CH-6 A run in of the Ancient kind
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I am off to the town of Nipton, from what I heard it was not a nice place but there was nots of trade and general business there that attracted a lot of attention which is why its strange that it went silent so suddenly.

I make my down the hill again like I have been doing walk past all the trucks and burned out cars the works, I head straight instead of turning towards the gas station this time and head right down the road towards the lake of sand on the only road to Nipton.

As I'm walking I duck down off the side of the road as I see two groups that don't look so friendly staring each other down from across the street the first group of five Ladies wearing mostly leather or just regular clothes while the other group of Six they don't look so different besides that fact one has Metal armor on.

I sneak closer to the buildings they are yelling at each other but i can't really understand them so I get closer and I get just behind the group using the buildings as cover and can hear them clearly now.

"We want you and your Girls off our turf before we have to get messy you hear me this is your final chance!" -Metal Raider
The MR's Men start drawing their weapons a few submachine guns and pistols and start brandishing them or taking aim.

"Yeah and I told you to shove your your Tin Can up your ass and beat it!"-Female raider
They start grabbing their weapons and taking aim from the broken windows except the Raider leader, two pistols and two rifles.

For a moment the world must have stood still for them before the MR raised his hand and went to speak.
"We give you by tomorrow if you are still here when me and the rest of my men arrive we will!- "-MR
Strangely it seems a rifle shot from 'nowhere' and hit the MR in the shoulder which caused both groups of Raiders to start panic firing at each other, I wonder where it came from, oh wait it was me!.

The female raider pulled out a box of grenades and started chucking as the other group started scrambling for cover behind smaller ruins and burned out cars but a shot at her wrist from VATS causes her to throw a Grenade short onto two of her Girls and a shot from the metal raider through her head ends her life mid second throw.

Its mostly a shootout from there as I don't want them to notice that all the mysterious shots come from my direction.

its three down on both sides the two girls left from the all girl group have decent cover and have been firing potshots at the MR group, one of the raiders was killed from the grenade throws while the others where just wounded by them but where mostly out of it.

They had managed not to get killed by just slipping their guns around the corners of cover and blind firing but the MR got tired of that and ordered his remaining men to just storm in and kill them.

Which they do the MR and two others charge into the building and beat them to death with their weapons pretty brutal but atleast they did not see me while they where doing it since the back of the building was wide open, after they finish making sure all of them where finished off the three of them exit the building and start heading back two the others.

"Good even if they where small i would rather have these pests dealt with then having them become a problem in the future, you will be rewarded for your usefulness after we return to camp now lets get to- "-MR
Suddenly one of the raiders next to the MR jumped on his back and started trying to strangle him with their rifle while the others just watch but he knocks him off of him, he goes to shoot him but then the other Raider next to him wraps his elbow around his neck into a chokehold and the first raider grabs MR by the legs dragging him down and the second snaps his neck.

"Oh now the boss was killed by these pesky turf snatchers such a shame"-Raider 1
He looks at the rest of the wounded raiders around him while shrugging.
"Guess we just have to vote for a new leader back at base right boys?"-Raider two
The other raiders take a moment to look around before they start making similar comments sharing knowing looks.

These dudes just killed their boss i fell like i just watched a skit and so i take my service rifle and fire two shots into the first raiders back before shifting to the second raider the first one dies as i see a pop up in my vision but the second one takes another shot before going down.

I was about to go finish of the other two wounded hiding behind the car when it suddenly catches fire and explodes killing them which is upsetting as i don't get any EXP, wait i just killed people for almost no reason what the hell is wrong with me!

I mean sure they were raiders but they weren't attacking me i could have just walked behind them while they where yelling and technically i started the fight with them when i shot that dude, Am i gunna go crazy here and just walk around killing people like its nothing one day i don't want that at all.

Anyway loot time!

I Drag all the bodies and weapons into two neat piles to look over, Four of the raider bodies got burnt and shredded up by the car explosion including the MR but not all of him just his legs and back as he was face down when he died but most of his armor did not really fit me as it was really large and would take some time to fit it even with the tools i got and those tools were made for weapons.

The raiders did not have anything really for armor leather jackets and pants and such but did catch my attention was on both of the leaders necks were these necklaces of bottle caps with blue starts on them, in total there were 7 caps i just put them in my inventory maybe they will be useful or worth more.

I take my switchblade and cut off the metal armor gauntlets and remove the helmet from the MR who turned out to be a ghoul the helmet is merely a metal motorcycle helmet with spikes on the top of it the gantlets also have spikes because why not, i look over their weapons and ammo i found another service rifle from the raiders it was painted with pink dripping hearts which i decided to take with me incase mine breaks.

Another raider had a small and skinny rifle using 5.56 as well i put it in my inventory and it was called a 'varmint rifle' it does not look that strong by sight or by name so i decided to take it after i unloaded it of ammo, another thing i took where the 5 grenades left by the Female raider boss.

All the pistols that where here were revolvers and i am not the best with these as they are the type where i have to cock it myself and im not gunna go though that as one it might cause problems in combat if i mess up and im very lazy as the only reason im doing this stuff is because I'm getting paid

Anyway i finish up my looting but setting the bodies on fire with their clothes so that nobody gets loot hungry and i hide the weapons in the dirt of the fallen house incase i need them.

I walk down the street i see the dead body of some random man to the left of the road i thought it was none of my business but i realized that if this dead body right next to the town is not being dealt with then something must of really gone bad, standing at the front gate of the town next to the sign is a man in a blue uniform with a black vest over it.

"Haha man Smell that air!, its so sweet and refreshing don't you wish you could drink it like booze!"-Powder Ganger
He stares at me while going on on this tangent like it was the most important thing in the world.

"Im sorry you going to have to start over what are you going on about?"-Me
"What else could i be talking about i just won the god damn lottery!"-PG

"Im sorry but im not following what's so important about this Lottery that's making you scream to the heavens and in my face?"-Me
He looks like i just insulted his Greater Grandad as i finish speaking.
"What else i just won my life of freedom!, Holy shit smell that crisp air haha!"-PG

"Alright can you tell me what happened here?"-Me
As he said that he just sprinted past me and into the lake of sand towards the Geckos and scorpions, i wonder what his deal was about,
as i walk towards the center of town i can hear it clearly cries of agony and fear i can smell blood in the air and the sight is what is worst of all.

What stands before he is a single street leading to townhall and on the sidewalk in front of every house are crosses on them hang Powder gangers and civilians blood running down their backs and their hands dripping onto the ground at the base of the crosses and slowly creeping towards the street with every drop as they writhe in pain.

along both exits and at the doors to town hall are piles of tires with the bodies of the towns people laying on them the fire had stripped their flesh and scorched their bones and out walks what must be the monsters willing to do this, Several of them wear what could only be Football armor judging by their shoulder pads but some o them wear yellow metal plate armor they have shields mounted on their arms some have rifles on their backs or blades of different sizes.

They seem to be speaking to each other good they don't see me, as i am about to loop back around the corner one in the middle with a hood made from what seems to be a large dog turns and locks eyes with me and he snaps his fingers and all of the others come to attention and when he points he finger at me they start charging towards me and i start running.

"What in the everlasting hell!"-Me