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End of Act 1:  Tale of the Fox, the Darkness in the Light, and Shadows Unknown


“I don’t understand!! Why are you even here?! You won’t even explain anything, even a month later!”

“Not until you accept the conditions under which I will divulge everything.”

“You are MY prisoner! You don’t get to make demands with me!”


“...And back to silence, are you? Typical. You are less a Goddess of Truth and more one who withholds all truths.”

“...I am sorry.”

“You…! You don’t get to say things with such sincerity, not to me!”

“Please… I wish to trust again, and for you to trust me.”

“...You speak empty nonsense.”

“I can and will speak more than my feelings. Will you accept my conditions?”

“Cease at once!”

“We are not enemies, Inkton. Far from it, we should be the dearest of friends--”

“SILENCE!! Do not speak to me of friends! You are my family’s greatest enemy, and you have been for millennia! What nonsense is this, the dearest of friends?!”

“Just as Penny and I were.”



“...Fine. I accept your conditions. Speak to me of the forgotten one.”

“Then I must ask but one thing of you…”


Beginning of Act 2: Tale of the Cat, the Light in the Darkness, and Specters Untold


Thus, Ascension: Tales of Twin Tails' first act has resolved. Thank you so, so much to all of you, every single one of you! Thank you for every comment, every favourite, for every moment y'all took out of your lives to read our silly little story! This has been our first foray into...putting our work on display in any capacity, really, and we could never have imagined having more than a few readers, if any, so the fact that you're all still here, reading the work we put our heart and souls into means the entire world to us! So thank you again, to all of you supporting us, to everyone who has inspired us to write in the first place, then keep on writing, because nothing has ever felt more right than letting our heart speak through this story of gay trans cat burglars, and their many magical hijinks. Ascension will be going on an estimated month or two hiatus, basically however long it takes for us to create a buffer we feel comfortable with, after which, Act 2 will begin, and the many remaining mysteries of this story will begin to unravel. We hope to continue to entertain all of you with this story, perhaps even make you feel something that makes you feel really nice and fuzzy! We keep saying it, but it's hard to express just how grateful we are for all of you and how much we appreciate you all, so thank you! From the both of us, from the bottom of our heart!