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A bit extra: This started out years ago as I thought of a fantasy world where powerful beings upheld the law. I was getting bullied at school and that lead to me planning out this in my spare time. My friend told me to start telling the story of the "Sacred Guardians", once called "Project Avalon" and here it is.

A landscape of emptiness. Before the creation of the world, it was all that could be seen. Yet, out of such a blanket of darkness, a rainbow light flickered, then pierced through. It raged into a blazing flame which burned more intensely with each passing second.

It would soon bring about the birth of the world.

Two beings of immense power fought. A battle between ‘Gods of Gods’ and, soon, it would end.

Lord Atem, the creator of the universe and the being bather in the radiance of a rainbow flame, fought to bring about a world’s creation. Lord Dark, hellbent ruler of absolute darkness, fought to stop or bring it to its knees. Atem desired a balanced world, one of good, but also of evil. Dark wished for nothing more than death, destruction, and a land void of light.

The world would remember their names.

The battle raged for what seemed like an eternity. Neither backed down as their prides refused them of such a thing. A duel that would settle with only one true victor, and no one left unscathed.

Mustering all of his remaining  strength, Atem’s divine sword glowed as he trusted, piercing through the physical form of evil. Yet, he didn’t win without worry, as Dark inflicted a wound that would kill his opponent over time. Such was the cruel design of his. Impaled and half standing, with eyes reflecting his powers, he spoke these words of malice to Atem:

“Atem. . .you may think you’ve won this conflict of ours, but to believe such a thing is to error. My malice is never-ending! My hunger shall never die! I will soon consume the inhabitants of sins!”

He coughed black blood tinted crimson but, even as he struggled impaled, he continued his speech.

“I am immortal as you are, I will return from the absolute abyss. For this is my promise to you. . .you whose power rivals that of my own.” He chuckled as he grinned. “Let’s see who wins this game of chess, shall we? Your rainbow of light or my crimson darkness as the world dances to the sweet tune of despair.”

And yet, hearing all of this, Atem gazed at Dark with sadness shadowing his face. Both of their eyes crossed. Dark’s fully inhuman and divine, while Atem left a part of humanity in his right eye—azure like a sky—his left glowing the color of a rainbow.

He couldn’t allow Dark’s threats, not while he still breathed.

“There will always be someone to put an end to your tyranny.” He breathed as pushed his sword further into the being, feeling his strength already beginning to leave him. “This cruel injury will, for certain, kill me in time. Yet, I will reincarnate as many times as are required, for I have made you such a promise as well.”

Dark saw eyes filled with resolve, and heard words spoken with confidence, as his grin grew darker in nature. Then. He disappeared from the emptiness as a power equal to his own engulfed his form, burning a bright rainbow.

Atem stared into the void of the starry sky and spoke with a heavy heart.

“Dark. . .do you know what I have figured out? There is no such thing as a true immortal. There is simply two beings who refuse to pass on in the end. For such is the life of the ‘Truly Divine’.”

In the legends of old, a group made themselves known as ‘The Sacred Guardians’. Their goal? To uphold the law, keep the realms in check, and stop Dark’s army of Darkgress. If the world tittered on the edge of collapse, they stood their best to steady it.


Ina  village surrounded by a lush forest, the night was cold. The only sound that of the gentle breeze.

Inside a house, a boy slept restlessly, events repeating within his mind. They were dreams. Dreams that frightened the boy, a growing fear building within his heart. In the land of his unconsciousness, looking into a broken mosaic, he saw a child. Yet it puzzled him as that was himself, younger. A newborn loved by all.

The bed shook as he awoke, sweat riddling his figure. His harsh, hurried breaths fell as he covered his left eye and laid back down to ponder his thoughts.

‘Just what was that. . .? Are these my dreams or my memories? Do they belong to someone else?’

The thoughts lingered on through the silence of the night. Laying there, he hadn’t yet realized that his peaceful life was ending.

A chess game had begun with him as the main piece upon the board.

'Plot by Lord Atem, Written by LotsChrono'