Chapter 7: Some F*cking Blind luck!
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Without time to curse his bad luck, Vorg quickly puts himself on wheelchair laying beside him and wearing green uniform. Then through the window, he saw battlefield razed by explosion and blood alongside countless enemy soldiers moving towards his direction.

In just instant, Vorg felt unspeakable amount fear but thanks to his skill it disappeared moments later. Steeling his heart Vorg pushes the wheel of his wheelchair following behind soldiers leaving the hospital.

On the outside of hospital Vorg finally able see a structure of Rebel Army's base. Rebel Army's base is formed on a large hill surrounded by rocky mountains. All kinds of facilities are built by following one large road which is now almost half of them turned into rubble.

"Watch out it is falling down!"

Hearing scream Vorg followed the direction of man's finger is pointing and saw a large carrier plane engulfed by flame crashing straight towards him.


Vorg pushed the wheel of his wheelchair with all of his might moving even faster than running person. A moments later he hears crashing sound of building mixed with a scream and plea of people, Vorg wanted to help the people he know right now he doesn't even have the power to protect his body. Clenching his teeth in anger along with other soldiers, Vorg went towards the armoury.

After entering through the gate soldiers immediately began to slamming open the weapon and ammunition lock by force to arming themselves. During the commotion, Vorg uses his USP breaking lock of the weapon box taking out Mauser C96 handgun, the mass-produced semi-automatic rifle looks similar to M1 Grand along with three stick grenades.


With a loud voice, old one man pulls everyone's attention. He dressed in the same uniforms as Vorg except his uniform colour was black. Standing in front of the base's map, man has begun to explain their current situation.

"My name is Balor Drake from headquarters I received our mission. Currently, enemy forces are already destroyed first and the second line of defence pushing our back against a wall. But doesn't means it is our end, we have a chance to survive this onslaught and our key to survival resides in those three experimental labs 1,3 and 4. Our mission is to reinforce 3rd infantry division that barricading the lab 4 and protect personnel until they actives an experimental tank if it fails, evacuate them to launch site."

Following Balor's speech, each of the soldiers tried their best to find something useful in this armoury and by their luck. They found two tanks.

"Sir we found two functioning tanks, but each of them has a minor problem." one member of engineering team told Balor.

"Report," said Balor.

"Gridia-0 missing ammo for the main gun and Di-Cokka's engine is damaged but we can make it work, but it won't hold for long."

After hearing the explanation, Balor decides enters medium tank Gridia-O that salvaged by engineering team and prepared to lead spearhead, along with another heavy tank Di-Cokka crewed by engineering team itself. Armoury's gate slows open at the same time opening hatch of his tank Balor appeared.

"Move!" Balor roared.

Following his command, Vorg and soldiers followed behind the tank. At this moment some of Regular Army soldiers already reached Armory and began to open fire which is blocked by tank armour.

"Huk!" with weird sound, clearly hears someone besides him is was hit. A guy unfortunately hit by a ricocheted bullet by tank armour drops on the ground with a new hole on his forehead.

Thanks to slow moving but heavily armoured tank Di-Cokka. Vorg was happy that he is able to move the same speed as soldiers but at the same time witnessing the number of enemies increasing and artillery shell hitting even closer for each minute, he wished this tank drive a little bit faster.

Then when lab 4 was only a few meters from them Vorg's fear became a reality.


An artillery shell hit Di-Cokka's side with a huge explosion blasting off tank's side skirt at the same time a cloud of black smoke begun to rise from tank's engine and tank became completely quiet.

Seeing Di-Cokka incapacitated by artillery and incoming vehicles, Balor decides logical choice leave the Di-Cokka along with soldiers. He knows more than half of the soldiers who using Di-Cokka as a cover is injured or disabled soldiers come from the military hospital.

"Move!" Hearing just one-word from Balor, Vorg and others understood Balor decides to leave them. The group of Vorg were depressed, they wanted to curse, but they had no way to change the situation.

Suddenly Vorg noticed a cloud of smoke coming from below of the tank. Then he remembers that escape hatch that tanks have.

"I think the previous hit took out the crew. If anyone of you wants to live then cover me while I enter the tank through the escape hatch to check the crew." Quickly Vorg spoke.

A man with one arm said to Vorg, "Can you really do it? Even just second we want to live longer."

Vorg lands on the ground from his wheelchair and said, "Die in one second, die after one hour, in the end, we die it is the same thing. Why not try to believe in something ?"

Hearing the man on wheelchair saying people weighed the pros and cons and decided to try man's ides because they only need to provide support and other things entirely fall on this man's shoulder.

"Okay, Okay we got nothing to lose." Soldiers said began to opens fire against incoming regular army soldier forcing them to seek a cover. Using this moment, Vorg crawled under the Di-Cokka, found hatch without any cover.

Entering thought hatch Vorg saw all four dead people with a body full of holes. While trying to reach the driver seat, he found pieces of shotgun cartridge mixed with parts of some kind of equipment.

"F*ck!" Vorg cursed his bad luck. It was clear that by sole blind luck artilery shell stuck thumb sized shotgun port of tank. As result shotgun shell exploding inside the tank killing entire crew.

After obtaining some information about how to move the tank from a driver who died while holding two handles and his foot on something similar to gas pedal found in a car.

"To think the first thing I drive in my second is life tank." not knowing whether to laugh or cry Vorg took driver seat.