coming soon. And it makes Kei super happy.

Purgatory Money: $0

It feels odd that we will only need the Asterie Factory for 1 day before living extravagantly and possibly retiring. Lumi is going to give us a huge boost upward in our purgatory’s economy. It’s most likely we will have people working under us and doing everything for us while we reap all the benefits. I suppose I can focus more time on training or learning new things.

Kei is playing all day long with her new toys and enjoying the new stacks. Her 20 new snow-cat soldier friends are also enjoying themselves with Kei. They are all still super loyal to Kei only… I am eager to get loyal soldiers for myself in the future.

The 25,000 blue melons will finish growing in 5 more minutes.

Bubuga and Sarya are happily tugging on my sides as we witness a turning point in Super Clean Landfill’s history. They are also happy about my new titles for them, the Seeker of Love Sarya and Seeker of Prosperity Bubuga. The 7 deadly sins titles are still pretty cool and now they get the 7 seekers of truth titles? Lust-Love and Greed-Prosperity.

Kei and all her 20 snow-cat soldiers line up before me with a paw saluting me. 

[ Master is my most important person to me. Please entrust your lives to him before me.]

“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”
“ Yes our goddess Kei!”

  • The 20 snow-cat soldiers will now obey you over Kei.

“ Aww you don’t have to do this for me Kei. The 20 snow-cat soldiers are yours to command.” 

[ It’s okay master, I will sacrifice my life for you if I have too.]

“... please don’t say something like that. We are not going to die any time soon since we have Lumi protecting us.”

[ But you were worried about me making Lumi my new master. So this is my plan to make you understand my allegiance to you.]

“ Alright I’m sorry about that. But I don’t want you to sacrifice your life to save me. We will find a way to survive together if it comes to that.”

Kei jumps up to my arms to snuggle before taking a nap. I’m going to take that as a ‘yes’.

Now that the 25,000 blue melons have finished growing. We immediately begin to harvest them with the help of the 20 snow-cat soldiers. Good thing Bubuga bought a huge cart with our remaining money earlier so we can cart them off to the asterie factory. The asterie factory is just right beside the blue melon farm so the distance isn’t too far.

The asterie factory has an input for blue melons and it outputs asterie drinks. So all we have to do is put the blue melons in the crusher machine and it will automatically make us asterie drinks.

First, we keep shoving the blue melons in the crusher machine to crush them up. The blue juices and pieces of shells go splattering around in the new mixture before it gets sent into the separator machine. The solid portion will be turned into blue melon seeds again. Every blue melon makes 10 seeds, so 25,000 blue melons will make us 250,000 seeds.

Then, the liquid portion goes into the drink fusion machine that will turn it into asterie juice by sacrificing a sapphire gem.

Finally, the asterie juice gets bottled up by the bottling machine. Every asterie drink sells for $1,999 each.

In short, the entire process goes like this.

Blue melons → Crusher → Separator → Drink Fusion → Bottling → Asterie Drink

  • Your purgatory has gained $1,999.
  • Your purgatory has gained $1,999.
  • Your purgatory has gained $1,999.
  • Your purgatory has gained $1,999.
  • Your purgatory has gained $1,999. 
  • Your purgatory has gained $1,999 ( 5000 times total).

Our money is going up so fast! The factory makes roughly 278 asterie drinks per second. It only took 18 seconds for the factory to make 5000 asterie drinks!

I do wish that the numbers are nicer like $2,000 instead…. Well anyways we made $9,995,000!

“ I fucking love seeing our money going up,” grins Bubuga.

  Purgatory Money:  $9,995,000
Food: Cost: Description:
Ration Bar $5 Gives you +1 life energy.
  • Bubuga has purchased 1,000,000 ration bars for $5,000,000.

Bubuga proclaims, “ Okay administrator please accept our 1,000,000 ration bars for the 1,000,000 life energy requirement.”

  • Green Shadow has entered Super Clean Landfill.

“ Your tribute is fully accepted,” acknowledges Green Shadow. “ Your factory will be able to produce the needed tribute every day. If you tried to use your prize money to do this instead, we would have declined.”

  • Congratulations Super Clean Landfill. All restrictions on your purgatory have been lifted. Your daily tribute will be met for all of eternity with your factory.

[ Master where is Black Shadow? Isn’t he supposed to be in charge of us?]

“ Maybe the administrators have shift changes? Either way, I prefer Green Shadow over Black Shadow.”

“ Unfortunately Black Shadow is missing from the administrator’s purgatory,” says Green Shadow. “ I will be temporarily in charge of Super Clean Landfill for the time being.”

“ How suspect,” remarks Sarya. “ There is 1 administrator for every purgatory. They are usually observing their purgatory 24/7 and helping out the new Creators when they first start.”

“ Yo Nova can you buy me some weed,” asks Green Shadow. “ I hate working without weed.”

Opening up the Weed Shop.

  Purgatory Money: $9,950,000
Weed Shop: Cost: Description:

Tier -1 Shitty Weed (1kg)


- Taste so fucking disgusting, it’s a waste to buy this. Only for the truly desperate people or if you hate life.

- Troll Green Shadow with this. This will put him in a coma for 3 days.
( He won’t be in a coma. He’s taking a short 3-day vacation from the horror of shitty weed. It’s also a way for Green Shadow to skip out on work! What a slacker!!)

- lose 100 life energy for 10 minutes. If your life energy goes 0 or negative, you will not be erased from existence if it’s temporary but you will be in stasis for the time duration. In this state, you will still be vulnerable to outside influences.

Tier 0 Plain Weed (1kg) $10,000

- Smoke that weed! Enjoy your good times ya lazy slacker!

- Green Shadow will become 2 times more productive for 10 minutes.

- Gain 100 life energy for 10 minutes.

Tier 1 Normal Weed ( 1kg) $$50,000

- Please get addicted to weed. Give us even more money and keep buying it.

- Green Shadow will become 10 times more productive for 2 minutes.

- Gain 1,000,000 life energy for 2 minutes.

Tier 2 Decent Weed (1kg) $250,000

- You will finally understand the things that bother you.

- Green Shadow loses his mind and becomes weed-obsessed for 2 hours.

- Gain 1,000 intelligence for 1 minute.

The fuck is all this? The weed descriptions even tell us what will happen to Green Shadow if we give those to him. The best weed to buy for him is obviously the tier 0 or tier 1 weed. Maybe I should try smoking that tier 2 weed for the temporary intelligence boost.

  • Kei has purchased the shitty weed for $5,000.
  • Bubuga has purchased the plain weed for $10,000.

[ This is going to be so much fun master!]

“ Kei! Don’t give him that!”

Sarya with her blessed stats holds back Kei while Bubuga gives Green Shadow the plain weed.

[ Let me go Sarya! I want to give Green Shadow the best weed ever!]

Sarya whispers something into Kei’s ears making her drop her resistance.

Green Shadow proceeds to bring out his bong and lit up a huge weed smoke. “ Thanks bro, now where were we? Oh yeah… if Black Shadow fails to return to work for 1 year. I can become the new official administrator for Super Clean Landfill. Originally I was the official administrator for a different purgatory but the Creator has kicked me out. Or rather he wants to kill me. So now I’m just chilling in the rank 0 administrator’s purgatory doing temporary jobs.”

“ That happens when Creators become much more powerful than the admins huh?” I wonder.

“ Indeed, all Creators have the potential to become stronger than us and they can kill off their assigned administrators without any repercussions. There will be no replacement administrators except if a Creator were to kill off administrators not assigned to their purgatory.”

“ Then is Black Shadow murdered by someone and we will get a replacement admin?”

“ Most likely… but it can take either 1 day or 1 million years for a replacement administrator to come. A faster way is to get an administrator reassigned to yours. Please let me become your assigned administrator so you can keep buying me that weed. Ideally I want you to buy me the best weed in the shop.”

“ What’s in it for us?” asks Bubuga.

  • The purgatory administrator Green Shadow has accepted Sarya’s residence changes from Moonlight Tears to Super Clean Landfill.

“ Let’s get that out of that way,” responds Green Shadow. “ I won’t be as strict as Black Shadow. I will simply let you guys do whatever you want as long as I have weed. I will turn a blind eye to everything and not leak out any information about you to anyone. Also help explain proper purgatory rules and how things work in the purgatory universe.”

“ Of course you will!” grins Sarya. “ Lumi and Aleesia will intimidate you into obeying us anyways!”

Wow my harem members want to fully exploit the administrator to our full advantage. I’m not too sure if this is the correct thing to do or not. But there doesn’t seem to be any downsides and Green Shadow is a lot more reasonable than Black Shadow.

“ Let’s accept Green Shadow as our administrator for Super Clean Landfill Kei.”

[ Yes we will. Here Green Shadow! Please enjoy this weed!]

“ Yess!!! More Weed!”

The rest of us got out of there. Green Shadow proceeds to rip another weed cloud with Kei’s wonderful gift. The shitty weed made Green shadow cough his lungs out. He’s probably cursing us for trolling him right now. Since I didn’t say anything, I’m just as guilty as the others.

The girls are all laughing at him… isn’t this prank going too far? I can only smile along with them… I will be sure to get Green Shadow some good weed in the future.

  • Admin Green Shadow has left Super Clean Landfill.
  • Unable to contact Admin Green Shadow for 3 days.

[ Let’s all visit Snowfall Sanctuary! Lumi is waiting for me and we all need to get into formal clothes.]

Kei brings out a black-blue cat dress for herself. A full-on black-blue suit for me with stickers of Kei plastered everywhere. I guess these stickers will showcase to everyone that I belong to Kei? Bubuga gets a proper formal red dress and Sarya gets a proper formal black dress.

[ I personally pick all of these for everyone.]

“ Thanks Kei!” beams Bubuga and Sarya.

“ Now everyone will know my love for Kei is #1?”

[ That’s right master!]

“ How come you don’t have any stickers of me on your black-blue cat dress?”

[ Because Lumi told me that you would hate me more if I put stickers of you on my dress.]

“ …… I won’t.”

[ Yay!! I will ask Lumi to put stickers of you on mine!]

Changing into our formal clothes together. Sarya is always making sure I get a good view of her while also admiring me while I change. Bubuga and I are changing normally and Kei puts on her cat-dress.

“ Why do we have to wear formal clothes Kei?”

[ We are doing a grand opening of the church of Kei. The official church of Kei will be headquartered in SnowFall Sanctuary. Almost all of the top 1000 Creators will be in attendance with Lumi as the host. I’m going to become the cat goddess and everyone will bow before my superiority.]

“ … Oh I see!”

Oh fuck… Lumi is going extremely overboard with Kei. She’s seriously forcing her own alliance and top Creators of the purgatory universe into worshipping Kei as their goddess? Guess we will have to go with it. As long as there are upsides to it and not many downsides for us. It should be fine right?

Anyways we can finally explore the countless purgatories! There are so many things to do in the purgatory universe and so many people to meet! The stories that Sarya tells us are quite interesting and fun.

“ Hey girls, let’s enjoy a 2-month vacation in SnowFall Sanctuary. We can always build up our purgatory afterward.”

[ Yes Master!]
“ Of course darling.”
“ Let’s enjoy ourselves my husband.”

  • SnowFall Sanctuary has sent $1,000,000,000 to Super Clean Landfill.
  • Lumi has entered Super Clean Landfill.

♥ Come here my cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness! My goddess is so cuuteeeeeeeee! Let my snow-army take care of things here while everyone enjoys themselves in Snowfall Sanctuary!♥


Noooo Kei why are you cursing like this. I swear I gave up cursing so you wouldn’t talk like this anymore. Did I mess up somewhere?

♥ AWWWWWW! Everyone in the purgatory universe will know of your greatness soon! I will teleport everyone to SnowFall Sanctuary.♥

  • Lumi is teleporting you to SnowFall Sanctuary. Do you accept?
