II. On the subject of Lamia reproduction
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CONTENT WARNING: Hypnosis & Cheating Kink


Upon opening the estate doors a pleasant summer breeze brushed my cheek, disheveling my bangs in the process. Isle-de-Lys was a paradise with everlasting summer. It came as no surprise that the main source of income was its booming all-year-round tourism. And the secondary one? Privileged rich people who decided to live their life leisurely in this island utopia. I fit into that second category.
My head turned to shoot a last glimpse into my manor, an expressionless doll standing in it’s entrance hall, now waving me goodbye after his respectful bow and well wishes.
The doors swung shut behind me and I heard the lock fall into place.
‘Now then, that’s my sign to leave.’ I nodded to encourage myself, then set out to leave the gorgeous plaza, and finally passed through the front gate.
As I walked down the street I mentally went through every item I had stored in my leather shoulder bag one last time - Just to make sure nothing had been left behind by accident. I had been rather excited for this one after all. To my relief even my horny brain had been capable of preparing properly. Somehow that came as a surprise to me.


Luckily today’s job was easily reached by foot. After walking down the hill that my neighborhood was on I took the bus from a stop that was nestled at its foot. My heart went out for the service workers who didn’t live on site and had to walk up that slope every morning. It was good exercise I suppose.
As the scenery flew by I reviewed the details I had been given. In a job like mine it was wise to prepare yourself for whatever was to come. My professor at college, a retired professional in my field, had warned us that not all clients might be to our liking. Every race came with their own oddities, some had bodily fluids that might be off-putting to the weaker minded. Not like that was an issue for me. In fact, I readily embraced them. Of course I thought that every manima and beastkin was lovable in their own way. But at the core of it all lie the fact that I wanted to mate with as many different races as possible, the more exotic compared to the human body the better.
I noticed my mind being clouded by arousal and quickly shook it off. For now it was important to focus and review.
My client was of the Lamia tribe. A man, at that. Generally, for 5 women there is 1 man born into the tribe. This rate was said to be even lower in ancient times. Though this one is a city Lamia, who have assimilated rather well, the desert-dwelling tribes have a matriarchal society, while the forest-dwellers don’t live in a society to begin with. What is fascinating is that both have developed a very different approach to their men. While the desert tribes’ queens claim the men for themselves and treat them with respect and love, much like a polyarmorous relationship, the forest huntresses tend to simply approach their men whenever they feel like it, whether their mate is willing or not. The “Forest Thorns”, as they are called, are a rather dangerous bunch.
Both, however, share one mating ritual. When they are about to lay with their chosen mate they cast a magic that was specifically created by their ancestors. Hypnosis. Supposedly none of their men is ever conscious while they lay with each other.
My mind was flooded with knowledge on the subject of Lamia reproduction. And soon enough, the vehicle came to a halt at the stop I had to get off at.
Gathering my bag I got up and out, then took a moment to look about. It was much as I had anticipated when I read the address. Supposedly the area where the Goddess Pandora had presided before ascending to godhood it came as no surprise that this was another one of the most prestigious neighborhoods this island had to offer. A private beach included with every manor. For a moment I thought about moving. Then I remembered the view I had from my office window, as well as the glass-window pool and decided it would not be worth the stress.
Trivial thoughts aside, my client’s home was just up ahead. I passed by rows of blooming red hibiscus until I came to a halt in front of their yard entrance. It featured a driveway, a pair of large-grown fruit trees and a round, large fountain that would occasionally spurt water into the air.

Taking a deep breath I looked down, making sure my outfit was neat and straightened. I had opted for a dress this time. It was made from blood-red silk, skin tight as it hugged my curves. It was tied into a clean bow behind my neck that could be easily undone when the time came. For the final touch, my ample breasts were nearly spilling out of its deep V cleavage, while my bare legs and thick thighs were visible through the high slit.
One thing that was important to note is that the Lamia were a curvaceous folk, this was probably why someone with my body type was sent here in the first place. Humans weren’t the only race where wide hips and abundant curves were synonymous for fertility. In fact, for many manima men it was much more of a subtle, primal instinct. Being picked by, or picking, a mate with curves meant the chance to produce offspring was higher, which in return meant higher arousal and sperm count. Ah, what a beautiful world in which I could go to college solely to fuel my breeding kink.
Now that I had, once more, gotten myself overly excited to the point where I could feel my inner thighs get wet, it was about time I actually approached the front door.
The house’s walls were pure white, and the front door was protected from rain by a protruding roof which was held up by what looked to me like marble pillars. Whoever designed this place had surely been inspired by the temples of eld. It was nothing short of breath-taking.

Ringing the doorbell once I straightened my bangs and waited for the glass-window doors to be opened. It didn’t take long for a lady lamia to arrive, who invited me in with a shining smile. I caught myself staring at her, and for a moment my heartbeat skipped. If she was this gorgeous, surely her son would be as well. The Goddesses had blessed me.
“Oh thank you so much for coming to our humble abode.” Her voice was so mellow that I wished I could simply stay and listen to her all day.
“We appreciate your service so dearly. My name is Rhina Ckharme, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Oh, feel free to call me Rhina.”
Her motherly aura was almost overwhelming. The word ‘MILF’ popped into my mind and I simply couldn’t prompt it to leave.
“The pleasure is mine, Rhina. I’m Historia Lunaris, but it’s alright to call me Historia.” I shook her scale covered hands, the smooth, cool feeling of them sent a pleasant shiver down my spine.
My mind wandered to the things I wish I could do to this woman, but I had to compose myself.
Regaining control of my lesbian MILF fantasies, my brain managed to remember something.
Ckharme, the name had been familiar, and now I knew why. She was a famous opera singer. I wasn’t interested in that sort of entertainment, yet I knew about her - that’s how big she was.
Apart from her beautiful voice, her body was nothing short of stunning. The typical wide curves of a lamia, the sizable, ever so slightly saggy breasts of a mother. And of course, the white and black lower body of a snake. Her body was adorned in rose-golden jewelry, in fact her sheen top was held up by an ornate collar that featured a pink sapphire in the center. Her round face was framed by white scales, and her eyes were of the same soft pink as the gems on her jewelry. Her wavy hair was of a light brown, and there were no bangs that would’ve obstructed the view of the scales growing on her forehead. The shape reminded me of a tiara.
Taking a closer look, her top was made of pastel sheer, giving me a generous look at her breasts before I quickly pulled my gaze away.
Heart pounding heavy in my chest I smiled at the lady in front of me. As if she had guessed what I was about to inquire about, she preemptively answered my question.
“My son is on his way. He insisted on cleaning his room thoroughly. Isn’t he the sweetest?”
Slowly things were falling into place. There was no doubt in my mind. I was called to take this young lamia’s virginity.
“M-mother…!” A slithering noise had announced the boy in question’s arrival, he stood in the wide, open door frame, his gaze averted, a blue blush on his cheeks.
“Oh, there he is~ Well, I will leave you two alone for now.” A low, amused giggle left the songstress’s lips before exiting the room in the direction of the backyard.
With that, it was only the boy and me in the room. It was no secret that he was nervous, if it wasn’t for his posture, the rattling of the tip of his tail gave it all away.
“Would you like to show me your room? I’m Historia, by the way.” I introduced myself with a gentle tone. It wouldn’t do to spook the young man even further.
“I’m… I’m Rhen.” He uttered, his pink eyes looking over for but a split second.
Rhen had inherited his mother’s eyes and love for skimpy fashion, but not much else. His scales were of a deep black, contrasting with his pale skin. His hair was black, though I thought I spotted some light brown roots - It was most likely dyed. His attire reminded me of dancers I had seen on TV before, a black sheer top that was attached to a golden choker. Top was a most generous description, it was more accurate to say that they were two thin sheer straps that covered his nipples and were attached to the collar. For his lower body, he covered himself with a black loincloth which was bordered by a detailed golden design.
Lamia men had retractable genitals, which meant that for the most part, if they were not aroused, they were practically invisible. This was usually handy for them, as they were unable to wear pants. Once someone came up with an abomination that could only be described as a jeans sleeve. Luckily that never became popular. The name alone, ‘Jeave’, sent shudders down my back.
“Please follow me…” His invitation was barely audible, but he started to move and so I followed. We went down a long hallway which had doors left and right of it.
Surely some of these were guest rooms, I thought, just then the boy finally piped up again.
“We tend to get visits from our relatives… They stay in these rooms. M-my room is up ahead.” He felt obligated to explain, probably unaware that my own home was much the same with its countless rooms.
Eventually he stopped in front of a door and opened it for me. The sudden influx of sunlight was almost blinding compared to the wall-lamps’ subtle light. His room looked much more normal than I had expected. Save for the wall that was one huge window, it was just a regular teenager’s room with an oversized bed. Much tidier than mine used to be, but that's besides the point.
“You have a nice room. Must be nice hearing the waves at night.” I complimented, and he simply nodded.
Poor guy was far too nervous.
He slithered towards his bed, yet avoiding eye-contact with me. I quietly shut the door behind me, afraid that the loud clicking of a lock would make Rhen even more ennerved. Then I sat down by his side, a kind smile spread across my lips.
“So, Rhen, surely you know why I am here today, correct?” I tried to approach the subject after a moment of awkward silence.
Another nod. But now, unlike before, he slowly turned his body toward me, his eyes giving me curious glimpses. I could clearly see his eyes wandering lower, and as they did, his loincloth began to move aside slowly but steadily. The young man didn’t seem to notice, his bashful glances had realized something after all.
To confirm his suspicion I crossed my legs, opening my dress’s slit further, revealing my lack of underwear to the boy, as well as my hair-covered pussy. I could see his chest rising up and down slower as more and more of his blue blood wandered down. It didn’t take long before his hemipenis was revealed, which had pushed aside the meek loincloth by now. Finally noticing something was off, his hands rushed to cover himself. My hand came to rest upon his, leaning forward to catch his lost gaze.
“It’s alright dear… Relax.” His pointed, black scale-covered ears perked up as he perceived my voice. His posture eased up noticeably, so much that I could gently move his hands aside.
Like all male lamia, he had a hemipenis. One of the two was more pronounced, while the other one was about one third shorter and a bit thinner than the other one. Both, however, possessed the typical soft barbs. The view alone was enough to let my mind wander, thinking about draining this boy of his undoubtedly large virgin load. But I had to focus.
“Look into my eyes, Rhen.” And like a good boy, he followed my command, his pink gaze meeting my mismatched eyes of blue and brown. “You’re so obedient~ Very good. Would you like me to undress?”
I made sure to speak my proposal softly. I knew he wanted to, but asking was an important part when handling a nervous virgin. The last thing I wanted was to scare him.
Sure enough, he replied with a shy nod. His gaze was fixated on my breasts as I undid the bow of my dress, the silken fabric gliding off my smooth, pale skin, teasing my erect nipples on its way down. Standing up, the rest of my dress simply fell to the ground. I noticed his curious gaze was now focused on my core more than anything. Undoubtedly the scent had made it to his nostrils, his dicks drooling with precum as a result.
“Would you like to kiss it, Rhen~?” His head tilted up to look at me, eyes wide in awe.
“I… I…” He hesitated before continuing. “... have a girlfriend.” He finally confessed, his brows furrowed in distress as his primal urges threatened to overpower him.
“That’s alright, this is different. You really need to mate, don’t you?” I purred. My bare foot came to rest next to his hip, spreading my legs, my pussy’s lips, just enough for him to catch a glimpse at my wet folds.
The young man’s eyes began to look dazed, his members throbbing with how uncomfortable hard they had gotten by now.
“Kiss it, dear.” My command gave him the final push. His mouth came to rest on top of my core, his hands shyly holding onto my soft thighs as his long, split tongue began to lap up my juices.
It was obvious that this was his first time doing anything of the sort, his movement iradical and aiming for nothing in particular other than to drink as much of my wetness as possible.
To praise his actions, I moaned, my hand lovingly petting his head as he continued to eagerly explore what my human body had to offer. It didn’t take long for him to find my entrance, his tongue snaking its way inside. His adorable, clouded pinks gazed up at me, as if asking for more praise.
What a needy boy, I thought, but didn’t deny him.
“Mh~ You’re doing so well Rhen~” His ears perked up at that, and I swore I could hear a joyful rattle of his tail.
But for me, this wasn’t enough. Grabbing a hold of his wavy hair I gently tugged on it until the snake broke out of his trance.
“D-did I do something wrong?” It was almost heartachingly cute how innocently the man asked this.
“No, don’t worry dear… I simply thought it’s time for you to feel pleasure too~ Surely this hurts, doesn’t it?”
My foot was raised, only to gently nudge his erections with my toes. In response, they throbbed, and the poor boy sharply inhaled.
“Do you want me to help you~?”
A nod. But that wasn’t good enough.
“Say please~”
“P-please… This is embarrassing…” The latter was a low mumble, but it wasn’t difficult for me to perceive it.
After putting my foot back down, my hand came to rest on his chin.
I had practiced long and hard for this, after all it was difficult for humans to cast magic while aroused. My other hand, with only my index finger extended, swayed left and right, his eyes automatically drawn to it.
“What are… you…. doinhhh..”
His voice became a slur as the magic took effect of the manima’s brain. It was important to recreate the natural mating ritual, after all. As a professional, I definitely did not take pleasure in hypnotizing a cute man to turn him into a mindless, horny, obedient animal. Definitely not.


Waving in front of his face, I made sure the entrancing magic had worked. It unquestionably had. He had become a sight that I would fantasize about for the nights to come.
Cheeks flush with blue blush, his turquoise tongue sticking out of his panting mouth, his pink, dazed eyes watching me attentively, waiting for my command.
A devilish smile appeared on my glossy lips. Hands planting themselves on his shoulders, I pushed the boy back onto the mattress. Now it was time to fully indulge myself.
Mounting the bed, I straddled the snake’s wide hips, my gaping hole touching the larger one of his barbed cock’s tip. His fluids mixed with mine as I lowered and raised myself, his dick barely going into my entrance before getting pulled out once more. I could hear the boy moaning with pleasure, who was passively watching as I toyed with him.
I had never been a patient woman, and so my patience grew thin. Letting his cock gently kiss my entrance for the last time, I aligned myself right and took him in. The barbs caressed my insides tenderly, while I felt his other tip prod my other entrance. Grabbing and holding it steady, I lowered my hips further until I took his other cock in my behind. His precum was enough lubrication to make it enter smoothly and enjoyably.
For a moment I came to a halt, taking in the feeling of having both my needy holes filled out completely by one man. Then, I began to move. It felt so good that I was afraid my mind would simply melt from the pleasure. His barbs brushed and stimulated all the right spots, and whenever I took him in completely, my moist clit rubbed up against the smooth scales that covered his pubic area.
To make this complete, the teenager’s moans were utterly adorable, his hips even beginning to move with nothing short of a breeding wish. With my hypnosis he had been reduced to his primal instincts, and that was to pleasure his mate, but more importantly, to treasure the opportunity and pass down his genes.
Inside of me I felt his cocks trembling, surely he was getting close to cumming.
Once more a dangerous smirk appeared on my lips. I, myself, had some primal urges, and that was to be the dominant woman. To be burned into his memory. And so, with a snap of my fingers, the boy came to, looking at me in awe as I rocked up and down on him.
“Do you want to cum inside~?”
A loud moan as his cock hit my deepest spot.
“Y… ye-aahh…”
He couldn’t speak properly, his sloppy response was interrupted by more and more desperate panting and moaning.
“Oh~? Do you want to pass down your genes~? I’m not your girlfriend, you know~?”
It didn’t seem like he cared anymore. His hips were moving clumsily along with me, trying to hit as close to my womb as possible.
“P-please.. I want… to angh~”
That was good enough for me. With a last praise, I sped up my movement, tightening my walls around him further.
“Cum inside, Rhen.”
This time, my voice was a command. A command he happily obliged, shooting his load into a much older partner, a human one at that.
With his warm seed spreading inside of me, I, too, was pushed over the edge, letting out a deep moan as pleasure washed over me.

The room was silent save for the heavy ticking of the grandfather clock, as well as the clicking of my fingers typing away a report of what had transpired by the oceanside mansion today.
A satisfied smile was painted on my lips as I felt my thighs dripping with the thick seed of the inexperienced lamia.
For a moment I paused, looking up from the glowing screen at the presence that had approached. The scent of tea tickled my nostrils and before long a cup of freshly brewed tea was placed by my laptop’s side.
Ernest lived to please. He was a doll with but a single purpose, to serve my family for all eternity. Supposedly he had been created long before Pandora’s box was opened. Details were scarce, most likely lost to the sands of time by now. Yet, I couldn’t deny I was curious about his origins. The circumstances of his creation, why he had been bound to my bloodline for millenia.
Without us, was he doomed to aimlessly wander Eden, or fall apart like a marionette whose strings had been severed?
I am sure that somewhere in my family’s past lied a secret that was untold of. It wasn’t uncommon to sweep dark history under the rug and I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eyes.
In front of me stood the lorekeeper of my family, his sapphire eyes glancing at me with the usual empty expression, lit by the moonlight shining through the window behind me.
What an eerie sight. What memories were you hiding, Ernest?
A chuckle left my lips. I suppose my mystery loving mind got the better of me.
“Thank you for the tea, Ernest. You’re always so mindful~”
A short sip of the hot beverage revealed that it was not some tea that had been randomly picked, no. It was my go-to for a night of report writing. A blend of mint and black tea.
The puppet gave a polite bow.
“O-of course mistress. If it is alright with you, I shall sit down while you work.”
“Feel free to.”
There was no reason to be so stiff. When it came down to it, we were friends before master and servant. Still I found it oddly charming how his behavior had changed after I grew up. And I wouldn’t deny that it was pleasurable, being called mistress by someone as cute as him.
‘I wonder how old his spirit is...’
Discarding the thought I shook my head, returning my focus on the task at hand - finishing this report so I could have a day of relaxation tomorrow.

From the corner of my eyes I could see the manservant sit still on the, for him, oversized chair, inanimate like he was but a luxurious toy. And somehow, this aura of his was more soothing than anything else.



A race of serpentine women and men. It is important to distinguish between three subspecies.

The desert-dwelling tribes, the Desert Flowers, are a matriarchal society that reveres a queen. As is tradition, all men born are to be the queen’s romantic and sexual partners. This includes the queen’s own sons. Unlike with humans, there is no scientifically proven detriment to a child born from a union between lamia mother and son.
While rare, it occasionally happens that a lamia woman splits from her tribe of origin together with a man stolen from the queen.

The forest-dwelling tribes, the Forest Thorns, are a society of huntresses. They live together in small groups of 3-5 women. It is rare for a man to earn the right to live with a group, so they mostly spend their time living alone. When it is time to mate, the women will hunt down a suitable mate and hypnotize him, then breed with him until they are satisfied.

Finally, the city-dwelling Lamias are either forest thorns or desert flowers who have assimilated into society. While they adjusted mostly fine, it is not uncommon for them to continue their respective tribe’s tradition.
The forest-dwellers in particular are under careful watch of most governments, and once mating season comes around certain ‘professionals’ are sent to take care of their needs.

The lamia in this chapter were a family of desert flowers whose ancestors have left behind their tribal roots. However, it seems that certain traditions still remain ingrained in the family’s bloodline. Good luck, Rhen!